A Comprehensive Guide to Austenesque Novels – Pride and Prejudice (2011)


~ 2011 ~

*The titles that have highlighted links are the ones I have read and reviewed on this blog

**This list is in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name


The Truth About Mr. Darcy by Susan Adriani © 2011 (originally published as Affinity and Affection in 2008)   V   MA

The Ballad of Gregoire Darcy by Marsha Altman © 2011   S  MC

The Mistress’s Black Veil by M. K. Baxley © 2011   V  MA

– The Deception at Lyme: Or, The Peril of Persuasion by Carrie Bebris  © 2011  MY   

Caroline Bingley by Jennifer Becton © 2011   S  MC

The Ruling Passion by Linda Berdoll  © 2011   S  MA

An Unpleasant Walk by C. Rafe Carlson © 2011  V

Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy by Barbara Tiller Cole © 2011   V   MA   N

Lost Along the Way by Rebecca Cooper-Thurman © 2011   M

He Taught Me to Hope by P. O. Dixon © 2011    V

What He Would Not Do: Mr. Darcy’s Tale Continues by P. O. Dixon © 2011  S   MA

Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg © 2011  M   YA

Pies and Prejudice by Heather Vogel Frederick © 2011  YA

Wickham’s Diary by Amanda Grange © 2011  APV   PR   N   MC

Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman by Maria Hamilton © 2011   V

An Arranged Marriage by Jan Hahn © 2011   V

An Unforgiving Temper by Gail Head © 2011   V

Guardian (The Guardian Trilogy Book 1) by Robin Helm © 2011  AI   P

Soul Fire (The Guardian Trilogy Book 2) by Robin Helm  © 2011  AI   P

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After by Steve Hockensmith © 2011   S   P

Pride and Popularity by Jenni James  © 2011  M   YA

Death Comes to Pemberley by P. D. James © 2011  S   MY

Christmas at Pemberley by Regina Jeffers © 2011  S

His Good Opinion by Nancy Kelley  © 2011  APV

Experience by Meg Kerr © 2011   S

Miss Darcy Falls in Love by Sharon Lathan © 2011  S   MC

The Trouble with Mr. Darcy by Sharon Lathan © 2011   S   MA

Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik  © 2011    YA

Only Mr. Darcy Will Do by Kara Louise © 2011   V

Pemberley Celebrations by Kara Louise © 2011   S   SS

Mr. Darcy’s Proposal by Susan Mason-Milks © 2011   V

Mr. Darcy’s Secret by Jane Odiwe © 2011   S

Pride and Prejudice: The Wild and Wanton Edition by Jane Austen and Michelle Pillow © 2011   PA  MA

Pride and Prejudice: the Jewess and the Gentile by Lev Raphael © 2011  R

A Pemberley Medley by Abigail Reynolds © 2011  N   V   MA

Mr. Darcy’s Letter by Abigail Reynolds © 2011   V

Mr. Darcy’s Undoing by Abigail Reynolds © 2011 (previously published as Without Reserve in 2007)  V   MA

What Would Mr. Darcy Do? by Abigail Reynolds © 2011 (previously published as From Lambton to Longbourn in 2008)  V

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star by Heather Lynn Rigaud © 2011   M   MA

Mr. Darcy Goes Overboard by Belinda Roberts © 2011  (previously published as Prawn and Prejudice in 2009)   M   YA

The Journals of Thomas Bennet by Lynne Robson © 2011  PR   N   MC

The Unexpected Miss Bennet by Patrice Sarath © 2011   S  MC

A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park by Mary Simonsen © 2011   V   N

A Wife for Mr. Darcy by Mary Simonsen © 2011   V

Becoming Elizabeth Darcy by Mary Simonsen © 2011   TT   M

Darcy on the Hudson by Mary Simonsen © 2011   V

For All the Wrong Reasons by Mary Simonsen © 2011   V   N

Mr. Darcy’s Angel of Mercy by Mary Simonsen © 2011   V   N

Mr. Darcy’s Bite by Mary Simonsen © 2011  R   P

The Perfect Bride for Mr. Darcy by Mary Simonsen © 2011   V

Promises by Wendi Sotis © 2011   V   MA

Pride and Prejudice Hidden Lusts by Mitzi Szereto © 2011  MA  R

Finding Mr. Darcy by Tina Treglown © 2011   M

Darcy and Fitzwilliam by Karen Wasylowski © 2011   S   MA  MC

Fitzwilliam Darcy: An Honorable Man by Brenda Webb © 2011  V

The Only Way: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice by Ola Wegner © 2011  V   MA 

Rocks in the Stream by Lewis Whelchel © 2011   V

Colonel Fitzwilliam’s Correspondence by D. W. Wilkin © 2011  S  MC

Every Savage Can Reproduce by Enid Wilson © 2011   V  MA

Mr. Darcy Vibrates by Enid Wilson © 2011   MA   SS

The Darcys of Pemberley by Shannon Winslow © 2011   S


V – Variation
MA – Mature Audience
S – Sequel
MC – Minor Character
N – Novella
PR – Prequel
SS – Short Story
R – Retelling
P – Paranormal
TT – Time Travel
YA – Young Adult
M – Modern Adaptation
PA – Parody
MY – Mystery
APV – Alternate Point-of-View
AI – Austen-Inspired Original


Which novels have you read in 2011? 

Any recommendations? 

Any on your TBR list?


  1. What a great post! May I link to it from my blog in an upcoming post? I intend to list the Austenesque novels I have read during my two year quest to read nothing but Austen-inspired literature.

  2. This was a big year. I went through that list and counted only 10 that I had read. I have several on my wish list and one in my TBR pile.

    Thanks for the great reference list!

  3. Hi there, seems to have been quite an active Jane Austen inspired year. I did read one book that I did not find (or did I not spot it?) on here and that is the very cute and lovely ‘Prom & Prejudice’ by Elizabeth Eulberg. Did find out by the use of Twitter and did order it right away even when I knew it was rather written for youngsters. But I did find a very refreshing and I do think/hope that the younger generation might get into the originals after reading this one. I did already made others read it an most of them did like it a great deal. One even said:’You wish that the story could go on and on forever!’. And that is what I did think when I finished ‘Pride&Prejudice’ at the time. So I guess deserves to be mentioned. Meredith, thank you for keerping the Jane Austen spirit alive and kicking and hopefully we keep up our pen pal commitment. Caroline X

  4. Thanks for this compilation – I was really happy that there are several books I hadnt heard of before! Ive read 25 on the list and have several more on my TBR list. Of the ones Ive read, the only one I was disappointed with was P&P:The Wild and Wanton edition, just because it was too much quoting JA and not enough original material. But that’s just MHO, of course.

  5. When you update your database – can you reference your ‘star’ rating along with the genre? I really depend on your reviews, and I know that it’ll help me when I’m choosing which books to download on my Kindle next.

    Great job, Meredith – how many hours a week do you put into the blog? I do love writing, but I’m not disciplined enough to do it consistently!

  6. Meredith, I love your reviews and feel I can trust them. They are fair & honest. My goal is to write quality & respectable reviews like yours. Thank you for all the time, effort, & energy you put into your blog. It is one of my favorites! I read 28 books off this list. Hopefully this year I can add a few more!

  7. Thanks for your list, Meredith and for the keys to the novels. I like having access to that especially. I have read several on your list and some of them more than once. I read one since seeing it on your list and have added several to my TBR list! (I am eagerly waiting for some of the new 2012 releases.) I value your reviews as they are a good guide for my list. Thanks again for all your work and for this blog. Hope you have a fantastic year.

  8. Hi, Meredith. Thanks for the list; it’s amazing. Just thought I’d let you know that I also published SoulFire in 2011. It’s also a paranormal variation. It came out in December, making that grand total 60!

  9. I’m sorry, Meredith. I just went back through the list and I saw SoulFire. I tried to remove my post, but I’m technically challenged and cannot figure out how to do it. You may remove both of the posts if you wish to do so.

  10. No worries, Robin! I have it listed by author instead of by title. Probably should have said that somewhere! So happy to have your books on the list this year, Robin! I hope to read them soon!

  11. I sure have my work cut out for me. What a time to take a hiatus from my Austenesque reading. I feel entirely out of date. This list will be very helpful in my attempts to catch up. As always, this resource is invaluable. Thanks so much for all your hard work!

  12. I’m just overwhelmed by all the kinds words many of you have left on this post! Thank you so much for dropping by and boosting my confidence! I’m just grinning ear to ear! Thank you sooooo much everyone! Running this blog has been so fulfilling and rewarding! I love meeting all these wonderful Austenesque readers!

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