Hello readers! I’m very excited to be participating in The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy Blog Tour and to be able to welcome author Beau North and Brooke West to Austenesque Reviews today! It sounds like Mr. Darcy finds himself in an extraordinary situation in this Pride and Prejudice variation! I can’t wait to read it myself! Today Beau and Brooke share a scene from their new release to whet your appetite!
First, we’d like to thank Meredith and Austenesque Reviews for being a part of our blog tour. We’re so looking forward to discussing this with you all in the comments! To give a little set up for this excerpt, we join Mr. Darcy in London in the months after his departure from Hertfordshire. He has been trying valiantly to forget a certain lady he met in Meryton, with very limited success. Unfortunately for him, he happens upon one of the few people who know him well enough to see through his pretenses—his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam. His friendship with Colonel Fitzwilliam (here named Robert) is one of the more important relationships in his life, and their connection will be very important to Darcy further along in the story. We hope you enjoy!
Darcy’s mouth compressed into a grim line as the ball hit the floor with a loud clack.
“You have fouled again, my boy,” Admiral Bridgewater said with a chuckle. “I recall you being more adept at billiards than this! But…it has been a long war.”
Darcy stood to his full height, a head taller than the weather-beaten admiral, before giving an elegant bow.
“Another game?” the admiral asked eagerly.
“I think not,” Darcy said with a terse smile. “You will empty my till yet.”
The admiral smiled and nodded his head graciously.
True to his word, Darcy spent the better part of his day at Boodle’s after a mill at Jackson’s. Bingley had not shown up, and Darcy could only feel relief. His relief was short-lived, as he heard a familiar voice calling his name.
“Darcy! There you are, you scoundrel!” His cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam approached him with a sunny smile on his face. Darcy cursed his luck. There were two people who had a way of seeing through his pretenses: one was his housekeeper Mrs. Reynolds and the other was the man now striding towards him.
“Fitzwilliam, it has been far too long,” he said with a bow.
The colonel rolled his eyes. “Always so blasted formal. Are you going home for dinner?”
“I thought I might dine here.”
“Excellent! I shall join you if you want for company.”
“On my account, I suppose?” Darcy asked with a lazy grin.
Fitzwilliam dismissed him with a wave. “Oh come now, Darcy, you love paying my way. It keeps the distinction of rank preserved.”
“From Her Ladyship’s lips to your ears it would seem,” Darcy said with a chuckle. “Very well, I hope you are in the mood for dreadful beefsteak.”
Fitzwilliam laughed, his eyes twinkling. “Ah but you forget, Cousin, the Regulars do not have the benefit of a fine French chef. Dreadful beefsteak is divine when a poor soldier can get it.”
Darcy scoffed and shook his head. A footman led them to a comfortable table, tucked away in the corner of the room where he could observe all of its occupants. Brandy was served. Darcy made a show of studying the amber liquid, pointedly not looking at his cousin.
“Are we to have no conversation then?” Fitzwilliam asked testily. Darcy faltered for a moment, a sudden pain lancing through his chest. I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. He could almost see the flinty spark of her eyes. He cleared his throat, locking that memory away in the confines of his heart.
“My apologies, I was woolgathering.”
Fitzwilliam nodded, his cool blue eyes cutting through Darcy’s distracted façade. “I stopped by Darcy House today. Georgiana told me I might find you here.”
“Oh?” Darcy asked, keeping his expression impassive. Fitzwilliam narrowed his eyes at him.
“Oh, hang it, man! The poor girl is worried. Even I can tell you are distressed.”
“She need not bother. As you can see I am very well.”
“I see nothing of the kind! Though I can say I believe I know the source of your trouble.”
Darcy’s brow rose. “Please, enlighten me, Cousin.”
Fitzwilliam’s lips twisted into a knowing smile. “Trouble with the fairer sex, I expect.”
Darcy harrumphed but said nothing, his silence confirmation enough. Fitzwilliam sat back in his chair, pleased with himself.
“Crossed in love, are you? Or perhaps you have been too long without having your chimney swept.”
“And your chimney is swept too often, you poxy goat,” Darcy said through clenched teeth.
Fitzwilliam grinned, his shoulders shaking in sudden mirth. “Come now, perhaps it is time you visited Mrs. Easton’s establishment. You know she is always of the utmost discretion.”
“Unlike yourself,” Darcy said. “I can assure you I need no such…guidance from you.”
“Suit yourself. Perhaps our aunt will finally convince you to marry Anne.”
Darcy’s brow rose. “Do you think that likely?” A footman appeared with their food, quieting the colonel, who tucked in immediately. Darcy had never been so relieved to see Boodle’s dreadful beefsteak.
About the Authors
Beau North is the author of Longbourn’s Songbird and a contributor to the anthology Then Comes Winter. Beau is a native southerner who now calls Portland, Oregon home with her husband and two cats. She attended the University of South Carolina where she began a lifelong obsession with Literature. In her spare time, Beau is the brains behind Rhymes With Nerdy, a pop culture podcast and website, and a contributor at the San Francisco Book Review.
Brooke West is a contributing author to the anthology Then Comes Winter. Brooke has a naturally creative soul that pulls her into myriad artistic endeavors. While writing fiction always has been her life’s passion, Brooke also finds joy in silversmithing, sculpting, and costuming. Between projects, she runs and practices yoga. She lives in South Carolina with her husband, son, and three cats.
Thank you, Beau and Brooke! I love seeing relationships like this where Colonel Fitzwilliam isn’t fooled by Darcy’s protestations! A true friend knows the truth when you try to lie. 🙂 I wonder if Darcy will open up to Colonel Fitzwilliam?
Connect with Beau
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Connect with Brooke
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Beau North and Brooke West are generously giving away 8 copies of The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy in conjunction with this blog tour!! Woot woot! Commenting and entering through the rafflecopter widget on this blog enters you in a chance to win! (US winners can choose paperback or ebook, international winners will receive ebooks. Up to 4 paperback winners only.)
Beau and Brooke are having a fun little vote for your favorite would-be Mr. Darcy. For readers who wish to vote in our The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy contest, the choices are shown below.

There is a lovely grand prize for one lucky person too!
- A paperback copy of Then Comes Winter by Meryton Press, edited by Christina Boyd
- A paperback copy of The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Beau North and Brooke West
- A paperback copy of Longbourn’s Songbird by Beau North
- A $15 Amazon Gift Card
- Assorted Jane Austen postcards and Pride and Prejudice Post-ots by Girl of All Work
To vote for your favorite image of Fitzwilliam Darcy from the images shown above, go to The Many Faces of Fitzwilliam Darcy Contest Link. The winning image and the winner will be announced on October 20, 2016, at our last blog stop, So Little Time… So Much to Read.
Thank you to Claudine Pepe, Beau North, and Brooke West for making this blog tour possible!
October 8 ~ My Jane Austen Book Club
October 9 ~ Just Jane 1813
October 10 ~ Pemberley to Milton
October 11 ~ A Covent Garden Madame Gilflurt’s Guide to Life
*October 12 ~ Austenesque Reviews*
October 13 ~ Margie’s Must Reads
October 14 ~ Babblings of a Bookworm
October 15 ~ The Calico Critic
October 16 ~ Obsessed with Mr. Darcy
October 17 ~ Diary of an Eccentric
October 18 ~ My Kids Led Me Back to Pride and Prejudice
October 19 ~ More Agreeably Engaged
October 20 ~ So Little Time… So Much to Read
I am so tempted by this book but I will wait a little longer and hope that I win a copy. I enjoyed the film Groundhog Day and really look forward to see how this story works out. I really feel for Darcy in the bits I’ve read and I really look forward to reading your review Meredith.
Confession: I’ve never seen Groundhog Day! But I really like the concept of it. 🙂 Best of luck in the giveaway Glynis!
Thank you for hosting this excerpt, Meredith. I hope your readers enjoy this little taste of the story!
Thank you, Claudine! I’m so happy to have had the opportunity to participate in this tour!
Oh my goodness, the Colonel is really giving it to Darcy straight, isn’t he? But it does seem that he has Darcy’s best interests at heart (we hope).
This becomes more and more intriguing as the days go by.
Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Meredith! It’s always a delight to be here. Is it terrible that I read my own words above and laughed? Anyone who knows me knows what a fangirl I am for the colonel! His relationship with Darcy was such a treat to write in this book.
Thank you for the lovely visit, Beau!! It is great to know you laugh at your own words! I can imagine you read this scene a hundred times, so if it still strikes you as funny that is a very good sign! Can’t wait to see more of Colonel Fitzwilliam in this story!
All of them are devastatingly handsome and brooding, but I think I like Eduardo best. Darcy is jut the person, who could benefit from Groundhog Day experience. Looking forward to reading this book.
He is dreamy, isn’t he? I can see all of them playing Darcy in their own way. Richard is very brooding, Matt is very cool, and Eduardo seems to be the romantic one to me. *sigh* how to choose???
Can’t wait for you to read it too Meredith!
I like any of those Darcys. Any. All work for me.
Meredith should receive her copy in a few days 🙂
Woot woot! Can’t wait! 😀
I love variations with scenes where the men let loose and get a little salty with each other. It’s such a delicious contrast to the parlor manners of their wider social interactions. I totally fangirl the colonel too. Poor Darcy doesn’t stand a chance with him!
No, never! 🙂
I read this and posted a review – loved it. I am sure all will enjoy this book.
Thank you so much for all of your support (and your beautiful review!)
Intriguing idea & I can’t wait to read this.
P&P variations are my very favorite JAFF!
I hope you like it!
Ooooo, I want this book! Still trying to win a copy! 🙂
Loved the excerpt! The “chimney swept” made me laugh.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Good Luck, Pam!
Love the characterization of Col F! What a great character.
Thanks! He’s a favorite of mine 🙂
I’ve got it on my Kindle Unlimited and just have to get through my college finals to get to it. I’m really looking forward to it. Lovely concept!!!
Oh my, good luck with finals! We hope you enjoy the book!
What a fascinating excerpt!! Darcy and the dear Colonel having a heart to heart…..or rather Darcy enduring a grilling at the hands of his dear cousin!
Must say I’m so looking forward to reading this one.
Thanks to all concerned for the chance to win.
Hope the book is well received!!
Thanks Mary! Good luck!
‘re the choice of Darcy Beau go with romantic – definitely romantic (he looks passionate too!!!)
Poor Darcy tries to be nonchalant and hide his turmoil from the Colonel but the Colonel will have none of it! Thank you for the chance to win an e-book! Now on to vote!
Good Luck Carole! Thanks for stopping by!
I think Richard looks the most like our ‘brooding Darcy’! Love the Colonel. Good luck with the finals StephanieL.
I am very intrigued by this book. I like the excerpt! and those possible Darcys are really handsome, difficult to choose but I will pick Richard Madden. 😉 (I have already voted on the link)
Thanks for the giveaway! Vey generous, indeed!
We hope you like it! There will be more excerpts along the tour 🙂 Good Luck in the drawing!
Read this last weekend and loved it. Puts Darcy through his paces 😀 Congrats Beau and Brooke!
That is always high praise coming from you, Karen! Thanks so much!
I have no doubt that Colonel Fitzwilliam will find out anything from Darcy. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.
Their Colonel Fitz is so good. He makes me smile every time he’s in a scene.
You’ll love this one, Meredith! Look forward to your thoughts on it.
Awesome, Sophia! Thanks so much! I’m so glad to hear that!
I enjoyed Longbourn’s Songbird and I’m excited to read this one!
Longbourns songbird was amazing so I have high hopes for this one 🙂
^ I agree and feel the same! 🙂
Sounds so interesting! I am going to need a copy! Thanks for the chance.
Love this book!!
Oh I am so.looking forward to reading!
What een interesting concept! I would love to read this story since I very much enjoyed Longbourn’s songbird which I was lucky enough to win in a giveaway here last year! Would definitely be a great way to fill the hours my newborn baby is sleeping for the remainder of my maternity leave 😉
Oh yay! Glad to hear you enjoyed Longbourn’s Songbirds! 🙂
Love the idea of this, can’t wait to read it! I do love Col. Fitzwilliam
Love Col Fitzwilliam, always able to figure Darcy out and get him talking!