The Lake House at Ramsgate – M.J. Stratton

What If Darcy and Elizabeth Met Through Time-Traveling Letters?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Gift from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

THE PREMISE: Elizabeth accompanies the recently married Bingleys on their sojourn to Ramsgate to assist her sister during a difficult confinement. She helps manage the household and the business of corresponding with the solicitor who arranged for their lease. Elizabeth receives a rude shock when her letter to the solicitor is responded to by an arrogant and ill-tempered man claiming the year is 1810 (and not 1812) and her lease of the Lake House to be an impossibility (because he is the owner)…


  • Time Travel Romance: Mr. Darcy is in the year 1810 and Elizabeth Bennet is in the year 1812. Following  the similar constructs of the movie The Lake House starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, this is a unique fantasy romance where it is letters (and not people) that are traveling through time. And I thought it worked beautifully for a Pride and Prejudice tie-in. Especially at Ramsgate!
  • The Altered Situations: What happened to our P&P friends between 1810 and 1812? I loved the combination of familiar plot points/events: Mr. Collins is married to Charlotte after proposing to and being refused by Elizabeth, with new and unfamiliar plot points/events- the Bingleys are already happily married, Mr. Darcy never came to Meryton. It was such fun to explore these characters in this altered storyline and how Ms. Stratton adapted the events of Pride and Prejudice to fit in plausibly and adeptly with the outline for The Lake House.
  • The Letters: As always, I adore any story with correspondence. Especially when that correspondence is between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. ESPECIALLY when that correspondence illustrates the development of Elizabeth’s and Mr. Darcy’s journey to love. While their letters began with ire and indignation, they traversed an evolution of sorts through bewilderment, scientific study, amicability, and affection. I loved witnessing all the revelations, the banter, the private musings both Darcy and Elizabeth shared with one another. MJ Stratton matched their tone and personalities beautifully.
  • Mr. Darcy’s Boldness: While it was absolutely lovely to witness both Elizabeth’s and Mr. Darcy’s progress of losing their hearts to their unknown correspondent, I was greatly pleased to see the change in Mr. Darcy’s outlook and behavior. I loved how his views on marriage and societal expectations versus personal desires go through a transformation in this story. I loved his surety, and I swooned at his determination and perseverance.
  • The Unraveling: Cleverly and strategically Ms. Stratton does not reveal all until almost the very end. The why’s, the what happened, the how’s are all answered in gradual increments. It maintained excitement, curiosity, and tension in a most skillful way. While it might be possible to guess how it all may end, the journey was thoughtfully paced and beautifully balanced.


  • That Elizabeth said twice that she doesn’t like dogs! Elizabeth! How could you? 🫢😧


🕑  Combines time-traveling letters with Pride and Prejudice for an inspired and engaging romantic fantasy readers will love!

✨ Ramsgate has been redeemed! I actually wouldn’t mind visiting and fantasizing about the bit of magic one particular house there holds.

🙌🏼  Exquisitely clever, compelling, and charming – The Lake House at Ramsgate is my new favorite by MJ Stratton. I highly recommend!

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  1. I always love how you make the books sounds so enticing!
    This was a good read. Wait till you read her new one coming out!

  2. Excellent review, Meredith! I read this book (after swearing I would never read a time- travel plot!) And realized a few chapters in that it involves time-travel, but I stuck it out and ended up really enjoying it!!

    1. Thank you! And I’m so glad you stumbled into this story and ended up liking it! As far as time-travel goes, I think it is a really thoughtful and well-done one.

  3. I read this through ku a while ago. I absolutely loved this whimsical story! It is also now my favorite MJ Stratton book.

  4. Oooh thank you for sharing your thoughts on this story Meredith. It’s high on my list. I did see the film years ago but can’t remember how they finally came to meet so I look forward to this. Thank you so much.

    1. I was in the same boat, Glynis. I remembered the gist of it, and then I rewatched it after reading this book…and no shade to Sandy B and Keanu, but I like this one more – compliments to Ms. Stratton – I found the romance to be much more believable.

  5. Great review! I enjoy reading JAFF generally, but there are some authors who have really novel ideas with less than ideal execution and some other writers who write beautifully more common plots. I think that MJ Stratton is one of the authors who combine both original plotlines with skilled writing.

  6. Well Melissa we agree again this book tipping its hat to one of my favourite movies was a must read for me and I was not disappointed. I loved it too.

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