Beauty and Mr. Darcy – Sarah Courtney

Beauty and Mr. Darcy – Sarah Courtney

Happily Ever Afters for All Pride and Prejudice Heroines! Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author In Sarah Courtney’s second release, Beauty and Mr. Darcy, she ambitiously takes on spotlighting nearly all the principal unmarried female […]

Austenesque Agenda – June 2020

Austenesque Agenda – June 2020

Hi my dear and wonderful blog friends! How are you all? I hope you are safe and well. And I am so thankful that I have you, this blog, and these wonderful books to turn no matter what is happening […]

Austenesque Novel Finds – May 2020

Austenesque Novel Finds – May 2020

Hi readers, didn’t May go by so fast?! 💨 And it looks like it was an extremely busy month for Austenesque authors! Which is good news for us! 🙌🏼 Shall we look at what books were released recently? 😍 Here’s […]