Friendship & Fortitude – Amelia Westerly + GIVEAWAY!!!

What If Mr. Darcy Was Too Late in Ramsgate?

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

THE PREMISE: Wickham’s elopement attempt with Georgiana is successful, and he whisks Georgiana off to Scotland where they remain. But many years later, Georgiana is once again free. She is ready to return to England and establish a new life for herself, and hires a new companion to join her – a young gentlewoman who is forced to seek a position due to the passing of her father…


  • A Premise with Ripples: Georgiana is a widow, Elizabeth is a companion, and Mr. Darcy is lonely. Because he was too late to save his sister, a guilt-ridden Mr. Darcy does not travel to Meryton to advise his friend on a prospective lease. And when Mr. Bennet passes away, Mrs. Bennet’s worst nightmares are realized as she has five unmarried daughters and no prospects. It is so interesting how one little delay can produce so many changes. I was immediately engaged with this premise and I appreciated how plausibly it was all set up.
  • Georgiana and Elizabeth: I love this Georgiana. She is still so young – just 19! But she is doing and thinking for herself. And I love the journey of her relationship with Elizabeth. Instead of meeting as friends or soon-to-be sisters, they meet as employer-employee. The dynamic is a little different and they both navigate it beautifully and eventually settle into a most delightful companion-quasi-friend relationship. Elizabeth is very cognizant of the elevated world and experiences being Mrs. Wickham’s companion brings her, and Georgiana is comforted to have a companion that is very supportive and sincere.
  • Georgiana and Mr. Darcy: This is another relationship that had a unique dynamic. Both of these characters carry years of blame and recrimination, and both are apprehensive about being forgiven. It was quite moving to see them tentatively and delicately reconnect and re-enter each others’ lives. I love all that Mr. Darcy did to support Georgiana. And he showed true consideration and selflessness by awaiting her wishes and not officiously dictating his own.
  • Rebuilding and Persevering: Even though this premise begins with such sadness and hardship for so many characters, the reader gets to witness a lot of inspiring journeys. These characters display true strength as they carry forward with their lives. Through all the rebuilding, adapting, and repairing they experience we can admire their fortitude, inner strength, and courage.


  • Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy: The third and maybe most important relationship in this book. But maybe one I needed a little more from. I enjoyed the new circumstances and situation for Darcy and Elizabeth and the different obstacles – with Elizabeth being considered much lower as a paid companion. I also appreciated that any dislike Elizabeth formed for Mr. Darcy came from her mistaken impression of him being a tyrannical and unforgiving brother. But I do wish I felt more of their feelings for each other. I wish I felt them fall in love. Maybe they didn’t have enough moments or page time together? Or maybe we were told more about their feelings than shown? Overall, it felt like a little more depth and development for their relationship was needed.


💗  When you fall in love but it seems impossible…

🌷 A heartwarming tale of several different and deep-abiding friendships beginning to blossom.

📖  While there isn’t much pride or prejudice, there is protectiveness and prudence to overcome.

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Friendship & Fortitude is now available in Audiobook!



In celebration of the recent audiobook release of Friendship & Fortitude, Amelia Westerly is offering  1️⃣  ebook and  1️⃣  audiobook copy of Friendship & Fortitude, for me to give away to  2️⃣  lucky winners!! (1 winner for each prize)

To be entered for this giveaway, leave a comment about my review!

  • This giveaway is open to US residents.  
  • This giveaway ends September 11th


  1. Having read the book on KU, I agree with your review. It was a unique premise. I enjoyed seeing Elizabeth first developing a friendship with Georgiana and then having her eyes opened to Darcy’s behind the scenes help for his beloved sister. I would like to be entered in the give-away but only for the e-book. I do not subscribe to audible.

  2. Thank you for this review Meredith. I hadn’t heard of this book but I do quite like the premise. You know me, as much Darcy and Elizabeth page time as possible so that’s not this book but your review has definitely made me add it to my list. Thank you.

  3. This was a wonderful book. I did enjoy both Georgiana’s and Elizabeth’s courage as young women successfully navigating a world together in which women were expected to have male protection. I’m always intrigued when an author creates a story where Wickham succeeds in his machinations with Georgiana. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book…I’m hoping for the audiobook version!

  4. I’ve had this book on my TBR list since it was released, planning to borrow it through KU, but I would love the opportunity to win a copy in either eBook or audiobook. Thanks for the review and the giveaway!

  5. Sounds like an interesting premise, and I look forward to reading it. Thank you for the giveaway. I am not an Audible reader, so ebook only for me, please.

  6. I like this premise as it’s one don’t recall coming across before. Also like when there’s a close friendship between Georgiana and Elizabeth.

  7. This is a very unique and interesting premise. I don’t think I have read any variations where Georgiana and Wickham marry. Thanks, Meredith, for the in-depth review. –Leslie

  8. It seems I’ve read a little about this book somewhere else. Maybe an excerpt? And enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to actually reading the whole book. Thank you for your review and for this opportunity to maybe win a copy of it!

  9. Wow Meredith nice review. I hadn’t heard of the book before. That particular set of circumstances does seem very unique. So indeed it does sound like a great read. Please enter me in the drawing for either. I don’t have any audible books but no time like the present.

  10. Always enjoy your reviews. This premise is one I have read of before (Elizabeth being a companion to G.) and I did enjoy that. That for a chance to win a copy.

  11. This book is currently sitting in my library to read looking forward to it very much .I was unaware of the audio release so may look that up too.
    Thank again Meredith for your insights on the book sounds intriguing

  12. This is a true variation of P&P. It’s always interesting to have a totally new premise but still with our beloved characters. How interesting that Georgianna and Wickham were successful in eloping and that Elizabeth became Georgianna’s companion. Darcy has a lot of obstacles to overcome.

  13. Sounds like an interesting premise for sure, and a bit of angst and regret maybe? The cover is beautiful and romantic looking.

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