Cover Reveal + Giveaway for  Against Every Objection!!!

Happy Wednesday, readers! Who would like to go to coastal New England right now? 🍁

I know I would in a heartbeat.  🧳

Especially knowing I’d encounter a modern-day Darcy and Elizabeth there! 🤗

Well pack your bags…because author Cat Andrews has a new book coming out for us to escape into! 🙌🏼

I’m thrilled to welcome back Cat Andrews and share her stunning cover for Against Every Objection!🤩

We hope you enjoy! 👏🏼

~ From the Author ~

Thank you, Meredith, for hosting the cover reveal for Against Every Objection, my latest modern Pride and Prejudice variation. I’m thrilled to be back at Austenesque Reviews once again.

As with my other books, I wanted the cover to illustrate either a particular moment or a specific location from the story, and once again, the talented Brandi at eBook Cover Designs worked her magic! This story takes place in Provincetown, Massachusetts, located at the tip of Cape Cod, and after giving Brandi a few details of some elements within the story, she found the perfect image of a shack, sitting high on a dune, and then surrounded it with the beach and all those gorgeous colors of the sunrise and the ocean. And then came the image of the couple; I like that they’re shown from behind, allowing readers to use their imaginations to fill in their facial features. To me, they are a near-perfect physical representation of a modern Darcy and Elizabeth, especially as I’ve imagined them for this particular story. Brandi was able to pull the image on the front cover all the way onto the back cover, making it one beautiful, seamless picture. And topping off both covers is a subtle border, decorated with artist tools and the scales of justice—representative of Elizabeth and Darcy—at each corner.

I adore this cover, and I hope you enjoy it as well! Thank you so much!

~ Book Description ~

She was unlike anyone he’d ever met; equal parts intelligence, beauty, wit, and compassion, and he was drawn to her. It was as simple—and as complicated—as that.

Wealthy, principled attorney Will Darcy is a rising star in his family’s legal empire. He’s focused and dedicated, and has set his sights on a partnership at The Darcy Group, earning him a place at his father’s side. No distractions—not even love—will alter his course.

Elizabeth Bennet is a successful, free-spirited artist living in a dune shack at the tip of Cape Cod, the place she’s called home for most of her life. She values her independence, and has no desire to change her ways—not for anyone.

But the best-laid plans are thrown into turmoil when Elizabeth stands to lose the only home she’s ever loved. When she reaches out for legal assistance, Will is dismayed to learn he’ll be the one to handle her case—one that seems impossible to win.

Despite early misunderstandings, Will realizes his first impressions of Elizabeth are unjustified—indeed, she’s captivating. And once she gets beyond Will’s arrogance and verbal missteps, Elizabeth discovers a man of character and compassion—who also happens to be quite charming.

Elizabeth and Will are drawn to one another and find themselves in an ethical and emotional dilemma, caught between duty and desire. But what will happen if their hearts refuse to follow the rules?

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: mid October)

And the full wrap…

Love it. The colors, the water, the little shack, the sleepy/relaxed postures, the embrace… 😍

A beach sunrise has to be one of the most beautiful types of sunrises! This cover makes me feel all the beauty of such a scene. 🌅

Elizabeth as a fiercely independent, free-spirited artist? Yes. I love that for her. 🎨

Ooh these legalities and circumstances will be fun to explore! Also, the title is genius. 🧑🏻‍⚖️


~ Connect with Cat ~

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~ About Cat ~

Cat Andrews has always been an avid reader, but didn’t discover Jane Austen until her love of a certain British actor led her to the BBC’s 1995 production of Pride and Prejudice. Her discovery of Jane Austen Fan Fiction opened up a whole new world, and she was inspired to begin a cautious but earnest foray into the world of writing.

In real life, Cat has spent thirty-eight years working in healthcare. She enjoys life on the shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and more often than not, you can find her at the beach with a book in her hand and her toes in the sand.

Against Every Objection is her fifth book.




Today Cat brings with her one ebook copy of Against Every Objection to give away to 1️⃣ lucky reader!


To enter this giveaway leave a comment, a question, or some love for Cat below!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide
  • This giveaway ends September 25th.



  1. I squealed when this popped up in my inbox. I’ve been a fan of Cat’s modern-day P&P variations for years, and the summary doesn’t disappoint. An attorney Darcy and a free-spirited artistic Elizabeth are perfect representations of these two characters for the twenty-first century. The cover is gorgeous, with the cottage in the distance, those sandy dunes, soft ocean waves, and a New England sunset – and, of course, the couple at the forefront. Can’t wait for this, but I can’t find a release date! Am I missing it in all my excitement???

    1. Oh, I love a good squeal! LOL. I’m so happy you’re excited. The cover perfectly captures the story – which is coming to you in October! Hope to have a preorder worked out soon. Thanks, Patty!

  2. So here I was sitting alone in my office and this post popped up in my e-mail. Since I read ALL of the books by Cat Andrews, I was anxious to read about her newest offering. On seeing the cover, I said “Oh wow” aloud to my empty room. This cover is phenomenal! Love seeing the shack, the sunrise, the couple facing away from the camera, the colors. It is unforgettable! Congratulations on the perfect cover and on publishing a new book!

    1. I just love everything about this cover – and had pretty much the same reaction when I first laid eyes on the completed design. It’s just perfect. Thanks, Jeannette!

  3. I spent most of my summers on Cape Cod, and every year enjoyed Provincetown, so I’m looking forward to recognizing familiar landmarks. The cover is beautiful. Congratulations! I look forward to reading this enticing story.

    1. As you know, P-town has a unique vibe! I’ve taken some creative license – most of the business names are fictional (there are a couple that aren’t), but there are some landmarks you’ll recognize, including the Pilgrim Monument, which has a fun scene. I’m glad you’re looking forward to reading! Thank you, Mary Anne!

  4. Oh yes! I can’t wait for this one, luckily it isn’t too far away. I love that Darcy is helping Elizabeth to try and keep her home! So much for both being determined not to fall in love? 🙂 hopefully that goes by the board! I’m so in love with that beautiful cover, perfect indeed! Best of luck with this one Cat, it certainly sounds like a winner to me 🙂

    1. I’m calling this one a bit of a slow burn…because it’s certainly not love at first sight! In a way, it’s almost forced proximity…they have to spend a lot of time together. I’m in love with the cover too! Thank you, Glynis!

  5. The cover is gorgeous! And this one sounds so interesting. Once in a blue moon, I find myself wanting to read a modern day Darcy and Elizabth romance. I believe this is the one!

  6. Congratulations Cat Andrews on the new book release, a great sounding premise (!) and a gorgeous book cover. Ahhhh, Cape Cod. I’ve always said if I was lucky enough to live anywhere in the world it would be Cape Cod. <3 All the best luck.

  7. Wonderful news!! You have a new story! The cover is amazing and the blurb so very enticing. I have loved all your books and I’m sure this one will soon be also a favorite.

  8. The cover is very beautiful and so peaceful, it’s very nice to look at. As an attorney, I’m very excited to see your plot development and how Will will handle his feelings. We can be a little uptight, sure, but we are nice people
    Can’t wait!

    1. The cover does exude a peaceful vibe, for sure. I hope you’ll allow me a little legal creative license with the story – I did do quite a bit of research, and tried my best to get everything right. And Will Darcy is a very nice person – he just doesn’t make a very good first impression! Thanks, Thais!

  9. Gorgeous cover! The couple truly does look like the D&E I envision in this scene (and the story’s scenario). I’m looking very forward to reading it soon, my friend!

    1. I was truly hoping it would be ready for release in August, making it a true beach read…but it wasn’t meant to be. However, that’s not to say it can’t be read at the beach anyway! Thanks, Kaidi!

  10. I’ve read, probably 2,000+ P&P variations, rarely reading moderns. Yours, I don’t miss.
    Looking forward to this new one, as usual,

  11. I cannot wait to read this book! I love contemporary P&P variations, and Cat Andrews writes beautiful ones. The couple on the cover is perfect. It I can already hear the waves rolling onto the beach. The story line sounds just like a perfect Elizabeth and Darcy misunderstanding. Thank you for the giveaway!

  12. This beachy cover is so perfect for this story! I love the paintbrushes and scales of justice. I’m so excited for you, my friend. And everyone will be thrilled there’s a new Cat Andrews story in the way!!

  13. I love your modern variations and really feel a part of them. From the gorgeous artwork on this cover, I can’t wait to read it.

  14. That wrap is amazing! Congratulations, Cat! I’m so excited for you, and look forward to adding this book to my Cat library!

  15. Wow! Cat Andrews you have been busy! I love the premise and I do love the colors….the sea, the sunset, the shack…it’s like they are looking to the futures. I look forward to reading this one. Congratulations Cat!

  16. Looking forward to this one! Beautiful cover, and the wrap around concept! You know I love your work and as soon as it goes on preorder I will be there.

  17. So, I don’t read too many modern variations of Jane Austen’s works, but the book description for Against Every Objection grabbed my attention. Will definitely be looking into it. Thanks for the hard work and giveaway!

  18. Not very original, but Gorgeous is the word!! Can’t wait to read this one, Cat, and to feel that velvety touch of the cover in my hands. I am certain it will be another hit!

  19. While I can read P&P variations set in various historical times (especially when Time Travel is included), I am not particularly drawn to modern day Jaffs. How would you sell your book?

    1. Well, my first thought is that you came to the cover reveal, so maybe you’re harboring a secret desire to fall in love with a modern? But to answer your question about selling you the book…honestly, I wouldn’t try. I’ve only been publishing for 4 years, but I’ve already given up trying to defend moderns, and convince readers to take a chance on them. It’s tiring, I’m far too busy, and right now, I’m really focused on trying to publish one book a year for the fans who DO enjoy moderns. So if you read it, great; if you don’t, that’s okay too. But I do have to say this – if an author was doing a cover reveal for a particular genre that I was not interested in and probably wouldn’t read, I certainly wouldn’t go onto the blog post celebrating the cover to tell the author I don’t read those types of books, and then ask how they would sell it to me.

  20. I love beach images (although as a person born & raised on the west coast I associate them with sunsets (which also occur at more decent hours), not sunrises!

    1. The beauty of Provincetown (where the story takes place) and really, the beauty of a lot of towns on Cape Cod, is that you get to see both. We’re very lucky! Thanks, Lois.

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