Death of a Dandy – Riana Everly

Hunting Accident or Accidental Mark?

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Mansfield Park Mystery, Secondary Character

SERIES: Miss Mary Investigates #3 (I’d recommend reading #1 Death of a Clergyman and #2 Death in Highbury before reading this book for fuller enjoyment and understanding. There is also a Prequel – The Mystery of the Missing Heiress)

THE PREMISE: Mary Bennet is supposed to be returning to Longbourn escorted by Alexander Lyons, a Scottish investigator she has unexpectedly assisted in some of his cases. But they are delayed in Northamptonshire when a baronet’s son has gone missing...What has Tom Bertram gotten himself into now?


  • A Disappearance, An Accident, A Murder: I enjoyed how this mystery played out – it began with Tom Bertram disappearing but evolved into something much more as time went on. More than one body appears, more than one unexpected party turns up in the area, and more than one surprise twist is revealed. Like many of Riana Everly’s mysteries, this one was well-plotted and well-executed.
  • A House of Careless Diversion, a Gathering of Selfish Contrivers: I can’t imagine a house party or gathering that would have a greater likelihood for mystery and murder to appear. The dissipation, the schemes, the ambition of these characters…something sinister is just bound to happen with them, right? Having a mysterious murder take place at Mansfield Park is one of the most plausible plot-lines one could conceive. And Riana Everly utilizes that fact brilliantly. Everyone member of the family, every visitor, every neighbor becomes a person of interest in this investigation. And as we learn through Alexander’s and Mary’s inquiries and sleuthing many have a motive to want someone removed for some reason…
  • Progress, Finally!: For three books now we have seen the respect, appreciation, admiration, and esteem slowly develop between Alexander and Mary. It is finally clear to both that their feelings are reciprocated, and yet neither of them acted on their feelings. I’m happy that one of them finally decided to take that step! It was a beautiful moment! In addition, I was very glad that we finally learned more about Alexander and the obstacles in his life that presently prevent him from pursuing a deeper relationship with Mary.


  • Sympathies Disengaged: This is through no fault of the author, but the fact of the matter is that the Mansfield Park cast is a hard lot for me to like. I feel like the more I see of them, the more I am dissatisfied with them. Their self-serving, inconsiderate, and irredeemable ways are beginning to wear on me, and I found it hard to feel any concern or compassion for the victims or suspects throughout this story. My emotions remained for the most part sadly disengaged.
  • Disappointing Intolerance: To state it as Mr. Darcy would, I abhor intolerance of any kind. But I know that times were different and that these characters behaved in accordance of how they would have behaved during Jane Austen’s time. Their prejudices and ignorance were realistic. But I still struggled with not being disappointed by it. Especially since the characters who were highlighting this prejudice or intolerance were maybe the only likable characters in the story. However, this is probably a case of me not being able to remove my own modern-viewpoint and personal values out of the equation, and probably won’t be something that bothers other readers.


😏  A most fittingly apathetic reply to all the schemers and perpetrators of this tale,“it could have all turned out differently I suppose…but it didn’t.”

🚫  Home theatricals, hunting parties, harrowing murder schemes – it might be best to decline any invitations to Mansfield Park, no matter how enticing the pleasure scheme.

🤗  Let’s lose this selfish crowd of narcissist and seek company with more sense! Looking forward to seeing Mary and Alexander encounter each other (and another murder) again in Death in Sensible Circumstances.

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Miss Mary Investigates ~

Prequel – The Mystery of the Missing Heiress

1 – Death of a Clergyman

2 – Death in Highbury

3 – Death of a Dandy

4 – Death in Sensible Circumstances


One comment

  1. I am enjoying this series very much, and I found this book and the increasing understanding between Mary and Alexander very well done. I love that Mary is growing in her understanding of the world, and, yes, in tolerance as well. I also found Fanny to be very rigid, but given how her character is in the book, I would think that her attitude would be likely, and as for Edmund’s description of their relationship…. This book is important in the series because of Mary’s growth as a person – and it is another mystery they have to solve. You are harsher on the book than I would be – the intolerance is, unfortunately inevitable and part of the story (I also like Mansfield Park).

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