Guest Post + Giveaway with Author Brandon Dragan!!!

Hi readers! I’m excited to welcome a new-to-me author for his first visit to Austenesque Reviews – Brandon Dragan! 😊

Brandon has a new Austenesque book coming out on October 8th – Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be. 🎉

And it sounds Mr. Bingley receives a very interesting backstory! 👏🏼

I don’t think we see many Austenseque books that have Mr. Bingley as the protagonist. It will be interesting to spend more time with him, hear his thoughts, and see events from his perspective. 🤔

Brandon is here to share a post about his upcoming new novel – we hope you enjoy! 🤗

My name is Brandon Dragan. I am a fiction writer and an attorney in Tennessee. I am also the author of the upcoming book, Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be! This novel is my third published long-form work of fiction, but my first foray into the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction, and I couldn’t be more excited to share the hitherto untold story of Mr. Bingley with you!

By way of background, my wife, Jami, introduced me to Pride and Prejudice years ago when we were still dating. First, we watched the BBC miniseries, then the Keira Knightly/Matthew Macfadyen film, and eventually I read the novel… then read it again, and again.

Fast forward a decade or so, Jami and I were preparing for our first trip to the U.K. together. In the lead-up to our voyage, there was lots of discussion of P&P, in part because we planned to visit Jane Austen’s house, her museum in Bath, etc., and frankly, there was voluminous of discussion of Mr. Darcy—as he calls himself—which vexed me greatly. So, as we were packing our bags, I (jokingly) informed my wife of the untold truth that Mr. Bingley was actually the hero of the story. “You see,” I mused on the fly, “Mr. Bingley was secretly an avenging angel, running the length and breadth of the country to snuff out evildoers and protect the innocent” (or something like that, anyway).

Then, as odd as the idea sounded, I couldn’t shake it. After all, what do we really know about Bingley? Sure—he’s rich, handsome, and good-natured. Clearly, he’s a man of integrity, as otherwise I doubt a person of Darcy’s quality would have willingly kept him in such close company. But we also know that Bingley disappears from Ms. Austen’s novel at the most inopportune time—just as he’s fallen in love with Jane! And why the sudden and unhappy departure? Because he is convinced by his sisters and Darcy that Jane is not right for him? It always bothered me and seemed much too convenient that Bingley was so easily steered and manipulated.

So, I began to wonder if that wasn’t the explanation at all? What if, perhaps, Bingley’s motivation for leaving Netherfield was much different than what we thought we knew? Questions like this opened an entire world of possibilities: What if his departure was, in fact, a display of strength of character, and not of weakness? What if it was Louisa and Caroline who were manipulated by him? Perhaps, even Mr. Darcy’s actions were not entirely driven by his pride, but rather by a deep and unwavering fidelity to his friend? And then, what of other beloved characters who we know so little about?

As I began drafting this novel, I became more and more excited by the opportunity to explore a set of circumstances, backstories, and motives lurking just beneath the surface of what we thought we knew about these individuals. And eventually, this novel emerged!

My earnest hope is that this book will offer not only an engaging read with twists and turns around unexpected corners, but also the invitation to view Ms. Austen’s familiar world through a different lens, and that in doing so, your appreciation for her beloved characters will be enhanced all the more. Thank you and happy reading!

I love the idea of Mr. Bingley having some secrets – of him being more than he appears to be! I can’t wait to see what sorts of intrigues and mischief he gets into! And I wonder what Jane will think of it all! 

~ Book Description ~

For centuries Jane Austen’s classic novel, Pride & Prejudice, has been dearly loved the world over. However, few people know the truth about Mr. Darcy’s closest friend, the affable Mr. Bingley–who is much more than he appears on first impression.

Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be is the previously untold story of a young man who unwittingly uncovers an evil cabal among the British Empire’s aristocracy. Bingley confronts an enterprise so nefarious that he cannot help but act to redress it, even if it costs him his own reputation and the love of his life, the angelic Miss Jane Bennet.

Follow Mr. Bingley down a rabbit hole of intrigue and corruption, as he fights to protect the country’s most vulnerable alongside friends old and new. Can he set things right before he loses Jane forever?



~ Connect with Brandon ~

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~ About Brandon ~

Brandon Dragan is an attorney in Tennessee and winner of the American Bar Association Journal’s 2021 Ross Writing Contest. His writing draws on a wide array of influences from modern novelists such as Cormac McCarthy and Richard Yates to classic writers like Fyodor Dostoevsky and Jane Austen. He enjoys a good cigar, road cycling, and is an avid supporter of the Arsenal Football Club.

You can preorder Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be now!



In celebration of his new book, Brandon brings with him one copy (ebook or paperback) of Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be to give away to  1️⃣  lucky reader!


To enter this giveaway leave a comment, a question, or some love for Brandon below!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.
  • This giveaway ends September 30th.


  1. Welcome!
    Reading the backstory of how you came to think up your Mr. Bingley story makes me want to read it even more now!
    Congratulations on your exciting new release, and foray into JAFF-land!!

  2. What an interesting and unusual premise! Mr. Bingley is so often portrayed (even by Miss Austen) of a man easily controlled by others, it will be quite fun to read this st0ry. I look forward to it. Welcome to the world of JAFF!

  3. Wow, I’ve never seen a premise like that! I am looking forward to reading about a Mr. Bingley that is not a spineless wonder. Thank you for the giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!

  4. How fascinating! I would never have thought of having Bingley as a superhero? Well I suppose that’s not an apt description but it seems he puts his life in danger and is prepared to make sacrifices (possibly losing Jane) to protect his country! Wow! I’m so looking forward to this and good luck with your first JAFF novel.

  5. Now that is an original premise! So looking forward to reading Bingley’s story. I have to admit that Bingley has never been a real favorite of mine due to his ability to be so easily manipulated but this may just rehabilitate his character for me for all time. Congratulations on your new book, Brandon, and thanks for sharing the genesis of your story.

  6. Welcome and congratulations on your new foray into the world of JAFF writing! This sounds like such an interesting & unique premise and the cover has a cool Sherlock- vibe.

  7. I can’t believe the *real* Mr Bingley from the BBC mini-series has endorsed this book! That’s wild and kudos to you for getting his praise! I’m looking forward to the book.

  8. Wow! Bingley as an adventurer and hero… It never occurred to me. But then again, we are oft-reminded that Super Man himself was, in actuality, mild-mannered Clark Kent. LOL. Can’t wait!

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