Happy 11th Blogiversary, Austenesque Reviews + GIVEAWAY!!!

Dear readers, Austenesque Reviews is 11 today!

This blog has been an amazing source of joy in my life. I can’t believe we’ve been together so long!! LOL! 

I am so very thankful…

  • for Jane Austen for creating such timeless characters and novels that they have established this thriving community full of smart, friendly, and inspiring people.
  • for the courageous and talented authors who have continued to keep the lives of these characters alive and provide readers countless hours of pleasure.
  • for all who have visited Austenesque Reviews in the last 10 years and shared your thoughts and enthusiasm for reading and Austen-inspired stories!

💕 This blog would have faded away long ago if you all didn’t give such lovely support and encouragement! 🤗

I am so grateful to you all for these 11 years! 🥰

I thought it would be appropriate to celebrate this special day with some of my favorites things – stats, lists, and giveaways!


Total Blog Posts since September 2009 – 1,829

Aside from 2010 and 2013, it looks like I settled in with a comfortable rhythm with blogging. In 2010 I was still essentially working jobs and blogging was still new to me. 😉 

Total Books Reviewed since September 2009 – 678

It is interesting that 2010 has the highest number and 2019 one of the lowest! What do you think, with Covid I have a chance of matching 2010?

Total Number of Author Visits since September 2009 – 359*

*Not 359 different authors mind you – I am happy that many authors visit more than once.

This is the most diversified chart of all!  The number of author visits was a lot lower years ago than it is now! And from 2017 on the growth has been sharply increasing – my guess is it that has to do cover reveals. I don’t think I saw too many of those back in the day!

What Types of Books Reviewed on Austenesque Reviews since September 2009*

*give or take a few – it was brutal to tally this 😦

Wow! I am surprised to see that P&P ended up being 58% of books I reviewed, but also really glad about that. I love P&P, but I like to do my part to represent non-P&P books on this blog! I hope that the Regency Romance percentage will continue to increase as I plan to continue reading them more regularly.


5 Most Viewed Reviews

  1. Pride and Prejudice: An Annotated Edition by Jane Austen (Edited by Patricia Meyer Spacks)
  2. The Subsequent Proposal – Joana Starnes
  3. Dearest Friends – Pamela Lynne
  4. The Watsons: Jane Austen’s Fragment Continued and Completed – John Coates
  5. Edenbrooke – Julianne Donaldson

An annotated edition is #1?!  Quite the variety on this list! Other than The Watsons (which I am assuming is popular because it is a rarer book to review?) I couldn’t tell you what makes these books/reviews the most popular, but they are all fantastic!

5 Most Viewed Lists

  1. Favorite Pride and Prejudice Sequels
  2. Favorite Pride and Prejudice Variations 2012-2014
  3. Favorite Modern Pride and Prejudice Adaptations
  4. Favorite Pride and Prejudice Variations 2007-2011
  5. A Comprehensive Guide to Austenesque Novels – Pride and Prejudice 2017 (Part 1)

I am not surprised by this list! I think it is funny that an ACG list for 2017 made it up here with all the Top Tens!


This blogiversary needs a proper giveaway, don’t you think? In celebrating Austenesque Reviews turning 1️⃣1️⃣, I would like to give away 3️⃣ Austenesque Reviews Mugs (winner’s choice between 5 different Jane Austen Quote Mugs) and 3️⃣ winner’s choice books from Book Depository (winners must choose a book that has been reviewed on this blog). ☺️

Anyone and everyone is welcome to enter to win the giveaway prizes.  All you have to do is leave a comment. 

Just know, either way, I love hearing from you and am very thankful for your readership and participation on this blog!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide for all prizes.
  • This giveaway will end September 30th.



  1. Happy anniversary Meredith! Your blog is an absolute gem and you are such a sweetie. Thanks for bringing joy to us all for so many years. Here’s to another 11 and hopefully many more!

  2. Congratulations, Meredith! Thanks so much for all your hard work in keeping your blog going. I’m sure there are times when it is difficult. I always look forward to getting the emails about a new post, and love hearing about new authors, or what’s new and interesting in the Austen universe. Keep it up!

  3. Congrats!!!!! AiB turned 10 in the spring, at least under my misrule, and I can’t imagine a Jane world without austenesquereviews in it!

  4. Bonjour Joyeux BlogAnniversaire et belle continuation !!! Merci pour pour toutes ces chroniques et ces belle découvertes 🙂 Merci pour ce beau concours <3

  5. Eleven years? For real? Has it really been that long, Meredith?
    Thank you for creating this community for all of us to enjoy. I can’t imagine the JAFF fandom without you. Congratulations on this milestone, and here’s to another eleven years!

  6. Happy 11th Blogiversary, dear Meredith! Austenesque Reviews has always been on my computer’s ‘Favourites’ page, right next to my online banking icon. Your blog is an important part of my daily routine. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into each and every post.

  7. Happy 11th Blog Anniversary! You are my ‘go to’ ever since I found you way back then! I love your charts, statistics, reviews, cover reveals, and author interviews and your pictures of your life…your bookshelves are filling up…time for new built-ins! I have found so many ‘new authors’ because of you! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for all your love and hard work! Here’s to many, many more years ahead!!! I think of the John Denver song ‘Follow Me’ and that is me following you!

  8. What a wonderful achievement. Congratulations. I’m always so excited to see Austenesque reviews pop up on my feed. Makes my day. Such beautiful reviews of equally beautiful books. You should be very proud. Here’s to another 11 years.

  9. Congratulations, Meredith on eleven years! That’s awesome and so are you! 🙂 Your blog was one of the first that I visited when I started this journey into the land of Jane Austen. I still love to visit it and see what all you have going on. You are one of the best at reviewing and expressing your thoughts in a fair and spoiler-free way. Thanks for all you do. You inspire me!

  10. Congrats Meredith! 678 book reviews is an astonishing achievement, especially given the detail you go into. Happy blogiversary!

  11. Meredith, creating and maintaining such a thing as you have, hitting huge milestones, following your vision with commitment, all must be very heady for you to contemplate. You should be proud, Congratulations! Karylee

    1. That is so incredibly lovely of you to say, Karylee!! I have derived so much pleasure, fulfillment, friendship, and memorable experiences through this blog! It has given me so much!

  12. Congratulations on the 11th anniversary of your blog. I am always in awe of all the work you obviously put in on, not only your reviews, but also all the lists and statistics collected. Then there are the lovely photos you allow us to view of your travels with Mr. Bingley. Best wishes for many more years. Thank you for all you do and share with us.

  13. Happiest congrats to this anniversary. I am still rather new to the Janeite community, having started about May 2019. However, it has been full of adventure and surprises, including discovering JAFF and websites like yours that excite my day. Thank you for being a refuge for us who ever want more Austen, and thank you for your insightful reviews and previews!

    1. Thank you, Jen!! I am so happy you are a part of the Janeite community!! I am so happy you are enjoying all the wonderful things about this community and that you find this blog helpful!

  14. Your blog is read and appreciated by so many faithful readers. Congrats on another year. Looking forward to what is in store for the coming year.

  15. Congratulations, Meredith. What a wonderful blog filled with beauty and fascinating information, books and delightful reviews.

  16. Happy Anniversary! I still appreciate & enjoy your blog so much. You have tremendously influenced my reading lists! Thank you for all the time & effort you put into it!

  17. Happy Blogiversary, Meredith! Your blog is one of my favorites, and your reviews are some of the very best. I hope your happy place in the Austen world continues for many more years.

    1. Thank you, Cat!!! I am so happy to work with and get to know so many lovely authors – including yourself!!! It is one of the best parts of running this blog!

  18. Happy blogiversary, Meredith! We are so fortunate, and I am so grateful, that you are here! Your thoughtful reviews and generosity of spirit make the Austenesque community (and surely the wider world) all the more beautiful. Three (zillion) cheers for Meredith!

  19. Happy Anniversary Meredith. I love to read your reviews and have agreed with so many of them. I would not have read so many JAFF books if your blog did not exist! Thank you again.

  20. My jaw dropped at the amount of work and care and dedication you have showed over the years.
    (And the fun you must have had! 😉 )
    The JAFF community is lucky to have you and your blog, and as a reader I can only applaud!
    Happy Anniversary!

  21. Congratulations, Meredith! Such a hard work in keeping your blog going. Thank You and don´t stop, because we love it so much.

  22. That’s wonderful! You do so much good for the Austen community by bringing new authors and books to our attention…and all the work and research time you invest in your lists and other collections is so appreciated, worldwide. Thank you for shining your light on all things JAFF! Xoxo Hope you and MrBingley are well.

    1. Thank you, dear friend!! YOU do so much good for this community and are such an active and integral part of this community! I am so happy Jane Austen brought us into each others’ lives!

  23. Happy blogiversary!! I seriously love your blog – I’ve found so many great books here and love our Jane Austen community <3

  24. Thanks for having this blog, Meredith! I kinda wonder how long I’ve followed you. (What’s MY anniversary?!)
    I especially like your month-end summaries or newly available books, and your book reviews.

  25. Congratulations, Meredith! I have been a follower of your blog and also all your reviews on Amazon for quite some time! I have to admit that you got me interested in Jane Austen Fan Fiction; as well as helping me to discover many writers of JAFF. Thank you and please continue your good work. I haven’t been commenting on your blogs because I am usually behind in my reading of said blogs!! However, I always read each one and almost always put your reviewed book on my wish list, if not reading it immediately!

    1. Thank you, Catherine! I so appreciate you reading and visiting this blog all these years! I know what you mean about getting behind! (as I respond to your comment over a week later!) It makes me so happy to know you find the posts I share helpful – whether you comment or not! Thank you, friend!

  26. Happy Blogiversary, Meredith, and thank you bunches for sharing so much of yourself in hosting authors and spotlighting books and reviewing novels so thoughtfully. I have been led to many a new author through your blog, and I’m grateful to have you as one of the most important “planets” in this Austen, Austenesque, and historical romance universe. Love your impressive stats and charts too–678 books reviewed?! Watch out, New York Times! We all appreciate you so much!

    1. Thank you, Jan! I appreciate all your kind words and wonderful encouragement! I am really happy you enjoy the books and authors that are shared here! I am so happy to encounter so many that are new to me!! Thank you for all you do!!!

  27. Happy 11th Blogiversary, Meredith. I have never been disappointed in any of your blog entries. Your interviews, book reviews, monthly reporting of newly released books and now also audiobooks, and your stats. l just love it all. You are also so generous in giveaways. I must confess that I enjoy your ramblings with Mr. Bingley and other family members. You are very appreciated.

    1. Thank you, Eva! I appreciate your wonderful and kind words! I am so glad you enjoy all the types of posts I share here – it makes me so happy that you like them all!

  28. Congratulations Meredith on your 11th anniversary! I discovered your blog around 5 years ago and absolutely love it! What a tremendous service you do for those of us who find joy in the world of Jane Austen. Thank you!

  29. 11 years and going strong! Your blog has steered me to so many remarkable stories, thank you for your due diligence, unflagging enthusiasm and the glimpses of your exciting travels.

  30. Eleven! That is something. That is interesting how 2010 had low posts, but high reviews. You’re on track to best some of those numbers for 2020. Fun to see your review book types and how many of each you reviewed. I love stats, too.
    Adorable mugs!

    Have a great blogoversary and best wishes for another wonderful year of blogging. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Sophia! Yes, I think because I didn’t have a lot of author visits I cranked out a lot of reviews. 😉

      It will be interesting to see what 2020’s final numbers turn out to be!

      Thank you for being such a longtime friend and visitor to this blog! I appreciate you so much!

  31. Happy Blogiversary, Meredith [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. You two are so cute. I love your pictures at the head of the blog. You always make them match in color, tone, or subject matter. Brava! If your Mr. Bingley helps, then Bravo to him, too. Blessings on many more years of cover reveals, interviews, author posts, excerpts, giveaways, and your fabulous reviews. Stay safe and healthy.

    1. Thank you, Jeanne! I am glad you are loving the header feature! It is actually quite random, so I am happy you think it is looking well-matched!

      Thank so much for your lovely visits to this blog!

  32. Happy Blogiversary, Meredith! Congratulations on your success and thank you, thank you for the work you do for our community!!

  33. Happy Blogiversary! I am so happy I found this blog, I think it was about 9 years ago, and my credit card company thanks you too! 🙂

    Thanks to you I have found some of my favorite stories and authors. Here is to many more years and many more lovely books!

    1. Thank you, Danielle! I am so happy you found this blog too, and that you continue to read it so many years later!!! LOL!

      I am so happy to help you find some new books and authors to enjoy!!

  34. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all the hard work involved in keeping us informed on all the latest Austen. Your blog has long been a favorite. Looking forward to sharing the love of Jane with you for many more years.

  35. Wow, those stats are impressive. I love stats. I keep some of my own regarding the JAFF world! In your case they show a dedication that’s hard to match. I suppose that’s why you’re a go-to blog for most people and your posts routinely have lots of comments. When I see Austenesque Reviews mail in my inbox, I know it’s always special news. Congratulations on a job well done.

    1. Me too, Suzan! I am so glad you enjoy keeping and looking at them as well! Thank you so much for reading our posts and all your lovely conversation!!

  36. Mazel tov, Meredith. Thank you for all your many efforts and your help in navigating the world of JAFF – don’t know what I’d do without you!

    You’re the best!

  37. This is my go to blog for book reviews and lists of must read books. Thanks for being a part of my leisure time 🙂

  38. Happy Anniversary! I’ve only read your blog for about a year, but I enjoy it, and have found good books through your writing. If I win, I think I’ll choose Edenbrooke, as a change from all the JAFF I enjoy.

    1. Thank you, Xena Anne! I am so happy you found this blog and I am glad you enjoy it!!

      Oh!! That is such a fantastic choice!!! That book is the best!!

  39. Happy Anniversary, Meredith!!! Congratulations on eleven years of blogging!! I have definitely enjoyed your reviews and your author interviews over the years!!! You keep on writing, my friend!!! 😀

    Susanne ((((with a long-distance hug from San Diego))))

  40. Wow – 11 Years!! Congratulations Meredith and Happy Anniversary!! I don’t think I’ve been with you the entire 11 years, but close. I love your blog, especially your lists and I always look for your review on new books that sound interesting because I trust your judgment. I’m so thankful that you have continued reviews and your blog for so long. Thanks for the giveaway. Here’s to many more years of blogging all things Austenesque!!! –Leslie

    1. Thank you, Leslie!! I appreciate your visits and I am so glad that you continue to chime in and follow this blog! It means a lot to me that you trust my reviews!

      Thank you for this lovely comment!

  41. Thank you so much for all that you do for the JAFF community. Honestly, it would be completely different (and sad) without you in it!

  42. Happy 11th dear Meredith!!! I’m so enjoying your honest reviews, the good and the not so good points really help me make a choice in what books I want to read. I find that I very often love the stories you enjoyed too 😀 Would be amazing to win a new book to lose myself in, so please count me in. The mugs are so beautiful too but I’m an international fan… Thank you for a chance to win!

  43. Happy anniversary Meredith! Thank you so much for your blog and your dedication! From the very beginning, when I discovered Austen-inspired fandom some 7 years ago, your blog has been the top of the very best, most interesting and helpful places for Austenesque books! Your reviews are funny and true and always help us all finding what next to read or add to TBR list 🙂

    1. Thank you, Oksana!! I am so happy you have been such a longtime reader!! And it thrills me that you find my reviews helpful (and funny!) I appreciate you so much!

  44. Happy Blogiversary! I’ve been a follower of this blog for much shorter time, but am looking forward to the next 11 years.

  45. Congratulations Meredith!!! I’ve loved reading your blog over the last few years and I can’t wait for many more <3

  46. Happy blogiversary Meredith!!!! 11 years!! WOW!!! Have you seen how many friends you have?? I’ve just checked your blog and I see there are 79 friends before me! You must be really happy and proud 😉
    Congrats on your succesful and sweet community you have created with your effort, enthusiasm and generosity 🙂
    I’m very glad to be part of your site and thank you so much for opening such a friendly and inspiring place for all who love reading and have a soft spot for Jane Austen.
    In these years I’ve become a total “Janeite ” LOL and most of my readings are in english. I never thought I would be so thrilled with a blog which is not written in spanish and now Austenesque reviews is one of my favourite blogs!.
    Keep enjoying this beautiful hobbie!
    And thanks for the giveaway! You are always so generous 🙂

    1. Hi Teresa!! I am bowled over by this lovely response! It has warmed my heart and made my year!

      Thank you for your sweet friendship and for all lovely visits you make to this blog – I love each one!

      Yay! I am so happy that you are a total Janeite!!! And I love your comment about enjoying a blog which is not written in Spanish.

      Speaking of…I am trying to improve my Spanish through an app. I practice each day. I hope that one day I can converse in Spanish as well as you do in English!

  47. Congratulations on your anniversary, Meredith. You have been a constant in the online Austen community and your talent and dedication is commendable. I enjoyed learning about your top 5 reviews–a really interesting mix with some surprises.

    Thank you for your sunshine personality and passion for our favorite author and the Regency era.

    Best, LA

    1. Thank you, Laurel Ann! I always appreciate your visits and all the lovely opportunities you give us all to discover wonderful new reads! I credit you solely with my discovery and enjoyment of Julie Klassen and Julianne Donaldson!

      LOL! So random, right?

      Thank you for your love words!

  48. Congratulations &Happy anniversary! I enjoy very much the way JAFF blogs have contributed to the JAFF community and to spreading the word about new and/or praiseworthy JAFF books, and your blog has a great role in this. I have always enjoyed your reviews and lists, and the way it brings together the JAFF community. I hope to be in touch through this blog for many years in the future!

    1. Thank you, Agnes! I so agree about JAFF blogs! I love that there is a community that shares and spotlights wonderful Austenesque reads and authors. 🙂

      I hope to be in touch through this blog for many years too!!

  49. What an incredible achievement over the past eleven years. Congratulations! In the opinion of a reader only, I feel that your blog has been a big influence upon the Austen reader/writer (?) community. Although I was really impressed at the number of interviews, book reveals and other guest appearances I wasn’t shocked at the increase year to year. I believe the increase is due to those appearances on your blog. It was a fledgling promotion world when you began your blog. Now it’s just normal to expect so many appearances each and every month, which I look forward to. I know you aren’t alone out there, but the other blogs I read I got the link to from your site. As others have said, I rely on your reviews…to clinch a decision for me if I’m on the fence, to introduce me to new authors, or to just get a kick out of seeing what you say about a book I’ve already read! Here’s to another 11 years!

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Michelle! You are such a dear. It is interesting to see how the community has grown and changed over the years and the impact it has on my blogging!

      I am so thrilled to hear that you enjoy my reviews and find them helpful! It has been such a delight for me to compare notes with you and hear your opinions on the books you read as well! Thank you for all you share!

      Hugs, friend!!

  50. Congratulations and THANK YOU, Meredith! You have built a wonderful community that is SO grateful for everything you have given, shared and inspired – and if that wasn’t enough, sending you extra gratitude for making COVID easier to endure!

    1. Congratulations! I love this blog and the recommendations and reviews! Austenesque stories are so fun and this is a nice gateway 🙂

    2. Aww, thank you so much for your lovely words, Jean!! I am so happy to be apart of this community and to know so many lovely readers and Jane Austen’s like yourself!

      Thank you for all your visits and generous support!!

  51. Congratulations on the immense success, Meredith. I look up to you when I first started my blog and mark AR as one of the Austenesque blogs that I love to visit. Over the years, your blog has gone from being pretty to more ecstatically beautiful to look at. Hope it will continue to grow.

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! It is so kind of you to say! I am really happy to hear that you like the changes made to my blog and find it beautiful! I have long admired your header – I love the tender scenes and soft colors. 🙂

  52. Happy Anniversary, Meredith!! Your blog is very important to me because whenever I want to read an Austenesque book I say “Let me check what Meredith thinks about that book” lol. So thank you very much for all you do and keep spreading your love for dear Jane!

  53. Congratulations Meredith! I am late to the party, but I wanted to tell you how amazng your blog is, and how interesting this celebration post was. I also love stats and lists, and I really loved seeing your stats. It is impressive how you can keep up with these numbers, I know how much work a blog gives and I am always amazed with the wonderful job you do with it 🙂 It was also interesting to see the reviews which had more views. Basically I loved everything about this post, and I hope you can keep up with this blog for 11 more years 🙂

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I appreciate you stopping by while you are busy traveling! I am so glad you enjoyed this post…I will tell you, it was hard to come up with a unique and different way to celebrate this year. I was stumped for a little bit. So hearing that you thought I pulled it off well, makes me happy!

      Thank you so much for being a fellow blog friend to me and kind supporter of this blog!

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