Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections Group Read Survey!!!

Thank you to EVERYONE who joined in and participated in our group read!!!  We thoroughly enjoyed your comments and insights!

A BIG THANK YOU to Abigail Reynolds for collaborating with Team Austenesque on our first Group Read!  As always, it is such a pleasure to work with you, Abigail!  We greatly appreciate all your time, support, and for sharing your wonderful outtakes with us!!

We thought it might be fun to end with a quick survey (especially for those readers who weren’t able to participate with the discussion questions last week!)


1.  How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date?  Is this your first?

2.  What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?

3.  What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?

4.  Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?

5.  What was your favorite scene in MDNC?

6.  What is your favorite quote from MDNC?

7.  Who do you think would win in a showdown:  Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?

8.  Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?

9.  What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?


This will conclude Team Austenesque’s Group Read of Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections.   The discussions will always remain open (feel free to add your two cents whenever), but giveaway winners will be chose Wednesday, July 3rd.


If you have the time, we’d love to know what you thought of our first attempt of doing a group read.



  1. Hi, I didn’t have time to participate until now (sick husband and sick baby, yay, and English is not my first language, so answering a lot of questions takes a lot of time…), but it seems I’m right on time for the last day!

    1. How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date? Is this your first?
    I’ve read them all! Love them!

    2. What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?
    My absolute favorite is The last man in the world. I think I’ve read it at least six times. A good second is Mr. Darcy’s refuge.

    3. What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?
    Lord Charles, he brought quite a lot of tension/fun/excitement.

    4. Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?
    Again, Lord Charles. I would love to know more about his courtship.

    5. What was your favorite scene in MDNC?
    I loved the migraine scene. Lizzy is finally being her compassionate self around Darcy and I like it if heroes have a tiny flaw.

    6. What is your favorite quote from MDNC?
    Can’t think of something now, sorry!

    7. Who do you think would win in a showdown: Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?
    I would say the Dowager Marchioness. She’s a little bit more creative in her comments than Lady Catherine.

    8. Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?
    Lord Charles! I never really believe Henry Crawford has actually changed.

    9. What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?
    I saw there’s a novella in the making, so that will be the next one when it’s available.

  2. 1) Lots of them! The first one I read was Force of Instinct which I had mixed feelings about because I didn’t like the blatancy of the pre-marital sex, I felt it was too selfish of Lizzy to disregard her sister’s reputations in such a way. Then I read Mr Darcy’s Obsession which I LOVED. I’ve also read The Last Man in the World, Mr Darcy’s Letter, Mr Darcy’s Refuge, To Conquer Mr Darcy, Rule of Reason, A Pemberley Medley, loved all of those, What Would Mr Darcy Do which I liked but didn’t love. I have Morning Light but not read it yet.

    Only ones I haven’t got/read yet are Mr Darcy’s Undoing and The Man Who Loved Pride and Prejudice.

    2) My favourite would probably be ‘Mr Darcy’s Obsession’, I just loved it, so romantic, and just enough angst. I also liked the way that it looked at more serious themes such as women’s place in society and the moral fibre of the upper classes. This is closely followed by ‘The Last Man in the World’ which has shedloads of angst and misery, I was wrung out with pity for them both for nearly the whole book. In fact, these two are not only my favourites by Abigail Reynolds but my favourites in the Austenesque genre.

    3+4) I liked many of them actually. The Dowager was fun, Lords Edward and Charles, Lord Bentham too. Lady Eleanor & Paxton too. If there was a spin off about any of them the obvious one is Lord Charles, there’s a definite story opportunity there for his redemption from rakishness. If it was just an appearance it would still be Lord C, he was amusing, good potential as a character.

    5. Favourite scene… so many of them. I liked the headache cure in the ruins, the hairpins on the moor, them falling asleep together, the proposal.

    6. I think I picked up all my favourite lines from the outtake for the discussion but I am not a big highlighter on the kindle so I’d need to read it again to pick up the best bits. I made two highlights, one of which was the proposal, and the other was one of Lizzy’s thoughts: “Apparently the secret to the heart of highly eligible young men of the ton is to laugh at them, be continually impudent, refuse to take them seriously, and never for a second to consider the possibility that they might actually be falling in love.”

    I bet I would find more good lines when I read it again, there are bound to be some horny Darcy-isms!

    7. I think the Dowager. While they both are full of bluster Lady C de B is not used to getting a smackdown, as can be seen by the fact she is flustered by Lizzy in canon. I think the Dowager would deal better with a fight back.

    8. Well I last read Mansfield Park a long time ago so it’s hard to judge as not sure if I can remember accurately. I liked and disliked them both, as they were both amusing but untrustworthy.

    9. I’ll probably read this one again! I re-read them quite often, or just nice bits of them if I don’t have much time 🙂

    I’d like to read this again actually, as although I really enjoyed the group read and I got a lot out of seeing all your thoughts I usually read books in less sittings and I feel like I’d like to read it again so I can properly absorb myself in it.

    1. Love Abigail’s angsty novels too Ceri! I know what you mean about the group read vs. how you normally read. This was a very different experience!

  3. 1. How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date? Is this your first?
    I have read A Pemberley Medley a while ago. This is my second book.

    2. What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?
    I liked them both. I might need to reread A Pemberley Medley soon .

    3. What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?
    My favourite new character would have to be Paxton. He´s a Bingley-kind-of-guy. Like him a lot.

    4. Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?
    I´d love to see Paxton and Eleanor again and how their relationship continues.

    5. What was your favorite scene in MDNC?
    Short but sweet – when Edward rushes to Lady Mary and the Darcy and Lizzy scene in the hallway right after that.

    6. What is your favourite quote from MDNC?
    Oh, there were many great lines…but I can´t pick one now (it´s also too late here now, my brain isn´t working well anymore 😀 )

    7. Who do you think would win in a showdown: Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?
    I´d vote for the Dowager Marchioness. She is strict, but not as bitter as Lady Cat.

    8. Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?
    Can´t answer that as I´m no Henry Crawford – expert.

    9. What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?
    Mr. Darys Refuge. Just got it for my Kindle .

    1. LOL, Katrin. Now I won’t listen when you ask about my next book being released, since you still have ten old ones you can read! 😉 Thanks for joining in the group read!

    2. Oh wow Katrin!! You have so many wonderful novels to discover!! 😉

      Paxton is a great character – I would like to see more of him too! Love how he took charge and cared for Eleanor!

  4. 1.I have read everything by Abigail Reynolds.
    2.My favourite is Mr. Darcy’s Obsession.
    3.I enjoyed Lord Charles. It was nice to see Mr Darcy get a little jealous of the attentions towards Elizabeth.
    4.I would love to see what happens to Lord Charles and hope that he finds love.
    5.I think it would have to be when they are in the Abbey Ruins.
    Elizabeth taking care of Mr Darcy and his migraine.
    6. don’t think i have a favourite quote. i will have to re-read the book.
    7. Dowager Marchioness! but i don’t think it would be an easy battle
    8. Lord Charles, hands down!
    9. the next book she writes!!

  5. 1. How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date?
    Read them all!

    2. What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?
    My favorite is Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man in the World

    3. What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?
    Dowager Marchioness

    4. Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?
    I think it would be fun to see Dowager Marchioness wrangle with Lydia and Kitty and even Mrs. Bennet!

    5. What was your favorite scene in MDNC?
    I really liked the migraine scene and the waltz between Darcy and Elizabeth.

    6. What is your favorite quote from MDNC?
    Not good with quotes >< 7. Who do you think would win in a showdown: Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?
    Dowager Marchioness hands down! I think she has a bit more wit than Lady Catherine 😉

    8. Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?
    Lord Charles since he seems to have possibly genuinely changed while Henry Crawford obviously did not so I like Lord Charles more.

    9. What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?
    The next one that comes out!

  6. Q1 How many Abigail books have I read? Ummmm….all of them? And any online stuff I could find. She is definitely a favorite!
    Q2 My fav? Again…all of them? But if I have to pick, I guess it would be From Lambton to Longbourn (yes, most of my books are the original release, although I have several in both). It is the one I have reread the most.
    Q3&4 I liked Lord Charles and have high hopes of a reform from his bad boy way and would love to see more of him.
    Q7 I would love to see the Dowager Marchioness take down Lady C. Lady C is too self centered in her thinking and it would be her downfall.Q8 Again, like Lord Charles. So much potential there!
    Q9 The question should be what novels will I reread while waiting for her next release!

  7. 1. How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date? Is this your first?


    2. What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?


    3. What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?


    4. Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?


    5. What was your favorite scene in MDNC?


    7. Who do you think would win in a showdown: Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?


    8. Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?


    9. What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?


    1. YES, Rita! The scene on the moors IS perfection!! Love the scene between Lady C and the Dowager Marchioness!

      Thanks for taking our survey!

  8. 1. How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date? Is this your first?
    I believe I have read them all (including even her collection of short stories).

    2. What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?
    I think this last one is her very best. “Mr. Darcy’s Refuge” was my favorite before this, and “The last man in the world,” Mr Darcy’s Obsession” and “Mr. Darcy’s letter” are tied in third place in my list of favorites.

    3. What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?
    It’s a tie between the Dowager Marchioness and Lord Charles for different reasons. The first because I like to see strong older women characters in novels (you don’t see too many) and the second because I think I have thing for reformed bad boys and I should probably see a therapist about it…

    4. Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?
    I wouldn’t mind seeing any of the new original characters, actually, as I liked them all. Even though at times it was hard to fully understand or sympathize with Elinor, I still liked her and wouldn’t mind knowing how things went for her in her marriage. Still, the Dowager and Lord Charles are again the two original characters I would care to see again the most.

    5. What was your favorite scene in MDNC?
    That’s hard… probably the carriage scene when Darcy and Elizabeth are traveling together (although this is a scene that I liked even better in the outtakes). The scene at the ruins and the one on the moor were also great. Also, (this probably makes me a sadist and I shouldn’t admit to it) but I even enjoyed the part where Darcy was counting the minutes till Elizabeth’s reapearance when she went out on a walk with Paxton. I found it amusing and I kind of like to see Darcy suffer a bit (just because I know he will get his reward at the end).

    6. What is your favorite quote from MDNC?
    I am afraid I don’t have one memorized. I would have to look back at the book and I don’t have it with me at the moment.

    7. Who do you think would win in a showdown: Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?
    LOL I hope that the Dowager Marchioness would since she seems much smarter and not quite as full of herself. I wonder who would win in a music appreciation contest…

    8. Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?
    That’s actually hard for me to answer… I guess Lord Charles is more clearly reformed in the end and thus more likable in this sense, but I have actually liked Henry Crawford since I was 13 and it’s probably too late for me to change.

    9. What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?
    The next one she publishes since I have read all the rest, but actually, I wouldn’t mind re-reading any or all of the others while I wait.

  9. I unfortunately do not have time to commit to group reads but I had read this a couple of weeks ago and loved it.

    I have read all of Abigails novels and I have to say it’s really hard to pick a favorite but this new one is probably one of the top three.

    Charles is probably my favorite new character. I like that Elizabeth makes him want to change and also how he makes Darcy jealous. And of course underneath his bravado there is a wonderful man way deep down.

    I would definitely like to see more of Edward because he was Darcy’s particular friend and he was a good person that we didn’t get to read much about.

    Maybe not a popular scene, but I really liked when the story started to twist and Elizabeth’s heart was breaking. It was very emotional and I actually cried for her – best kind of novels bring out the emotions, you know.
    Happy-wise I would say the scenes when Darcy realized he still loved Elizabeth. Really, who was he kidding?

    I like the it when the Dowager Marchioness speaks. She always has witty thing that pours out her mouth. One quote in particular is after Darcy tells her “Very well we have agreed your plan will suit us admirably.” She replies “Of course it suits you admirably” “All my plans work out plans work out admirably.” She has so many others that are just as funny.

    The Dowager would definitely win the showdown over the Lady.

    Hmm, can we really count Lord Charles as a bad boy? Well, I suppose we can. I like him best and it was great to see him combat (verbally) with Elizabeth. Really if it wasn’t for his family antics (I know, and hers) and of course if there was no Darcy, they would make a good match.

    I’m thinking of rereading ‘Mr Darcy’s Undoing’ now.

  10. 1. How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date? Is this your first?
    – I’ve read 10 out of 12 so far. My first??? Pfft! Hardly!

    2. What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?
    – The second one I read – The Last Man in the World *sigh*

    3. What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?
    – Lord Charles and Dowager Marchioness

    4. Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?
    – I’d love to see more about Edward and Charles and their lady loves!

    5. What was your favorite scene in MDNC?
    – The moors and the carriage ride right after

    6. What is your favorite quote from MDNC?
    – When Darcy tells Elizabeth it might be a good time to use her knife and Elizabeth responds “I know” in a voice that “throbbed with longing…” 😉

    7. Who do you think would win in a showdown: Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?
    – the Dowager: she is a lot tougher than Lady C!

    8. Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?
    – Lord Charles, hopefully he will maintain his reformed ways!

    9. What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?
    – Morning Light! It is one of the two I haven’t read yet!

  11. 1. I’ve read them all & have thoroughly enjoyed them.

    2. I don’t know if I can pick a favorite, but at this moment it would have to be Noble Connections.

    3. I loved the Dowager!! She was brilliant!!!!

    4. The Dowager or Lord Charles

    5. I loved the time at the moors and their first kiss! Hairpins, I loved it. I also loved the scene in the carriage after Eleanor ran away and Darcy and Elizabeth finally had a moment alone.

    6. Oh too many to count, but I think the Dowager was quite hilarious when convincing Elizabeth to have the wedding at Bentham Park.

    7. The Dowager Marchioness, hands down.

    8. Lord Charles any day! Henry Crawford has no redeeming qualities where as Lord Charles has then ten fold.

    9. Next? I’m not sure. I may wait until her next one is out or just put all the names in a hat and draw one out at random. Although I’ve enjoyed this group read and also the outtakes that I may reread Noble Connections!

  12. I was unable to participate this time just because I’ve got some crazy stuff going on that didn’t leave me room for ‘one more thing’. But based on what I saw in the schedule, it sounded do-able and fun. I could have definitely handled the reading pace and the book was of interest. Hope you’re able to set something up like this again some time.

    Thanks for asking for opinions.

  13. 1. How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date? Is this your first?

    I have five of her books and read four of them.

    2. What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?

    This book has been very enjoyable though I still would pick the first book I read by her, The Man Who Loved Pride and Prejudice aka Pemberley By the Sea

    3. What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?

    I am torn between Dowager Marchioness and Paxton

    4. Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?
    The Dowager Marchioness, Edward and Paxton and Eleanor

    5. What was your favorite scene in MDNC?

    There were so many that it is hard to choose! One of them I would say was towards the end when everyone seems to go to Hillington and I love the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth at the very end when she teased him with her hairpins.

    6. What is your favorite quote from MDNC?

    Again! so many to choose! 1) “Charles You will come with me below stairs…Madam, said Paxton with a laugh, “you have just given orders to a Marquess, an Earl, a Viscount, two gentlemen of pproperty, Lord Charles, and the butler, and you are worried about whether the kitchen staff will listen to you?”

    7. Who do you think would win in a showdown: Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?

    Dowager Marchioness. Now I am curious of what would happen if they were in same room together!

    8. Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?

    I am not sure since it has been a while since I have read Mansfield Park. I would have to say for now I like Charles He seems to have a good heart.

    9. What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?

    Mr. Darcy’s Refuge

  14. 1. MDNC is my sixth, and I loved every one of them!

    2. A very close call between Mr. Darcy’s Refuge, Mr. Darcy’s Obsession and MDNC.

    3. Can’t make up my mind between the Dowager Marchioness and Mr. Paxton, and I found the interaction between the two, in the latter chapters, especially amusing.

    4. The Dowager Marchioness, hands down!

    5. Indecisive again – a pattern forming there :). Can’t make up my mind between the scene on the moors, the interaction between Elizabeth and Darcy in the ruins and the carriage ride. I think the carriage ride is nudging its way up ahead of the others :). For sheer angst quality, I also loved the spot where Elizabeth was walking with Paxton (great to see them getting on so well and supporting each other in their time of need), with the added icing on the cake of Darcy hating the clock and every minute’s passing it recorded. Priceless!

    6. “The relief was so abrupt that he let his head fall forward, his senses swimming. It had not been this intense when she had helped him in the ruins, but they had worn gloves that time. It was probably just as well; if he had felt this strange melting and melding in his body then, he might have assumed it was witchcraft. “It is a good thing I proposed to you in Hunsford; otherwise you might think I only wanted to marry you because of this. Georgiana is going to adore you.”
    “You might wish to be careful, sir,” she said, but her voice seemed to smile. “People’s tongues sometimes become unguarded at this stage.”

    7. Again, the Dowager Marchioness, hands down. As arjanne said, Lady Catherine is too predictable.

    8. Oh, Lord Charles, without a doubt! He’s got many redeeming qualities, he’s not as selfish, nor as rotten to the core.

    9. ‘The Last Man in the World’, I think, or maybe ‘The Man Who Loved P&P’. Thanks, Abigail, for giving us so many to choose from :).

    Had a great time here, thanks, and looking forward to the next one!

  15. 1. All of them except Mr Darcy’s Letter and Morning Light.

    2. I have a soft spot for The Last Man in the World, as it was the first I ever read, but I love them all. I loved Mr Darcy’s obsession, but I do think this latest one is my favourite so far.

    3. I liked Geoffrey Paxton a lot, but the Dowager was probably my favourite.

    4. The Dowager, or Lord Charles.

    5. I loved when Elizabeth and Darcy had to waltz together. I really do enjoy the sparring between them, they are often my favourite scenes.

    6. That’s easy: “Do you know Bingley?” “Darcy, you are drunk. I introduced you to Bingley.” LOL

    7. I would hope the Dowager would! She would certainly do it in more style!

    8. Lord Charles, definintely. I think he comes across as more redeemable and with more depth to his character.

    9. It would have to be one of the two I haven’t read: Mr Darcy’s Letter, I suspect.

    Thanks for the chance to do the survey, Meredith, and thanks for the great read, Abigail!

  16. Q1: I read all of them except “Mr. Darcy’s Refuge”. I somehow managed to save that for bad times.

    Q2: Difficult question. It’s either “Pemberley by the Sea” or “The Last Man in the World” – I can’t decide.

    Q3: The Dowager Marchioness is my favorite new character. Although I have to say that I was slightly disappointed that she did not come up with her own rescue plan for her granddaughter.

    Q4: The Dowager Marchioness. But I would not mind to see Eleanor & Paxton, Edward & Mary and/or Charles & Miss Holmes again.

    Q5: Another difficult question. The migraine scene, the garden scene, the moor scene, the carriage scene – there are so many wonderful scenes.

    Q6: There are so many great quotes. I can’t decide which one is my favorite is.

    Q7: I would bet on the Dowager Marchioness. She is much wittier and worldlier.

    Q8: I liked Lord Charles at times (before I learned that he is responsible for Mary Lynley’s suicide). I never liked Henry Crawford (at least in the 2007 ITV Version). Unfortunately I read the book so long ago that I can’t remember if I liked him or not.

    Q9: Until I have the chance to read her new book “The Darcys of Derbyshire” I will re-read all her other books (starting with a re-read of MDNC).

    It’s a pity that the group read is already over. I can’t wait for the next AR one. Thanks again.

  17. 1. How many novels by Abigail Reynolds have read to date? Is this your first?
    I have read all of her books and will keep on reading anything she writes!!

    2. What is your favorite novel by Abigail Reynolds?
    I think this was my favorite. The new characters made it interesting and exciting.

    3. What was your favorite NEW original character in MDNC?
    I really liked Lord Charles- he was complex and kept your wondering what kind of man he really was.

    4. Which NEW original character would you like to see again in another novel?
    Charming Charlie!! I would like to see what happens in his future.

    5. What was your favorite scene in MDNC?
    I loved the tenderness of the migraine scene.

    6. What is your favorite quote from MDNC?
    Too hard to pick one but pretty much anything the Dowager Marchioness said was a pearl!

    7. Who do you think would win in a showdown: Lady Catherine de Bourgh or the Dowager Marchioness?
    I think Lady Catherine is meaner but the Dowager is smarter so I will go with the Dowager.
    8. Which bad boy do you like more Lord Charles or Henry Crawford?
    Lord Charles- I saw the connection but I think Charles had more redeeming traits.

    9. What Abigail Reynolds novel do you plan on reading next?
    The next one she publishes!

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