Hi my dear friends! I am so excited because a special guest is stopping by Austenesque Reviews today! Some of you know her as Christie Capps, the author of multiple Pride and Prejudice novellas that deliver “timeless romances for the […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
Hi my dear friends! I am so excited because a special guest is stopping by Austenesque Reviews today! Some of you know her as Christie Capps, the author of multiple Pride and Prejudice novellas that deliver “timeless romances for the […]
Hi friends! How is your August going so far? Did you enjoy anything fun in July? 🏖 My July was full of the usual (and maybe extra amount 😫) of work, blogging, and enjoying time outside. 🌳 But the highlight […]
Hello, dear friends! It is such an exciting day today here at Austenesque Reviews because the lovely KaraLynne Mackrory is stopping by! AHHHHHHH! 🎉🎉 Which means she is soon-to-be releasing a new book. Can I get a woot woot?!?Β 🙌🏼Β 🙌🏼 I […]
Hi readers, I can’t believe we are here at the end of July already! 🤯 Do you ever try to accomplish more reading in the summertime? 📚☑️ I ALWAYS hope to, but it doesn’t ever really happen because my work […]