A Weekend With Mr. Darcy – Victoria Connelly

A Weekend With Mr. Darcy – Victoria Connelly

An Escape to Jane Austen’s Hampshire Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher In this enchanting Austen-Inspired novel, three devoted Janeites travel to a Jane Austen Conference that takes place in Purley Hall, a picturesque and […]

A Wife For Mr. Darcy – Mary Lydon Simonsen

A Wife For Mr. Darcy – Mary Lydon Simonsen

Mr. Darcy Gets By With A Little Help From His Friends Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher There seems to be no limit to the creative imaginings of Mary Lydon Simonsen! This is the fourth […]

More About… Austenesque Extravaganza

More About… Austenesque Extravaganza

  Hello dear readers, it’s time to share with you all the fun and festivities planned for AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA!  As you know from my first post, Austenesque Extravaganza is a month-long celebration of Austenesque novels and authors!  I also mentioned, that each day […]

There Must Be Murder – Margaret C. Sullivan

There Must Be Murder – Margaret C. Sullivan

A Charming Misadventure for Henry and Catherine Tilney! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author One night, while fondly reminiscing over their first encounter in Bath, the newly married Catherine and Henry Tilney decide that they […]