Winners of My Dear Friend and Austenesque Quarterly #39!!!

Hi friends! We got some rain and clouds this weekend, but I’m using the time catch up with announcing some lucky giveaway winners!

A big thank you to all the authors who sponsored such lovely giveaways with their visits!

Special shout out to Heather Moll for sharing the beautiful cover of your new release – My Dear Friend!

In addition, thank you to all the lovely readers who have entered the latest Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway!!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of these lovely prizes are…

Michelle H ~~~ My Dear Friend (ebook)
Nancy W ~~~ Yours Forevermore, Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory (older cover)
Kaidi ~~~ His Heart’s Desire by Jennifer Redlarczyk (ebook)
EV T ~~~ Must’ve Done Something Good by Cheryl Cory (older cover)
Bren ~~~ My Jane Austen Summer by Cindy Jones
Eva E. ~~~ Together in Perfect Felicity by PO Dixon (large print)*
Anna W. ~~~ winner’s choice (paperback or ebook)
Hot diggity! That’s a lot of books and winners! 🤭

Winners, when you see this, email me the email address or address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Congratulations to the winners and to Kaidi who won my book “His Heart’s Desire” (ebook). Thanks so much to Meredith and another wonderful giveaway. Jen Red ♫

  2. Congratulations to all its a lovely surprise to win anything let alone a really good book.
    Cheers to Meredith and Heather for the opportunity to be in it to win .
    With thanks

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