More About… Austenesque Extravaganza


Hello dear readers, it’s time to share with you all the fun and festivities planned for AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA!  As you know from my first post, Austenesque Extravaganza is a month-long celebration of Austenesque novels and authors!  I also mentioned, that each day of the week had it’s own special event.  Are you curious to know what events you can look forward to??

Here they are, my friends!

SOCIABLE SUNDAY – This event takes place on Twitter and will consist of a Twitter Party with several Austenesque Authors.  Here’s your chance to chat live with your favorite Austenesque Author, ask them your questions, and learn more about their writing!  (Twitter Parties will be at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time)

MY RECOMMENDATION MONDAY – Don’t you just love to talk about your favorite Austenesque novels?  Are you curious to know what books are at the top of everyone’s lists?  Well here’s your chance!  Who knows, maybe you will find some titles to add to your wishlist!

TRAVELING TUESDAY – Time to travel through the blogsphere and take a few stops at some spectacular Austenesque author and blogger sites!  Lot’s of fun and interesting posts for you to enjoy!

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE WEDNESDAY – Let’s talk Austenesque!  What’s your favorite original character?  Love scene?  Showdown?  Time to talk about your favorite scenes and elements from your favorite Austenesque novels!

TOURING THURSDAY – Just like on Traveling Tuesday, you will be leaving Austenesque Reviews to visit other Austenesque author and blogger sites and check out the awesome Austenesque posts they have written!

FUN AND GAMES FRIDAY – On Fridays we will indulge in some fun with Mad Libs, quizzes, and surveys!

SPOTLIGHT SATURDAY – Make sure you set aside some time each Saturday to check out all the fantastic posts Austenesque authors who don’t have their own blog have contributed to Austenesque Extravaganza.  There are so many wonderful authors for you to meet and learn about!

Curious about THE AMAZING AUSTENESQUE GIVEAWAY???? That info will be coming soon!


*The fantastic graphics you will be seeing for Austenesque Extravaganza were created by the wonderfully talented Lady Turner! Thank you!


Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."