Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Heather Moll!!!

Hi friends! I’m thrilled to welcome  back author, Heather Moll to Austenesque Reviews today!

As you may have seen, she has a new book that just released – My Dear Friend. 👏🏼

And it sounds fantastic… 🤩

Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy participate in an anonymous matchmaking service! 💌

Do I really need to say anything more?  😏

Heather is here to share an oh-so-enticing excerpt from My Dear Friend. We hope you enjoy! 🤗

Thanks for welcoming me back to the blog to talk about my latest JAFF release in my Love in London series, My Dear Friend! The latest buzz in London is a subscription matchmaking service (not something I made up!) that Darcy and Elizabeth have been persuaded to join. She wants to show Jane there are good men out there since that awful Mr. Darcy convinced Bingley to leave. And Darcy wants to get over that unsuitable girl from Hertfordshire.

In this excerpt, Elizabeth and Jane are with the Gardiners and Jane is reading the descriptions of men from the matchmaking service for Elizabeth to choose one to start an anonymous correspondence with.

~ Excerpt from My Dear Friend ~

“Oh, hear this one,” Jane said, reading from her sheet. “‘A young gentleman, tall and slender, dark hair and eyes. I have an estate without debt or drawback; well-educated, of domestic habits, fond of books and the country.’ He used the same phrase you did. You have something in common.”

Elizabeth took the sheet to look for herself. She had also written “fond of books and the country.” Her heart beat a little faster at the idea of matching with someone. She was curious about him, but it was too soon to become eager.

“He sounds interesting, but he does not say his income. What could he mean by that?” There was no point in writing to a gentleman who could not afford to marry a woman like her or Jane.

Jane shrugged, but her aunt said, “He means he has an estate and can support a wife, and does not want a horde of ladies writing to him because of his income. That is what you want,” she said, pointing, “a responsible young man who does not run to debt.”

“That is true, but let us read through them all. What about, ‘I am twenty-four years of age and about to be a barrister, middle stature, active and rather agreeable, enjoys cards.’”

“He sounds promising, Lizzy,” said Jane with enthusiasm. “An agreeable barrister would be perfect for you.”

“A gadabout, I am certain,” said Mrs Gardiner, frowning. “He will gamble away all his income when he becomes a barrister. Aim higher than a man who does not have a proper situation. Do not undervalue yourself, and certainly not for a man like that.”

Elizabeth smiled. Her aunt might as well have stood on a ship’s bow and waved a red flag. “True, but they do not all mention their physical attributes, either. Should that alarm me, too?”

“Did you mention your appearance?”

“Why, yes,” she said, giving a sly look to Jane. “I said I was tolerably pretty.”

Her aunt gave her a surprised look. “But you are a very striking girl.”

She shook her head. “You are family and biased in my favour. My being scarcely acceptable as pretty is a verifiable fact. Mr Darcy once announced my tolerableness to an entire ballroom. No, I cannot claim a fortune, and I had best not over-promise on my beauty either.”

Mrs Gardiner laughed. “Do not worry so much about their appearances, then,” her aunt said. “You and your sister read through the rest and make your choice.”

She and Jane read every description. Jane found something favourable about every single one, but Elizabeth was more discerning. Some sounded dull, some gave not enough information to make it worth their being her sole correspondent. Others were too old, or could not afford to marry her, or her aunt found an implication that alarmed her.

“You know, if none of these men suit, nothing says you must write to anyone,” said Jane when they were done. “Or wait a week and see if a new subscriber appeals to you.”

Elizabeth turned back to the first page. Something about the tall, dark-eyed young man had struck her. He was a responsible estate owner, who could talk of books, was not as old as her father, and cleverly phrased his description to give enough away to someone paying attention.

Mrs Gardiner came near. “Did you choose one, my dear?”

“Yes,” she said firmly, pointing to the description. “I will ask my uncle to arrange it, and I will show you all that it is a reputable enterprise that can unite like-minded people.” Elizabeth’s enthusiasm fell. “Although if this young man does not also choose to write to me, I must select another one.”

“Every man who reads the list would choose you,” said Jane, putting an arm around her.

“You forget my history with young men as of late.” Elizabeth smiled sadly. “Wickham did not because he could not afford to, and Mr Collins only did because I was present, not for my good qualities.” Her sister and aunt were giving her sympathetic looks, so she added brightly, “And Mr Darcy never would choose me because I am only tolerably pretty.”

Mrs Gardiner squeezed her shoulder. “Well, this tall young man with an estate and an interest in books and the country seems a sensible one, so of course he will want to write to you.”

We all know what’s going to occur! Find out what happens next when our anonymous letter writers start to get to know one another. My Dear Friend is available now!


Ahh!! I absolutely adore this scene! I love the analyzing of Elizabeth’s prospective matches being a group activity! Just like how women in our times are with their matches on dating apps. A fun pastime to enjoy in either time period! 😄

Thank you so much for sharing, Heather! Congrats on your release of My Dear Friend!


  • Signed paperback copy of My Dear Friend
  • Art of the Love Letter mini
  • Black feather quill pen

Commenting on this post and filling out the rafflecopter widget on this blog enters you in a chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Heather!
  • This giveaway ends September 21st!


    1. The Shop Around the Corner! In the Good Old Summertime! You’ve Got Mail! I have always loved this story in all of its varieties, and now Heather Moll has brought us a Darcy and Elizabeth version. This will be a must-read for me! Delicious!

      1. P.S. Perhaps I am assuming too much from that little fragment of an excerpt –but it’s what immediately lept to mind. If I am wrong, I am sure it will be just as wonderful as I imagined.

      2. It’s not a remake of Shop Around the Corner, but I don’t think you can tell an anonymous matchmaking story about people who don’t get along in real life without Jimmy Stewart coming to mind lol Hopefully, this will have its own spin!

  1. This is a wonderful story! I greatly enjoyed the interactions and the originality of the plot.
    Please don’t enter me in the giveaway.

    1. Love Heather Moll’s work. I’m such a big fan of hers. Also, she posts really fun stuff on her insta. Thank you for giving us such wonderful stuff to read! 🙂

  2. Love Heather Moll’s work. I’m such a big fan of hers. Also, she posts really fun stuff on her insta. Thank you for giving us such wonderful stuff to read!  🙂

  3. Congratulations Heather! I have been ‘watching’t your book and look forward to reading it! I have most of your books in paperback, because I love the feel of the paper, and your covers are always ‘most pleasing’ lol. I have often wondered about the start of personal ads’ back the day, how it got started, who wrote the 1st personal add and so on. And especially how we got where we are today. Thanks for exploring and writing this book. I am looking forward to this read! Thanks Heather, congrats again!

    1. A paperback fan! That’s awesome. I love the covers too. The woman I hire is so talented.
      The personal ads back then were so fascinating, and they went back for centuries before really picking up in the Victorian era! Here’s an agony column from the Times from May 22, 1809: “If a lady who met a clergyman in the Greenwich Coach on Thursday May 18 will send her address at Somers Town to Rev. W.J. at the Turk’s Head Coffeehouse in the Strand, she may accomplish the declared object of her wishes immediately.”
      And now we have tinder, lol.

  4. Already bought and read it (and liked it!) so don’t enter me in the giveaway, but I appreciate the author’s generosity and maybe I’ll see something I haven’t actually already acquired one day.

    1. I appreciate you reading it. And if you want a paperback version and all the goodies, you can still enter! Either way, thanks for reading it!

  5. I love the cover and the premise is so similar to the Little Shop Around the Corner I can’t wait to read it. To have Darcy & Lizzie involved is such an exciting idea.

  6. I love the premise, it sounds like absolute fun. The excerpt made me smile already. Onto the TBR pile it goes. The cover is a winner too. Congratulations Heather, great good luck on this new book baby’s launch.

  7. Well thank goodness I ve already read this as I refuse to enter Rafflecopter giveaways! I love this idea, both Darcy and Elizabeth are able to write honestly to each other! I really enjoyed their letters but I’m not saying any more as I don’t like giving spoilers. All I will say is this is a great story!

  8. I love the cover, and it looks like it could be quite fun! I haven’t read a Pride & Prejudice variation along these lines before. Excited to read it!

  9. Good, honest communication between intelligent adults is my idea of an intriguing story. This is a premise seldom seen in JAFF and I look forward to reading this delightful volume. Congrats on publishing another story. BTW, I hate Rafflecopter!

  10. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, Heather. I read it on KU and would still like to win.
    Thanks for the chance.

  11. I adore that scene with Jane and Mrs. Gardiner. The concept sounds like so much fun for ODC. What fun. I remember the old movie The Shop Around The Corner [1940] with a young James Stewart and Margaret Sullivan. I loved You’ve Got Mail [1998] with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Thank you for writing this. I can’t wait to read it and wish you much success in the launch. Good luck to everyone in the drawing. Blessings.

    1. Thank you so much! There are definite nods to The Shop Around the Corner, even in some of the side characters names. I don’t think you can write an anonymous matchmaking story without that movie coming to mind, although the resolution is a little different here. Best of luck in the giveaway and thanks for your well wishes!

  12. As a long-time admirer of Jane Austen, I find your storytelling and the way you bring her world to life both captivating and refreshing. You have a remarkable ability to blend timeless themes of love, wit, and societal observation with your unique voice, keeping the essence of Austen alive while making it feel new. I look forward to reading more from you!

    1. I just put my makeup on and you’re going to make the mascara run! Thank you so so much for brightening my morning

      1. Already bought the eBook and looking forward to reading it. Heather Mills is my favourite Austenesque writer and I have read most of her books except a few that were not for me but that is normal. I hope to have the time to read this one soon. I already read the excerpt sent on her newsletter and now this and I already know that I will love it!

  13. Definitely interested in seeing how swiping right works through letters. Sounds like an interesting read as most of your books!

  14. Already bought the eBook and looking forward to reading it. Heather Molls is one of my favourite Austenesque writers (the other one being Melanie Rachel, can’t really chose one over the other). I hope to have the time to read this one soon. I already read the excerpt sent on the newsletter and now this and I already know that I will love it!

    1. Thanks for being a newsletter subscriber! You get all the goodies. Melanie Rachel is fantastic and I think she’d agree that you don’t have to pick a fave between us. You can love us both equally lol

  15. Oh my gosh.. so wonderful!!! Would love to win this!! The book sounds amazing!! Can’t wait to read … love the cover!!!

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