Amazing Austenesque Winners!

Amazing Austenesque Winners!

Thank you everyone for being so patient while we sorted out the 95 winners for the Amazing Austenesque Giveaway!  Today, we are finally announcing all the winners!  YAY!!!! As you know, the winners were randomly chosen by the comments they […]

My GREAT BIG Austenesque Thank You!

My GREAT BIG Austenesque Thank You!

Austenesque Extravaganza would not have been possible if not for the support and participation of so many wonderful people. I’m overwhelmed by the number of generous and kind authors, bloggers, and publishers that wanted to take part in Austenesque Extravaganza! I never […]

Austenesque Extravaganza Survey

Austenesque Extravaganza Survey

THANK YOU to everyone who made this event possible!  I had a blast hosting this event and connecting with so many readers and authors who share my love for all things Austenesque!  If you have the time, I’d love to know […]