Giveaway of The Unexpected Miss Bennet!!!

Giveaway of The Unexpected Miss Bennet!!!

Several months ago I had the great pleasure of “meeting” author Patrice Sarath through Austenesque Extravaganza.  I was so pleased to have Patrice take part in a Touring Thursday and a Sociable Sunday!  Soon after that she asked me to […]

Christmas at Pemberley – Regina Jeffers

Christmas at Pemberley – Regina Jeffers

Christmas Cheer and Celebrations with the Darcys! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher A Pemberley Christmas, sounds picturesque doesn’t it? I can just see the festive greenery gracing the halls, the gathering of friends and […]

Winner of the Pemberley Celebrations Giveaway!!!

Winner of the Pemberley Celebrations Giveaway!!!

I’d like to extend a big thank you to Kara Louise for not only sending me a review copy of Pemberley Celebrations, but for also stopping by Austenesque Reviews and contributing a guestpost!  I also am most delighted to have had the opportunity […]