Giveaway of The Unexpected Miss Bennet!!!

Several months ago I had the great pleasure of “meeting” author Patrice Sarath through Austenesque Extravaganza.  I was so pleased to have Patrice take part in a Touring Thursday and a Sociable Sunday!  Soon after that she asked me to read and review her novel The Unexpected Miss Bennet, which was currently only out in the UK.  Being that the novel’s subject was Mary Bennet, I was most curious to see what she would be like as a heroine and I happily agreed to her request.

My review for The Unexpected Miss Bennet posted in October.  I completely loved seeing Mary as a heroine, she stole my heart!  And Patrice Sarath’s writing was superb!  You can read more of my thoughts if you follow this link.

Now Patrice Sarath’s beautiful novel has been released in the US and the kind people at Berkley Books have bestowed upon me the opportunity to host a giveaway for it on my blog!!!

How can you be the lucky winner?

– Just leave a comment on this post answering either one of these two questions:

  • What do you like most about Mary Bennet? 
  • What do you like least about Mary Bennet?

To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please don’t leave your email address.  Just check back to see if you win!  This giveaway is opened to all residents in US and Canada!

Best of luck to all who enter, this giveaway will close December 18th!


  1. I like Mary’s fearlessness best about her. It takes a lot of courage to speak up and perform in public! What I dislike most about her is her habit of spouting other people’s words rather than her own. I think she has a lot of potential as a heroine. 🙂

  2. I love that no matter what, Mary doesn’t care what others think. She’s a bit different and more serious that pretty much everyone, but she stands by her beliefs, loves her music and reading, and in a lot of ways is a strong character

  3. Mary ends up not been given a lot of showtime in the book and many will call her the most plain of all the Bennet girls. But then there are rare gems out there who just take their time get into the limelight. I like about Mary the fact that she keeps up her good work, loves to have a her nose into a good book and never really judges anyone by their looks and character. I tend to think that when time will come that Mary might be one of the more lucky girls at the Bennet house. If she keeps up her faith!

  4. I’m glad that Mary is strong enough to not worry about what others think, but I wish she wasn’t such a downer. She seems to be strong in her faith, and I wish she exhibited a bit more “joy of the Lord” in her personality.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Laura Hartness

  5. I like that Mary knows that she doesn’t want to be like Kitty and Lydia, and tries to improve herself and make herself better as best she can, without having any real guidance. I like that she tries, even without quite knowing how to do that. 🙂

  6. I love her resilience (though at times, it got to be a bit much). Anyone who can move forward after a let down Mr. Bennett gave her in front of the masses during the Netherfield Ball gets huge kudos in my book!!

  7. What I find interesting about Mary is that she tries to help others improve, especially her younger sisters. Then one feels sorry for her when her father pulls her away from ‘entertaining’ as she is not quite as proficient as others, but she could care less.

  8. Mary seems like a real person to me. The others have more of a fictional lovey kinda of feeling. She’s certainly not like that and almost doesn’t fit in with the rest but that is good. She would be irritating however to live with.

  9. Mary has a strong sense of morality and is definitely interested in upholding what she thinks is right and wrong, and to a great degree what she reads gives her her moral compass, but she relies too heavily on the opinions and thoughts of others as a result to be or have much of a character herself. As she gets older she would probably grow out of that somewhat and begin to think for herself.

  10. I like Mary because she is not afraid to exhibit in public and tell others what she thinks and feels, even if it does come across in a self-righteous way.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. I love that Mary looks up to her older sisters, and that she isn’t at all like her flighty, flirty younger sisters Kitty & Lydia. She has this quiet, caring reserve about her, but she also knows how to speak up for herself.

  12. Please do not enter me as I already have the fab book.

    I love the idea of Mary Bennet finally getting the lime light. Even in the original, I always felt some respect for her because of her determination to do what she wanted to do and was not afraid to put it all out there no matter what.
    I also think it would have been pretty tough to grow up the middle sister in such a household not being the prettiest, the cleverest, or a parent’s favorite.

  13. Honestly, the trait I like most and least about Mary is the same thing- her habit of parroting other’s opinions as her own. I went through a stage exactly like that, in my adolescence, which has always made me feel like she’s on the cusp of coming into her own….except, of course, that we don’t get to see that because she’s not the focus of the novel. I’m pleased as punch to see a skilled author take on the task of showing us more Mary. 🙂

  14. What I like about Mary Bennett is that she seems to be willing to be her own person. She did not go along with Lydia and Kitty, she did not give up and become a hermit. She tried to improve herself and find a place within the circle of all those sisters. I think she has great potential and this would be a great book to read!

  15. Ah, Mary! She is so passionate about her beliefs and forthright with her observations – I love that about her! I just wish that she appeared happier – her faith should bring her more joy, and maybe her music would sound better! 😉

  16. I like that she’s an outsider – true to her convictions, even though she’s mocked for them. To me, she’s like the Regency Sheldon Cooper!

  17. I dislike the habit that Mary has of raising herself up by putting other people down. Her comments are quite priggish also. I like that she doesn’t give any attention to Lydia and Kitty making fun of her.

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