Guest Post + Giveaway with Jenetta James!!!

Guest Post + Giveaway with Jenetta James!!!

Hello, dear readers!  I am very excited to welcome back author Jenetta James to Austenesque Reviews today! Jenetta is here to celebrate her second release, The Elizabeth Papers.  Her first Pride and Prejudice variation, Suddenly Mrs. Darcy came out last year – and I […]

Austenesque Agenda – June 2016

Austenesque Agenda – June 2016

Hi friends! Thanks for popping in for a visit!  I can’t believe how fast May went!  It felt like a very busy month – busy working, busy gigging (Mr. Bingley), and busy reading (me!)   We’ve had fun times with […]

Compromised! – J. Dawn King

Compromised! – J. Dawn King

Being Compromised Is All The Rage in Meryton! 😉 Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Author After coming across a distraught Mr. Darcy in agonizing distress while walking in the glen near Netherfield Park, Elizabeth Bennet decides […]