The Secret of Pembrooke Park – Julie Klassen

The Secret of Pembrooke Park – Julie Klassen

A Mysterious House Full of Secrets! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy form Publisher TYPE OF NOVEL: Historical Romance, Regency Romance, Gothic Suspense, Inspirational Fiction (lite) SETTING: 1817, Pembrooke Park, Berkshire, England MAIN CHARACTERS: Mr. and Mrs. […]

Austenesque Top Ten: Persuasion

Austenesque Top Ten: Persuasion

I am wayyyyyy overdue for a list!  It just doesn’t feel right to go so long and not be making new lists! 😉 This is my fourth Austenesque Top Ten list.  You can find my other Top Ten lists HERE. […]

Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Anji

Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Anji

Everyone welcome avid Austenesque reader, Anji!  It was just about a year ago that Anji found her way to Austenesque Reviews and started to participate in our conversation!  So happy to know Anji through our mutual love of Austenesque literature! […]