All My Tomorrows – Colette Saucier

The Proud…and the Prejudiced

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy From Author

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Austen-Inspired Original, Modern-day Adaptation

TIME FRAME: Modern-day

MAIN CHARACTERS: Alice McGuillicutty (Elizabeth), Peter Walsingham (Darcy), Rich Dover (Wickham), Giselle (Jane/Lydia)


Yes…this is a Pride and Prejudiceinspired novel that takes place on a soap opera set. Yes…there is plenty of melodrama, but it isn’t overdone or cheesy. And, yes…even if you aren’t really into daytime dramas and over-the-top romance novels (I’m not a fan of either myself) you will find much pleasure and enjoyment in this clever and inventive adaptation! I sure did!


  • The Story within a Story: Head writer for the sinking soap opera, All My Tomorrows, Alice finds some much needed inspiration from the pages of one of her mom’s old romance novels, The Edge of Darkness. Interspersed throughout the main story are complete chapters of the romance novel Alice is reading. The Edge of Darkness was dramatic, gripping, and intense! I greatly enjoyed the story-within-a-story and I thought Colette Saucier did a marvelous job of implementing this creative storytelling tool. In addition, I enjoyed witnessing how Alice was inspired and borrowed bits from the novel when working on the scripts for AMT.

  • The Hollywood Hierarchy: How ingenious of Colette Saucier to relate the class division of nineteenth century England to the Hollywood industry and all of its prejudices, distinctions, and expectations. Isn’t it sometimes assumed/expected that celebrities will date or marry other celebrities? Doesn’t working on soap opera bare a similar low-class stench and association that working in trade did during Jane Austen’s time? Aren’t some highly-paid and famous actors known to possess some arrogance and selfish disdain, like a certain gentleman who has ten-thousand-a-year? (btw – I’m well aware that these generalities do not apply to all celebrities!)
  • Brilliant and Subtle Parallels: I liked how neither the characters nor the plot are exact carbon-copies of the original. The overall storyarc is similar and there are commonalities in character personalities and situations to be discovered. (I loved that the Wickham character was cast as priest in the soap!) Some parallels are obvious like Peter’s insult towards Alice, their misconception of each other’s feelings, and a deceitful character feigning innocence. But others are more creative and subtle. I especially liked discovering the more hidden parallels like Laday Catherine’s visist to Elizabeth.
  • More Alice: This is only a minor complaint…but I wish we got to spend some more time in Alice’s head. Her feelings for Peter are so conflicted and so drastic that it would have been interesting to hear more of her thoughts. In addition, I would have loved to learn what she thought of The Edge of Darkness while reading it – we know how she felt at the end (believe me, I felt the same way, Alice!), but some reflections before that would have been great!
  • Some intimate bedroom scenes
  • Some profanity

In the mood for an absorbing drama with unpredictable twists and intense romances? Originative, unique, and remarkable – All My Tomorrows is a Pride and Prejudicemodern adaptation you do not want to miss!

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15 out of 30 completed!


    1. I’m not either, Sophia Rose. I was most pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this story! So glad you found pleasure in reading this book as well! I so hope Colette Saucier will write more stories like this!

  1. I enjoyed this book. It’s been a while since I read it but I remember that I particularly liked how you could identify key moments from P&P and that bit where he’s walking away from her in New Orleans /sigh.

    The only thing is, while I liked the idea of the story within the story I didn’t enjoy the book she was reading, the heroine got on my nerves. If I’d been reading that book I’d probably have skipped to the end and abandoned it! I wanted more Alice/Peter time.

    1. Hi Ceri! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading this one too! I too loved spotting parallels! They were very well done!

      The Alice/Peter storyline was my favorite too. But I felt drawn in to Alex’s story as well. The chapter always seemed to end with a cliff-hanger!

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