Murder in Highbury – Vanessa Kelly

The Character Whom Everyone Wants To Murder Is Murdered!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Blog Tour

TYPE OF NOVEL: Emma Sequel Mystery

SERIES: Emma Knightley Mystery #1


Never would Emma expect to find a lifeless body at the altar of their village church. Given the state of the body and a possible murder weapon smeared with blood nearby, this gives all the signs of not being an accident. Which would mean that a murder investigation has descended upon the quiet little village of Highbury…


  • Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead: Vanessa Kelly has taken a character whom no one – maybe not even the author – likes and has greatly improved the situation by selecting her to be a murder victim. And if by now, you can’t guess who I’m referring to, “I shall think you a simpleton.” This was pure brilliance. I think Jane Austen would heartily approve and delight in such turn of events.
  • Trading Match-Making for Mystery Solving: Two things place Emma in the middle of the murder investigation – one, she found the body, and two, her husband is magistrate. But even if those two things weren’t true, I think our Emma is too clever and too meddling to not make solving the mysteries surrounding who is the murderer and what is their motivation her next project. She is akin to a Regency Nancy Drew – keenly attune to anything that could be related to the investigation and quick to jump at any opportunity to chat up any suspects. She is determined, brave, and not afraid to take risks – much to her husband’s chagrin.
  • Married Knightleys: I loved seeing the dynamics and interactions for all the newlyweds in this story – the Martins, the Churchills, but most especially the Knightleys. I loved seeing Emma continue to be playful, and Mr. Knightley continue to be concerned. But even more so, I loved seeing the attraction, esteem, and comfort that exists between them. I loved their moments alone.
  • Mr. Woodhouse: All our dear familiar friends were represented beautifully in this tale – Miss Bates is profuse with her usual chatter, Harriet is need of guidance, Mr. Elton is excessively obsequious, and Mr. Woodhouse is quick to bring up any possible health concerns. But I think Vanessa Kelly has something else in mind for Mr. Woodhouse and she began laying the groundwork in this novel. It isn’t just his health that causes him undue concern and prompts him into action. And I’m excited about this possible new development for him. In addition, I loved seeing a more feisty side of Mr. Woodhouse – he is not always gentle and weak. He takes a strident dislike to someone in this story, and becomes quite forceful and vocal with his protestations about them.


  • The Mystery: Loved the premise, loved the characters, loved seeing and breathing day-to-day life in Highbury, but I guess the mystery – or I should say the mystery’s conclusion left me a little underwhelmed. I’m not sure if it was because the pacing towards the end lost some momentum, or because it started to become a little farfetched? Or maybe it was the antics of the inept coroner and constable beginning to wear on me as they continuously steered the investigation in the wrong direction?


⚰️  Murder is so disrupting to one’s social circle…

🔍  Emma knows the triumph of a lucky guess, but once again, a lucky guess is never merely luck – our dear girl is astute, savvy, and very discerning.

📚 I have a feeling that this won’t be the only time a murder dares to distress or vex Emma Knightley…and I’m ready to see her apply her sense and have rather too much her own way with the investigation again!

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My sincere gratitude to Laurel Ann Nattress of Austenprose PR for putting this lovely blog tour together and inviting me to take part!


  1. For some reason the last two blogs have failed to load the to load the graphics on my iPhone. The text is there and readable.

  2. I can certainly guess who the victim might be (at least who it should be!) if I’m right whoever did it should be rewarded not punished!

  3. I absolutely loved this one – and like you, really enjoyed seeing the Married Knightleys! I love the way Emma and Knightly interact as a married couple, and it’s so obvious they’re more deeply in love than ever. Already looking forward to the next installment in the series!

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