Cover Reveal + Giveaway of A Mortal Heart’s Desire!!!

Hi friends! I’m excited to conclude this week with a new cover reveal! 🥳

Today’s cover reveal is for author Lyndsay Constable’s upcoming Pride and Prejudice variation – A Mortal Heart’s Desire!! 💗

And this new variation sounds very unique – I especially love that it combines so many of my favorite elements – forced proximity, tumultuous emotions, adventure, travel, and a fake marriage…! 📖

Please give Lyndsay and her upcoming release – A Mortal Heart’s Desire – a warm welcome! 🤗

~ From the Author ~

Thank you so much for hosting the cover reveal Meredith! It is always fun to be here, chat, and do a giveaway. The original art is by Jeremy Micheal Elder. I have been in love with silhouettes lately and Jeremy always comes up with something lovely. That heart! It sums up the novel quite well.

“This young gentleman is blessed in a peculiar way, with everything the heart of a mortal can most desire—splendid property, noble kindred, and extensive patronage.”

Letter from Mr Collins to Mr Bennet

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

A Mortal Heart’s Desire has been rattling around in my brain for several years. It includes a rather obscure, dramatic moment in history that has a connection to English technology of the time and has fascinated me since I first learned of it about five years ago. So, after realizing that Pride and Prejudice is presumed to have taken place in the same years (1811-1812), I just could not resist figuring out a mash-up.

After the initial, similar-to-canon beginning, the story veers way off course and includes plenty of almost professions of love, tense moments of repressed attraction, and action/adventure. I am always fascinated by the layers to Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship and how they become better versions of themselves through their acquaintance and moments that force them out of their comfort zones. Putting the two of them in situations that require them to work together delights me. The rest of the characters are only in the beginning and make no more appearances throughout.

The historical events and the spectacular displays by mother nature in 1811 & 1812 began to closely resemble Elizabeth and Darcy’s tumultuous journey towards their Happily Ever After. It was a surprising parallel that emerged gradually as the story unfolded, one that I did not plan, but seemed to evolve organically through the crafting of the tale.

Humorous moments, spicy debates, action/adventure, plenty of conversations between ODC; This one was a fun one to write and very rewarding after researching the subject for several years. I hope you enjoy it!

Here is a section of my absolute favorite conversation between Darcy and Elizabeth.

~ Book Description ~

‘Groaning at the very real, sharp pain in his chest, Darcy leaned his elbows on his knees. It was not the deep, merciless water under the ship that caused this brutal ache. It was the rending of his devoted heart.’

With the Darcy finances hanging by a thread, Fitzwilliam Darcy decides to journey to America to oversee his late father’s one good investment, certain that Elizabeth Bennet will await his return.

After she turns down Mr Collins’s offer of marriage, Elizabeth Bennet can no longer tolerate her mother’s cruelty and decides to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, certain that it is her only path towards happiness.

‘Either we both succeed, or we fail together.’

A collision of misunderstandings, celestial events, a fake marriage, concealed desire, and natural disasters will either bring Darcy and Elizabeth together or tear them apart on this wild ride.

A Mortal Heart’s Desire is a slow-burn, adventure-filled, epic Pride and Prejudice variation, based on actual historical events that occurred in 1811.

~ Excerpt from A Mortal Heart’s Desire ~

Elizabeth held a hand up to silence the rehearsed lecture that was on the verge of escaping his lips. “I have a proposal. I think it is high time that the lamb lies down with the lion.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“We must come to peace between ourselves. That will only occur if we are completely honest and attempt to start anew. It should be as if we have never met before.”

“But I cannot have you travel with me. I simply will not stand for it. I must send you back to England the moment we arrive, on the first available ship travelling east.”

“I should travel alone? With my reputation in tatters when I arrive? If you attempt to force such a plan, I will disappear the moment we arrive in America, and you will never see me again. I think you have seen too much of my natural spirit to doubt I am capable of such an act.”

“Alone? In America?” Mr Darcy’s voice rose in timbre to an almost panicked tone.

“That, sir, will be a very last course of action for me, I assure you. However, I will not discard it as an avenue for myself. There are many openings for qualified, gently-bred governesses in America.”

A silence followed. Both resumed their previous positions of watching the wake of the ship unfold beneath them. It was a heavy pause in their tentative new beginning.

At last, Mr Darcy said, “And who exactly is the lamb and who is the lion?”

Elizabeth blinked and looked at him in amazement. This time she was absolutely certain that she could detect a small smirk on his lips. Another jest from Mr Darcy? It was a day of fantastical revelations. “If you are in doubt as to who is the lion and who is the lamb,” she replied, “then it is safe to assume that you are not the lion.”

He laughed and shook his head. Elizabeth saw droplets of salty moisture clinging to the soft curls of his eyelashes. She smiled back at him, grateful to have this minor respite from their bickering. Her spirits did not know if she could bear more condemnation from her only acquaintance on the ship.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: November 2nd)

Ooh, I love all the hints we can see in the design of this cover! The sea, the stars, the intricately designed heart… 💖

The colors are so rich and warm – I love the burgundy and plum. 🎨

I’m so curious about this actual historic event that took place at this time…without looking it up, I don’t think it is one I’m already familiar with… 💫

I love the idea of Darcy and Elizabeth being in new/different situations and that they spend time together on a sea journey! ⚓️

What do you think, friends? 🤔



Today Lyndsay brings with her 2️⃣ ebook copy of A Mortal Heart’s Desire for me to give away to 2️⃣ lucky readers!

 To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Lyndsay below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Lyndsay! 
  • This giveaway ends November 4th.
A Mortal Heart’s Desire will be available for preorder October 27th!


  1. A fun combo of deep fall and mystical feel to he cover.

    Congratulations on another release! Looking forward to reading it.

    1. Thank you! Book blurbs and descriptions are always a bit nerve racking, in some ways harder than writing the book. I appreciate the compliment!

  2. The only thing I can think of is the volcano explosion of Mt. Tambora in Indonesia. Although that is a little early for this time frame I think. It will be exciting to see what comes of their “forced proximty” on the ship!

    1. Poor Darcy trying to act the gentleman through all the adventures! I began to feel sorry for him, lol. But I love slow burn so much. The dramatic natural events were in America and the Celestial event was the Great Comet of 1811.

  3. How brave is Elizabeth? I wonder if she knew that Darcy was on the ship? I’m supposing she did as it says Darcy expects her to wait for him, so she must know where he’s going! I can’t think why he didn’t marry her and take her with him, it would have saved her from Mr Collins’ proposal and her mothers’ nastiness. I do hope Darcy relents and lets her stay with him.

    1. Elizabeth is always brave and assertive in my variations, and she is extra daring and bold in this one! She is on the ship because they misunderstood each other, just like in canon, it seems to be something they both excel at till they come to an understanding about the state of their hearts. And she does get her way and stay, naturally! Darcy is a total softy when it comes to Elizabeth getting her way. Though they do argue a bit more about it.

  4. I think the heart is the key as it looks like in industrial gears. Let’s hope Elizabeth and/or Darcy doesn’t throw the other off the ship! So, who is the lamb and who is the lion? Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

    1. I like a unique premise! And it is based on historical events, so not out of the realm of possibility. I’m glad you like the cover, hope you enjoy it.

  5. I love an ‘outside-the-box’ variation! This one certainly will fit that description! Love the cover and what it ‘tells’ the reader! Congratulations and look forward to reading it. Thank you for a chance at the giveaway.

  6. A lot of great tropes here. I love it when a ship is involved. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!

  7. What a gorgeous cover and an intriguing premise! I’m not aware of the historical event, but as a history buff I’m excited to learn all about it. My favorite JAFFs center around a plot where ODC must team up to overcome the obstacles that threaten their HEA. This sounds like my perfect cup of tea!

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