Courage Rises – Melanie Rachel + Giveaway!!!

Matching Treacherous Challenges Against Tenacious Characters!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Sequel

TIME FRAME: Begins four month after Darcy and Elizabeth are married

MAIN CHARACTERS: Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Darcy, Georgiana Darcy, Colonel Fitzwilliam, Mr. Bingley

SYNOPSIS: After several months of connubial bliss, Darcy and Elizabeth are about to endure their first separation. Darcy is to London for business and only anticipates that he will be away two to three weeks. But that soon changes when he receives a request from his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, to assist with a debt of honor… Meanwhile at Pemberley, Lizzy is hoping to make her husband proud by proving how capable she is as Mistress of Pemberley. But just as soon as her husband leaves many of families of the estate report serious illness… How can Elizabeth help them all and stop the outbreak from spreading elsewhere? How do Darcy and Elizabeth cope with their individual struggles and prolonged separation?

SERIES: Courage (Book 1 of 2)


  • Dual Storylines: In this sequel, readers follow Darcy to London and stay with Elizabeth at Pemberley, oftentimes switching point-of-views at chapter breaks. I loved that there were two gripping storylines interweaving with each other at the same time. Both storylines had some danger, emotional conflict, and unexpected drama. I thought both storylines complimented each other well and were well-executed. I really couldn’t decide which story I enjoyed more – the mysterious hunt with the boys, or the intense, critical illness at Pemberley!
  • Happy, Playful, and Ardent: In the brief, but telling, moments we see Darcy and Elizabeth together, readers can deduce a lot about their marriage. Their love match has changed Darcy for the better, Elizabeth is the making of him and he knows it. And Elizabeth has found great purpose in her life. Even though she is only in her new role a mere four months, Elizabeth is just as passionate about Pemberley as her husband. However, what is really wonderful to witness is the intense and fervent love they have for each other – how they still tease each other, how an impending 2-3 week separation makes both of them morose, and how they long for each other in so many ways and so many reasons when separated.
  • Determined and Honorable Men: I don’t think there is anything more attractive than men of honor – loyal and determined to do what they believe is right. And this book shows us three! Others may turn away from the obstacles in their paths or the dead ends they encounter, but these men would not quit and would not abandon each other. I loved the infallible support and perseverance of this brotherhood!
  • A Brave and Intelligent Mistress of Pemberley: I really enjoyed the focus on Elizabeth facing some challenges as Mistress of Pemberley. She encounters several naysayers who don’t believe she may be up to snuff for her elevated role, and I loved seeing how she would purposely yet sweetly prove them wrong. This Elizabeth showed such indomitable spirit and her selfless actions were deeply inspiring.


  • Miss Hawke: I love encountering new characters, especially one that has some intrigue or stirs things up a little bit! I just sort’ve felt Miss Hawke was a little incomplete. She plays a vital role in this story, yet I felt we didn’t get to see or hear enough from her. But perhaps this will be addressed in the next book of the series…


In past years I have grown much more selective when it comes to Pride and Prejudice sequels (as I tend to prefer ones that spotlight secondary characters). And I am happy to say I absolutely adored this dynamic, intriguing, and emotive Pride and Prejudice sequel by Melanie Rachel! Darcy and Elizabeth are exceptionally well-drawn in this story and I loved seeing them grow and flourish both as individuals and as partners in their marriage. Looking forward to reading Courage Requires (Courage #2) next!

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Today Melanie graciously offers 1 book from her Courage Series (winner’s choice) for me to give away in conjunction with my reviews(Paperback or ebook for US citizens.  Ebook for all other countries.)


To enter this giveaway, leave a comment below!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide (with some shipping restrictions).  Thank you, Melanie!
  • This giveaway ends August 16th!

~~ Want to double your chances?  Come back Friday and leave a comment on my review of Courage Requires!! ~~



  1. It’s a bit sad that we only read about them together briefly, but I love your description that Elizabeth is the making of Darcy. The gooey romantic is calling out to me hahaha

  2. Hi, everyone! I can add to this wonderful review that there’s much more E&D togetherness in the second volume and that we also get a lot more of Richard Fitzwilliam and both the Miss Hawkes. In fact, the Matlock contingent descends upon Pemberley en masse for the holiday, lol. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it, Meredith, and thanks for the review!

  3. I loved this review… most excellent. Don’t include me in the give-a-way as I already have both books. I have them in that TBR pile of mine and look forward to reading them. To our author… blessings on the launch and much success in your writing career.

  4. This book looks lovely–both books do, actually. I am crossing my fingers and hoping to win one!! Thank you for the thorough review, as always, Meredith!

    Susanne 🙂

  5. I’ve had this book in my to read list for a while and been hesitant to read because it sound like there is little of Darcy and Elizabeth together.

    1. While they do spend a good deal of time apart, you do still see them as a unit. They are always in each other’s thoughts and Elizabeth writes to Darcy almost daily. And their reunion is just all things lovely!

  6. Lovely review Meredith! I absolutely loved both of these books and read them one after the other (5*)! Looking forward to the next book Ms. Rachel writes! Please do not enter me in the giveaway.

  7. Can’t believe I had not heard of these Courage books… Elizabeth surely gets tested as is their marriage. Sounds like a great read!

  8. You know, a few people have said they’ve not heard of the books–so I can market them more effectively, would you all mind letting me know how you tend to find out about JAFF books you wish to purchase? Thank goodness for reviewers like Meredith, but are there other sites you check? Thanks in advance!

  9. Thank you for your review, but I still like Elizabeth and Darcy to be the central characters in sequels. This appears to be so well written since one still gets a sense of their commitment even though they are separated. Thank you for the giveaway – the book sounds fantastic!

    1. Great, Eva! I hope you give these books a try! Darcy, Lizzy, and Colonel Fitzwilliam are at the heart of these stories, even though each has their own storyline at times. 😉

  10. Thanks for highlighting an author I know very little about, Meredith, and for yet another great review. I haven’t read that many sequels, so this looks to be a lovely insight into the future for Darcy and Elizabeth. Seeing how they both cope with their respective crises will be a true test of their marriage and their characters.

  11. I have only came to know of this book series and its author recently on Just Jane 1813. Thanks for sharing this brilliant review with us, Meredith. I seldom read P&P sequels but I’ll be sure to add the Courage series in my TBR list.

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