Mr. Darcy’s Pride and Joy – Monica Fairview

Mr. Darcy Perseveres!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

Mr. Darcy’s Pride and Joy is the third installment in Monica Fairview’s The Darcy Novels series. This series is a three-part Pride and Prejudice variation that focuses on Mr. Darcy’s struggles as he tries to win Elizabeth’s heart and secure his future happiness. While it is possible to jump into the series right here and not feel completely lost or confused, I feel the pleasure will be categorically enhanced by reading the first two books of this series – Mr. Darcy’s Pledge and Mr. Darcy’s Challenge – prior to reading this story. 🙂

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what takes place in this series, in Mr. Darcy’s Pledge a rejected and depressed Mr. Darcy returns to Pemberley and attempts to move on with his life. In his heart he knows he will always love Elizabeth Bennet, but because he knows she doesn’t want him he begins to look elsewhere… That is until the lady practically winds up on his doorstep! In Mr. Darcy’s Challenge, Elizabeth and the Gardiners depart from Pemberley after receiving some upsetting news from Longbourn, and Mr. Darcy goes after them to offer his help and deliver his carefully planned proposal… And after many debacles and several surprising twists Darcy finally reaches an understanding with his fair lady love and all that is needed is the blessing of her father for Mr. Darcy’s joy to be complete…. Well, easier said then done! In Mr. Darcy’s Pride and Joy  Darcy and Elizabeth face opposition, misunderstandings, and more than one mishap! Monica Fairview truly has taken Pride and Prejudice and turned it on its ear!

Wow! What an eventful and enthralling series! There is so much that takes place in all three books and so many new and intriguing characters are introduced. One of the aspects I enjoyed most about this series was Ms. Fairview’s original characters and how they brought new twists and temperaments into the fray. I also loved the clever tweaks and developments Ms. Fairview gave to many of Jane Austen’s characters. I thoroughly enjoyed the unique twist with the Lydia story-line, and in this volume I loved learning more about Mr. Bennet and his past. It perfectly explained many of Mr. Bennet’s behaviors and choices. Ms. Fairview has a wonderful talent for creating stimulating and well-drawn characters and fleshing out Jane Austen’s secondary characters convincingly and sympathetically.

Just like with the other volumes in this series, this installment was eventful. There is a foot-pad attack, an unanticipated refusal, an unexpected engagement announcement, and a house party that brings some of Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s most difficult family members together under one roof!  And through it all, Mr. Darcy is unsuccessfully trying to achieve his goal of being able to marry Elizabeth Bennet! I greatly enjoyed the varied mix of events and twists to this story-line, yet, at the same time, some events did feel like they came about or concluded a little too abruptly for my taste. Also, I think that because so many characters were involved, some story-lines became a little spotty or remained unresolved.

But don’t worry readers, that wasn’t the case with Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s story-line! I loved seeing Darcy persevere through his struggles to see and be with Elizabeth, and how Elizabeth determinedly and relentlessly fought for what she wanted. It was heart-warming to see how in love they both were with each other. And I adored all the little sigh-worthy moments where they would touch hands and steal kisses! *swoon*

Full of humor, misadventure, and romance The Darcy Novels series is a wonderful choice for readers who enjoy seeing an emotive, reflective, and desperately in love Mr. Darcy put to the test! Well done, Monica Fairview! I can’t wait to see what you write next!

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  1. Lovely review and totally agree with you! I was so glad when Monica finally published this one! I love all three covers and re-read the first two as I hadn’t reviewed them at the time. It was wonderful to have all three to read one right after the other!

    1. Thank you, Carole! 😉 I’m happy to see such a great ending to the trilogy! I wish I could have read them back to back like you did! I think that would definitely be a good experience. I spent a lot of time reading my reviews and flipping through pages of each volume to refresh my memory what happened…which was a lot! Very eventful stories! 🙂

  2. Ooh, Mr. Bennet makes trouble, I gather! I love it when he does that—or anytime he gets more page space. Sounds like fun!

  3. Heavens, the third book and we have only just got to Pemberley? I assume there were other storylines in the first two books? Thankfully it seems that Darcy and Elizabeth are finally together in this one although I wonder what Mr Bennet’s problem is? These will be going on my list, thanks Meredith.

    1. Hi Glynis, sorry I may have confused you! We were in Pemberley in the first book actually. Darcy went there after being rejected right away and Elizabeth showed up with the Gardiners a little later. The second book takes place in other settings, and in the third book we are more in London and Longbourn in the first half although the second half finds us back at Pemberley. 🙂 Hope you enjoy this trilogy as much as I did! 🙂

  4. I’ve read the first two in this trilogy and have yet to get a copy of this third volume. I think that’s going to have to change after reading your review, Meredith. Then, of course, I’ll have to re-read the first two, as it’s been two to three years since I read them. I guess there’s worse things I could do!

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