Darcy’s Tale, Volume III: The Way Home – Stanley Hurd + GIVEAWAY!!!

Darcy's Tale Volume IIIThe Culminating Conclusion of Darcy’s Yearlong Quest and Inner Struggle

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

(Note: Potential readers should be made aware that this is the third volume in the Darcy’s Tale series, and that it will be necessary to read Volume I and Volume II prior to reading this one.)

In the final installment of his praiseworthy and popular Darcy’s Tale trilogy, Stanley Hurd concludes retelling the story of Pride and Prejudice from the hero’s perspective, and this volume picks up with a wretched and dejected Darcy returning to London after receiving a mortifying and crushing rejection from Elizabeth Bennet. As we might guess, given Mr. Hurd’s thoughtful and reflective portrayal of Mr. Darcy – this Darcy doesn’t turn to drink to ease his sorrows, he doesn’t neglect himself or responsibilities, and he doesn’t burden Georgiana or anyone in his family with his troubles. Darcy keeps his anguish and despair to himself. And while his family may notice he is more quiet or ponderous of late, only his aunt, Lady Andover knows the cause. Throughout this series, I loved witnessing Darcy’s relationship with the most important people in his lives – Georgiana, Colonel “Edders” Fitzwilliam, his former teacher at Oxford Mr. Pender. I was happy to see Lady Andover added to the list, Darcy needs a maternal figure in his life.

One of my favorite aspects of this story was the “Darcy hunts and confronts Wickham” sequence. (I know…isn’t that a bit strange?) I’ve read many different takes on Darcy’s actions and pursuit in London, but this is the first time I truly felt the arduousness and intensity of those scenes. Mr. Hurd’s Darcy is not only a thinking man, but also a man of action. Since Colonel Fitzwilliam is busy with Napoleon, Darcy assembles a small “squadron” of “rough-and-ready” men to help track and manhandle Wickham, (if necessarily). I loved everything about Darcy in these scenes – his decisive and careful planning, his concern and respect for the men in his employ, how he precisely prepares and thwarts all Wickham’s tricks, his skill with the sword, and how he earned respect and “promotions” from Corporal Sands (such a great original character!). Darcy exudes an abundance of manliness, strength, and authority through all the scenes! (Smelling salts and fans may be required while reading!)

Other elements of the story I enjoyed were the assembled traveling party and their holiday through different locales. It was fun to see such a unique gathering and witness their intermingling with one another. In addition, I also enjoyed seeing Darcy play matchmaker. Our Darcy is such a romantic! I loved seeing his involvement with both the romantic affairs of his valet, Perkins, and Miss Hartsbury, an original character who at one time energetically pursued Darcy. And of course, we must not forget, Darcy’s hope-filled and doubtful encounters with Elizabeth Bennet! Witnessing Darcy’s turbulent journey through indecision, unhappiness, dejection, and uncertainty made the final acceptance and successful proposal all the more joyous and profound.

My one quibble (if I were to be nit-picky and find the need to quibble about anything) would be wanting to see more of Lady Andover towards the end of this tale. I don’t think she attended the wedding and seeing her meet Elizabeth Bennet would have been a special treat! The same goes for Darcy’s former teacher, Mr. Pender.

The conclusion of Stanley Hurd’s thoughtful and thorough trilogy does in no way disappoint! An emotional, intellectual, objective, and believable portrayal of one of literature’s most iconic romantic heroes! This trilogy receives my highest recommendation for readers who want to see Pride and Prejudice from Mr. Darcy’s perspective.

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Because he is so generous and wonderful, Mr. Hurd has decided to host a giveaway with my review!  He has kindly provided me with 3 BRAND NEW paperback copies of Darcy’s Tale, Volume III: The Way Home for me to giveaway in conjunction with my review!  I know many of you were excitedly waiting for this final installment to be released!

    Darcy's Tale Volume III  Darcy's Tale Volume III  Darcy's Tale Volume III

  To enter this giveaway, leave a comment about my review!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Stanley!
  • This giveaway ends October 24th!


  1. I’m so thrilled that the trilogy is complete!
    I loved the first two instalments and I can’t wait to complete the collection!
    Thanks for your great insight Meredith and thanks Stanley for the generous giveaway and for writing this beautiful story!

  2. I bought this as soon as it came out and also posted a 5 star review on Amazon – loved it. Great review, as always, Meredith.

    1. Hi Sheila!

      You sure did! I think yours was the first review anybody posted – you must have gulped the book down. I hope you get a chance to go through it again at a more leisurely pace; that’s what I do. It’s also one of the reasons I don’t let myself have many new books, aside from research: I won’t do anything at all until I finish the book.



      1. Yes, I will re-read it as one piece – loved it and am sure it will be read over and over again. I just re-read another purchase two days ago. Many times as evening falls I want something I am sure is going to be pleasant before retiring. I am really looking forward to what you choose to write next as I have been following the discussion on Goodreads.

        1. Sheila, I couldn’t wait to borrow your copy. I bought both the Kindle and the Print copies of all three then read them in a marathon. Poor hubby didn’t get fed and I got no writing done. Bad Sheila! And Bad Stan!

          1. I am laughing out loud here…tell your husband to come on over for dinner on Sunday – I am making breaded veal and maybe he will forgive us both! Stanley does a good job and I have to sit down and re-read those three volumes again! You should have let me lend them to you, tho.

          2. John said to tell you thank you for the invite. Howeverm Winston, Oregon to your part of the east coast…. Well, dinner might be cold. When I reminded him how much I could read on the trip he reminded me that I had done enough reading and that you hadn’t invited ME. He then said that it was Stan who should have provided a meal and a warning or disclaimer to all of the starving husbands.

          3. I think, when I sit down to read I have to have food in the crockpot cooking and pizza as the backup for later. Thanks for the heads up ladies. This way maybe I won’t have a starving husband.

          4. J. Dawn,

            Mea culpa, Mea culpa. Tell your hubby that if he weren’t such a lump, he’d be reading them along with you – at least the bit where Darcy fights the footpad. 😉 But you know, even though I’ve been married over 30 years, I still remember how to cook, so I suspect he was not so wholly without options. Glad you liked the books!



          5. Joy did tell me he made soup for her the one time she was sick…so I know he has some cooking talents.

          6. BTW, J. Dawn are your husband’s hand broken?? My mother used to say that anyone who can read can cook. Sorry, hubby. I’m really not mean. My mother was way ahead of her time (She was born in 1925).

          7. Stan and Catherine – you guys are pretty funny. My husband took care of my every need for almost 2 1/2 years while I went through cancer treatment, including cooking and cleaning for every meal. Plus he did all the shopping, laundry, and house cleaning. He is my hero, but you didn’t know any of this so please do not feel bad. I feel like Elizabeth Darcy – married to the best of men.

            Debbie, crock pot or pizza sounds like excellent reading fodder. Yum! Good writing food too. I will keep that in mind.

            Yesterday I read Syrie James’s new book cover to cover. It was white chocolate cranberry cream scones with a pot of tea. (A sigh of pleasure.) Looking forward to what you have in store for the future, Stan.

          8. Please give Hubby my sincere apology! I’m eating my humble pie. Munch! Munch! My dad did the same for my mom! Congratulations on your defeat of cancer. You two have what many of us wish for! All the best!

          9. Catherine, did you know humble pie comes in chocolate? I’ve eaten enough of it that I adapted the recipe. It also comes in a savory Italian sauce flavor if I am more in the mood. dont you adore men like your Dad and my John? If Lizzy had the same diagnosis you know in your heart that Darcy would struggle to be strong when he is in her presence and sob his heart out in private. I don’t know if I could read a variation where they had this happen, but I know for positive that I couldn’t write it. No worries. It is pert near impossible to offend either of us. Mr. Darcy? I think that even years of marriage might not remove that inclination. What do you think?

          10. I definitely agree that Darcy would see Elizabeth through any difficulty even years and years later in their relationship. True love is when one does whatever is necessary for ones beloved, no matter how disgusting or difficult. And a sense of humor eases the pain a little. I’m eating my humble pie with chocolate!!

        2. J Dawn,

          It sounds like you have what the rest of us read about or write about. I think I remember seeing somewhere that you have been married 34 years; I hope you and John have another 34 wonderful years together.



          1. Thank you so much. I wish everyone the same. Since I finished treatment in December 2013, John seems to have developed an allergy to the grocery store, the kitchen, the vacuum cleaner, and anything resembling dusting. Amazing how that happens. He enjoys listening to audio books and since I published A Father’s Sins and sold more than just to our immediate relatives, he will watch Pride and Prejudice occasionally without rolling his eyes. Yes, a happy marriage indeed! – Joy

  3. Hi Meredith

    Beautiful review – I haven’t read any of these books yets so don’t count me in the giveaway – will put on my Christmas list for the whole triology!!!!

  4. This series is on my TBR list! I’ve read so many great reviews and can’t wait to read them. I’m Glad the final installment is completed because I love reading installments straight through.

    Another great review Meredith! Thank you Stanley for the giveaways!

  5. Can’t wait to read! I love your five star reviews! And many thanks to the author for his generosity! I think the books from Darcy’s perspective are becoming my favorites!

  6. I haven’t read this yet and am excited about the giveaway. The review was such an intriguing “taste”. Thank you!

  7. I have been looking so forward to this last book. I love seeing thimgs from Darcy’s side. These books are so well written that it makes the story as intense as when I first read the original.

  8. ‘Smelling salts and fans’? I’m all anticipation! Can’t wait to read his trilogy straight through. I will have to have my sisters in the States buy me the first two books for Christmas as I can only get them for Kindle here. With such a great review from you, Meredith, I will have to have them in book format! Mind you, they are on my wishlist for Kindle!

  9. Yay, this sounds SuperFabAmazing! I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about the trilogy and it seems it has made the top of many people’s favorites list. Now that volume 3 is out, I can read them all at once (well not all 3 at once; in binge sequence mode – you know what I mean). lol

    1. Miss Monica, get piles of chocolate and a fuzzy blanket because you will not want to stop once you start. You too, Debbie Fortin. Oh, and pots of tea – and did I mention chocolate?

      1. Thanks Joy. Coffee instead of tea though. The blanket and chocolate sound like a good idea. Now I just need a fireplace and a block of time.

  10. The last several months I’ve had to ignore my JA addiction (reality was calling my name;). I’m more than ready to jump back in and THIS book would be perfect. If I win this book, I will scoop up the first two volumes and have a blessed long weekend !! Thanks for the chance to win the last volume.

  11. Thank you for the wonderful review. I would love to win a copy of the new book because then I would purchase the previous two. They are on my “to read list” and this would spur me to read them sooner than later. Thank you for the giveaway. It will be interesting to read Mr. Hurd’s characterization of our beloved Darcy.

  12. I’m very happy to see the third book is out. I’ve been waiting for all three to be released before starting. I hope there is a good chunk of story after they get engaged? I love when a book finally gives us an opportunity to see them together-together finally!

    1. There is a charming little epilogue that lets you know precisely the blissful and loving marriage the Darcys have with each other. I know what you mean, I loved seeing them together too! It was fun to see the scenes after Darcy’s second proposal – it is a very short courtship, but very satisfying for my romantic heart!

  13. Meredith, I’m so glad you gave the 3rd volume of Stanley Hurd’s trilogy 5 stars. I devoured the first 2 volumes and have been anxiously awaiting the 3rd. When I realized #3 was published and available on amazon, I purchased it right away and immediately read it twice. Before it arrived, I reread volumes 1 & 2 to be ready! I’ll probably reread the trilogy again soon. Stanley, your writing is terrific. I think your “Mr Darcy” is my favorite, manly and romantic! Be still my heart! I hope you will keep writing!
    Meredith, do not enter me in the drawing as I already have all 3 volumes.

    1. Catherine,

      Thank you very much! Everything about my Darcy comes from one of two things: how JA first portrayed him (at least, how I interpreted him), and my conviction that if he was a good guy at the end, he was a good guy at the beginning. So, if he was a good guy, where did all his reserve and the appearance of hauteur come from? How did he get so tangled up? The answers to these questions was Darcy’s Tale.

      Thanks again!


      1. Stan, your view that Austen’s characters should be portrayed as much as possible as she wrote them exactly match my view. For me, JAFF must start with the characters as Austen wrote them. Since she did not write private conservations of men, there is so much to be added regarding the human journey of life. I don’t follow Goodreads, but I assume from Sheila L.M.’s comment you do have other works in mind. I look forward to them!!

    2. You read it twice! Wow! How awesome, Catherine! I’m glad to hear you are such a fan of Stan’s work! I agree, I think his Darcy is spot on – fleshed out and developed in away that is believable. 🙂

      1. i’m flying out to Seattle soon and will probably re-read this trilogy on the flight…visiting my daughter and hope to meet two JAFF authors while there.

  14. I’ve followed this on another site but was not able to catch the ending due to school work. Can’t wait to read it! Stan, so great to be able to have my husband be able to relate 🙂 thank you for letting me share a novel with my husband! I hope you continue to write!

    1. Candice,

      It’s been a long road since I introduced this on DWG, but I think you will find that I haven’t strayed too far from my beginnings. I hope your husband can find something to appreciate, but if he’s no fan of Austen, you might restrict his exposure to Darcy’s Tale to those sections where Darcy is dealing with the no-so-pleasant men in the story: I think any guy would enjoy them.

      And I am continuing to write: Meredith is going to do an author Q&A in December, so I won’t steal her thunder, but I’m already 20k words into one book and researching another.

      Thanks again,


  15. Mr. Hurd’s trilogy is on my “to be read” list. I love novels based on Mr. Darcy’s perspective and I look forward to reading these. Thanks for the giveaway! –Leslie

  16. What a lovely generous giveaway, Stanley and Meredith.

    I wasn’t able to wait to until all three were available and read volume one as soon as I discovered it, then the others as they came out. Until now, Pamela Aidan’s trilogy was my favourite Darcy POV story, but I think this one may just have nipped in ahead now. Your reviews, Meredith, (and I have gone back and re-read the other two) express just how I see these books, but a lot better than I could do it.

    Admittedly I have all three on my Kindle but I’d love to be entered into the draw to win the papaerbacks, please.

    1. Anji,

      Thank you very much. Your compliment means a great deal to me, as it was after reading Aidan’s trilogy that I was moved to write DT; I loved her books the first time through, but a second reading left me kind of unsatisfied with her interpretation of Darcy and her decisions to alter the original in many places. Anyway, to be mentioned in the same line with the most successful Austen interpretation of all time feels terrific. Thanks, and good luck!


    2. So happy to hear how much you love these books, Anji! Mr. Hurd deserves such praise – he has definitely done Darcy justice!

      Thank you for the kind compliments – I’m glad you found my reviews helpful! 🙂

  17. I have been waiting to read this series until all 3 volumes were released. Now to find a block of time to digest them properly. I have all 3 as ebooks, but would love to be entered for the paperback Meredith. Stan has been so generous.

    1. Deborah,

      Not so much generous as practical: I don’t like games where I don’t have a decent chance to win, and I don’t imagine many others do either, so I tried to make sure there would be enough to be worthwhile. Good luck!


  18. Great review! Ever since I heard book 1 of this trilogy came out, I was anxious for all three to be released. But I hate suspense… It will be a delectable treat to have THREE books to read back-to-back about our favorite characters–and all from a man’s perspective. Pass the smelling salts, please! Would love to win this one!

    1. Yes! Reading these books back-to-back is the way to do it! You will love all the new original characters and following Darcy’s thoughts and actions when he is away from Elizabeth! Great reads!

  19. I have parts 1 and 2 of this and I’m looking forward to reading them when I can fit them into my reading schedule. I love that your Darcy didn’t fall to pieces when his proposal was rejected. I’ve read some variations where that happens and I think such behaviour would have been incongruous to Darcy’s character, his pride and sense of duty are so strong.

    1. Ceri,

      I know, right? What kind of Darcy crumbles, making a scandal and a hissing of himself in front of the whole world.Whether you see him as overly proud and arrogant, or, like Charlotte,more justifiably proud, he IS proud, and to show such weakness as to dishonor himself, let alone become, or show himself to be, a man totally unworthy of Elizabeth, is to go against everything we are shown of him by Austen. OK, long sentence, but I hope my meaning is clear enough. If he crumbles, he’s not the guy for her, but we know his is just the guy for her, so he wouldn’t crumble.

      Anyway, I hope you enjoy the books.


  20. As you say, Meredith, many of us have been waiting for this installment; happy to have a chance to win a copy………1

  21. This post may be too late to join in the giveaway which isn’t an issue because I will purchasing it! Thank you for your wonderful books and I hope you will continue with the P & P themed books!

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