A Comprehensive Guide to Austenesque Novels – Pride and Prejudice (2009)

~ 2009 ~

**This list is in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name


A Little Bit Psychic: Pride and Prejudice with a Modern Twist by Aimee Avery © 2009  M

The Plight of the Darcy Brothers by Marsha Altman © 2009  S

The Trials of the Honorable F. Darcy by Sara Angelini © 2009  M  MA MY REVIEW

Mr. Darcy’s Dream by Elizabeth Aston © 2009  S

The Cumberland Plateau by M. K. Baxley © 2009  M  MA MY REVIEW

Darcy and Anne by Judith Brocklehurst © 2009 (originally published as A Letter From Lady Catherine in 2007)  S MY REVIEW

My Cousin Caroline: Book 6 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2009  S  MC

Postscript from Pemberley: Book 7 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2009  S  MC

– The Other Mr. Darcy by Monica Fairview © 2009  S  MC MY REVIEW

The Evil in Pemberley House by Philip Jose Farmer and Win Scott Eckert  © 2009  MY  MA

The Heir to Longbourn by Laurence Fleming © 2009  S

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith © 2009  P  R

Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange © 2009  P  S MY REVIEW

Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard © 2009 M  YA MY REVIEW

Darcy’s Passions: Fitzwilliam Darcy’s Story by Regina Jeffers © 2009  APV MY REVIEW

Darcy’s Temptation by Regina Jeffers © 2009 (originally published as Darcy’s Dream in 2008)   S

Vampire Darcy’s Desire: A Pride and Prejudice Adaption by Regina Jeffers © 2009 P  R

Loving Mr. Darcy: Journeys Beyond Pemberley by Sharon Lathan © 2009  S  MA

Two Shall Become One: Mr. And Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy by Sharon Lathan © 2009  S  MA

Rainy Days by Lory Lilian © 2009  V  MA MY REVIEW

Remembrance of the Past by Lory Lilian © 2009  V  MA MY REVIEW

Twixt Two Equal Armies by Gail McEwen and Tina Moncton © 2009   V

Miss Bennet and Mr. Bingley by Fenella J Miller © 2009  APV  MC

Pemberley Manor: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Continues by Kathryn L. Nelson © 2009  S

My BFF by Ruth Phillips Oakland © 2009  MA MY REVIEW

Relations Such As These by Sara O’Brien © 2009  V

Prawn and Prejudice by Belinda Roberts © 2009 (also published as Mr. Darcy Goes Overboard in 2011)  M  YA MY REVIEW

Love, Lies, and Lizzie by Rosie Rushton © 2009  M  YA MY REVIEW

A Noteworthy Courtship by Laura Sanchez © 2009  V MY REVIEW

A Marriage Worth the Earning: To Have and To Hold (Book 1) by Mary L. Sherwood © 2009  S MY REVIEW

Searching for Pemberley by Mary Lydon Simonsen © 2009 (originally published as Pemberley Remembered in 2007)  AI MY REVIEW

A Match for Mary Bennet by S. E. Ward © 2009 (originally published as Illusions and Ignorance in 2007)  S  MC

Moonlighting by Ola Wegner © 2009  MA   V  P MY REVIEW

Fate and Consequences by Linda Wells © 2009  V  MA

Perfect Fit by Linda Wells © 2009  MA  M MY REVIEW

Bargain with the Devil by Enid Wilson © 2009  MA  P   V

Really Angelic by Enid Wilson © 2009  MA   V  P MY REVIEW


S – Sequel
M – Modern Adaption
MA – Mature Audiences
V – Variation
P – Paranormal
APV – Alternate Point-of-View
YA – Young Adult
MY– Mystery
PA – Parody
MC – Minor Character
R – Retelling
AI – Austen Inspired Original


Which ones have you read? Are there any on your TBR list?


  1. Meredith – you must be absolutely exhausted! I can’t imagine endeavoring to keep up a comprehensive list of P& P novels, but am continuously thankful that you have the stamina for it. These guides are priceless. Thanks!

  2. Alexa, working on these lists are both inspiring and a little depressing! I love discovering novels that I never knew existed, but at the same time I fear I will never have the time to read them all! It is such a blessing though that so many gifted authors were inspired to write these novels! I am forever in their debt!

  3. I’d hope so Mary…smiles. Meredith I love the lists. I’ll have to share mine as soon as I can get to the bookroom and actually look the shelves over as well as retrive books lent to friends..smiles. Thanks again!

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