The Hapless Milliner – Jessica Bull

The Hapless Milliner – Jessica Bull

A Flirtation Interrupted by Murder! Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review from Publisher TYPE OF NOVEL: Mystery, Jane Austen as a Main Character SERIES: Miss Austen Investigates #1 THE PREMISE: It’s the winter of 1795, and Jane Austen’s […]

The Making of Margaret Dashwood – Carol Pratt Bradley

The Making of Margaret Dashwood – Carol Pratt Bradley

Margaret Dashwood, William Wilberforce, and the Napoleonic Wars Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF NOVEL: Sense and Sensibility Sequel, Secondary Character THE PREMISE: Now it’s Margarets turn to come-of-age and discover her path in […]