Darcy in Hollywood – Victoria Kincaid

Darcy in Hollywood – Victoria Kincaid

Stars, Scandals, and Selflessness Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author Having adored Victoria Kincaid’s President Darcy, I was thrilled to learn that she had penned a second modern-day adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. And similar […]

Austenesque Agenda – September 2019

Austenesque Agenda – September 2019

Happy Monday, friends! Hope your September is off to a better start than mine has been! As you may have seen it looks like another hurricane is coming close to where we live… again. 🥺🤦🏻‍♀️ In the blip that was […]

Austenesque Novel Finds – August 2019

Austenesque Novel Finds – August 2019

Hi readers, I cannot believe we are at the end of August already! I thought July went fast, but August zoomed by at mach-speed!! 🏎💨 Rather than be bummed about it though, I’m hoping to soak up all the summer […]