An Excellent Walker – Lyndsay Constable

An Excellent Walker – Lyndsay Constable

What If the French Confronted Elizabeth Bennet on One of Her Walks? RatIng: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Publisher TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation THE PREMISE: While enjoying an afternoon perambulation around the grounds of Rosings, […]

Interrupted Plans – Brigid Huey

Interrupted Plans – Brigid Huey

What If Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Were Reunited in London instead of Pemberley? Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Publisher TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice variation THE PREMISE: To escape the gossip from Lydia’s scandalous actions in […]

Winners of Camp Austen and From Another Perspective!!!

Winners of Camp Austen and From Another Perspective!!!

Happy Sunday, friends! I’m a bit behind with these announcements, but better late then never! 😅 My thanks to both Susan Andrews and MJ Stratton visiting in February! Susan – I enjoyed our interview together and the opportunity to learn more about […]