Dancing with Mr. Darcy – Sarah Waters

Dancing with Mr. Darcy – Sarah Waters

Inspired and Influenced By Jane Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher OVERVIEW: Dancing Mr. Darcy is a collection of winning entries from the Jane Austen Short Story Competition held in 2009. This competition was in celebration […]

Winner of the Mr. Darcy’s Little Sister Giveaway

Winner of the Mr. Darcy’s Little Sister Giveaway

Thank you, C. Allyn Pierson, for kindly participating in this interview!  I greatly enjoyed having you answer my questions about your writing, Jane Austen, and your new novel, Mr. Darcy’s Little Sister. In addition, I would like to thank Danielle at Sourcebooks for […]

Masquerade – Nancy Moser

Masquerade – Nancy Moser

What Happens When An Heiress and Her Maid Swap Lives? Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Charlotte Gleason, a privileged only child of a prominent aristocratic family, has the terrible misfortune of being forced into […]

Interview with Author Jennifer Becton

Interview with Author Jennifer Becton

I am very excited to welcome Jennifer Becton, author of a marvelous Pride and Prejudice sequel titled, Charlotte Collins, to Austenesque Reviews today! Jennifer has graciously agreed to answer my burning questions about Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice and her […]