Darcy and the Duchess – Mary Anne Mushatt

Darcy and the Duchess – Mary Anne Mushatt

Has the Potential to Be Excellent Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author What if Elizabeth was already married to another man when Darcy first met her? What if Elizabeth’s husband was a wealthy, esteemed, yet […]

Interview with Author Janet Mullany

Interview with Author Janet Mullany

Today, Austenesque Reviews is very excited and honored to welcome historical romance author Janet Mullany. Janet, it is a pleasure to have answer my questions about your writing, Jane Austen, and your new novel, Jane and the Damned. Tell us […]

The Cookbook Collector – Allegra Goodman

The Cookbook Collector – Allegra Goodman

A Novel About Collectors, Tech Companies, Rabbis and Tree Conservationists! Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Source: Amazon Vine As an Austenesque Addict that enjoys devouring every Austen-related novel that she can find, I have to admit that The Cookbook Collector […]