The Three Colonels – Jack Caldwell

The Three Colonels – Jack Caldwell

Three Brave Colonels and the Strong Women Who Love Them Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Leaving behind stetsons, western ranches, and cowboys, Austenesque author Jack Caldwell picks up his pen to compose a sequel for […]

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #2!

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #2!

As some of you may know, I sometimes accept ARC (Advanced Reader Copies) of books to read and review from various publishing companies, authors, and the Amazon Vine Program.  While I am so fortunate to receive some of these books […]

His Good Opinion – Nancy Kelley

His Good Opinion – Nancy Kelley

Who Wouldn’t Want to Spend More Time with Mr. Darcy! Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author In the same manner as Pamela Aidan, Amanda Grange, and Maya Slater, debut author Nancy Kelley pens a novel […]