Austenesque of Agenda for November 2012

Austenesque of Agenda for November 2012

Whew!  October was a busy month!  Full of new schedules, new projects, and new adjustments!  My Mr. Bingley and I have greatly enjoyed our first month in our new roles/jobs.  Life has just been a little less stressful for us and […]

Winners of The Beresfords Giveaway!!!

Winners of The Beresfords Giveaway!!!

I’d like to extend a big thank you to Christina Beresford for so kindly sending me a copy of The Beresfords to review and for giving me the very special opportunity to give away TWO lovely copies of The Beresfords to my readers!!  I loved this […]

A Dance with Jane Austen – Susannah Fullerton

A Dance with Jane Austen – Susannah Fullerton

Miss Austen, Will You Please Honor Me with this Next Dance? Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author Fine white muslin, warm negus, dainty slippers, dancing masters – oh how I wished I lived in a […]