Loving Miss Darcy – Nancy Kelley

Loving Miss Darcy – Nancy Kelley

Colonel Fitzwilliam, Hero…*swoon* Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author For young ladies living in the Regency Era, being presented and experiencing one’s first Season can be exciting, stressful, and daunting. For Georgiana Darcy it’s terrifying […]

Austenesque Agenda for March 2013

Austenesque Agenda for March 2013

Hello friends!  I can’t believe it is March already, that is just crazy!  Does anyone else feel like January and February just flew by?  I don’t know about you, but I am ready for some Spring weather! I know some […]

Prada and Prejudice – Mandy Hubbard

Prada and Prejudice – Mandy Hubbard

Jane Austen Meets The Wizard of Oz Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Source: Paperbackswap TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Young Adult, Austen-Inspired, TIME FRAME: Modern-day MAIN CHARACTERS: Callie, Alex the Duke of Harksbury, Emily Thornton-Hawke, the Dowager Duchess WHY I […]

Sliding into Home for Austen Admirers!

Sliding into Home for Austen Admirers!

As many of you may already know the talented and amazing Angie Kroll has developed and designed a SMARTPHONE APP for us AUSTEN ADMIRERS. (For more about her awesome app, watch this video). ….And this past month she has been […]