Austenesque Agenda for March 2013

Austenesque Agenda

Hello friends!  I can’t believe it is March already, that is just crazy!  Does anyone else feel like January and February just flew by?  I don’t know about you, but I am ready for some Spring weather! I know some of you are getting even more snow as I write this, and I sincerely hope that Spring comes soon for you too!  I can’t wait to read outside and take some early morning walks with Mr. Bingley.  And I can’t wait to see all the flowers and trees come into bloom!

Are there any flowers and trees that you are eager to see come into bloom?  We have some daffodil bulbs and hyacinth bulbs in our front yard that we look forward to seeing every year.  The daffodils, sadly, already came and went…in January!  Poor little things were confused by a bout of unseasonably warm weather, so they made their appearance a little too early!

And it looks like our hyacinth bulbs are trying to make an appearance, but the near freezing temperatures we’ve been experiencing lately haven’t been very welcoming…I hope they make it!

Things may be different where you live, but it looks like we had six more weeks of winter.  No early Spring here!  But until those warmer temperatures decide to arrive, I plan to stay inside where it is warm and cozy, spending my time reading under a blanket with a warming cup of tea!

Speaking of reading, here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:




Jessica Grey – March 13th

Shannon Winslow – March 25th

What about you dear readers?

What books are you going to be snuggled up under a blanket with?


  1. Happy March! I’m going to be reading “A Most Civil Proposal” this month also. I recently finished “My Dear Sophy” and will be posting a review soon. 🙂

    I can’t wait to see your thoughts on “Attempting Elizabeth” and “Loving Miss Darcy”! I loved them.

    1. Ooh! I can’t wait to see what we both think of A Most Civil Proposal, Candy! I look forward to your review of My Dear Sophy – I greatly enjoyed that one!

      My review for Loving Miss Darcy will go up this Friday and I should have my Attempting Elizabeth review ready for next week! Lots of great releases lately! 🙂

  2. I love seeing your spring bulbs flowering. Mine will be a while since I live in the snow belt. My next two Austenesque books will be The 3 Colonels which I am currently reading and Alexa Adams new release ‘Second Glances’. I have Nancy Kelley and Marilyn Brants’ newest books up after that.

    Enjoy your reading and garden view!

    1. Seeing the bulbs come into bloom is one of my favorite parts of Spring! I need to plant some more so I have a whole garden! Such a lovely bevy of books you’ve got there, Sophia Rose! Enjoy! 🙂

  3. Ooh, I’ll have to add A Most Civil Proposal to my JAFF spreadsheet (I feel so nerdy saying that lol) – that’s a new one to me. I feel like my reading list is out of control but Attempting Elizabeth and Loving Miss Darcy are high on my list, as well as Regina’s The Mysterious Death of Mr Darcy.

    We had our first significant snowfall of the season here last night and, while it wasn’t terrible, I won’t be sad if it doesn’t happen again.

    1. HAHA, Monica! I’m so excited about AMCP, looking forward to reading it! I look forward to hearing your thoughts about AE and LMD! Happy reading!

      And yes, hopefully no more snowfalls!

  4. On my TBR-pile are Mary Simonsen’s Darcy on the Hudson, Master under good regulation by Kara Louise and The trouble with flirting by Claire LaZebnik. I’m especially looking forward tot the last book, since it’s a young adult Mansfield Park variation and they’re quite rare. I really liked her ya P&P, Epic fail, so I hope this one will be equally fun!
    And I’m glad to hear there’s a new Meryton Press book, all I have to do now is come up with a reason why I deserve a new book immediately!

    1. Ooo! A Young Adult Mansfield Park – those are quite rare! Mary Simonsen’s book is a lot of fun – I’m sure you will enjoy it! I have yet to read Master Under Good Regulation though.

      I’m sure you can come of with a reason for treating yourself to a new book… 🙂

  5. I am not doing well on the Austenesque front at the moment. I prefer to only be reading one at a time so I don’t get the stories confused and I have been trying to read “Death Comes to Pemberley” and I just can’t get on with it. In itself it’s quite well written but the characters are like cardboard cut outs, they are shadows of the real thing at best and at worst they are like different characters with the same names! So I have been reading other stuff. I’m either going to have to force my way through DCTP or just give it up as a bad job.

    It’s funny you should mention daffodils, the first of mine opened this morning. Spring is on its way 🙂

    1. Hmmm…I’ve heard from some other readers that Death Comes to Pemberley is hard to get though. I hope whatever you choose next is more enjoyable for you!

      Yay for Spring! 🙂

  6. What a great list of reads, Meredith! And beautiful flowers. I love spring (except that it means hay fever is starting too ;). I do NOT care about that!! )
    I have Attempting Elizabeth and Loving Ms Darcy high on my list for March/April. At the moment I´m with #NSJaneites rereading North&South. I love Mr. Thornton!!

    1. Oh yes, no everyone in my family seems to suffer from pollen allergies! Not fun at all! I’ve never read North and South, I’ve seen the movie and love it! Happy reading this month, Katrin!

  7. I am a little bit jealous of your hyacinth bulbs today, as I have several inches of snow to go shovel now that it has finally stopped snowing. My tulips and daffodils are several weeks away from making their appearance.

    I have on my JAFF list to read: Attempting Elizabeth, Love Will Grow (P.O. Dixon), Yours Affectionately, Jane Austen (Sally Smith O’Rourke)- although I didn’t read the first one, so maybe The Man who Loved Jane Austen will have to be added the list, too.

    I read A Most Civil Proposal when it was posted online on a fanfic board and loved it. I should read that one again. I do love Meryton Press.

    Looking forward to your reviews and those spring flowers!

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