Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway #28!!!

Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway #28!!!

Hi friends! It is time for an Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway! 🤗❤️ If you are new to this blog, I shall explain. ☺️ I sometimes acquire duplicate copies of Austenesque books and then host a giveaway to find them some new homes! 📚🏡 And […]

Fitzwilliam Darcy Undone – Sue Barr

Fitzwilliam Darcy Undone – Sue Barr

What If Elizabeth Wasn’t Magical Enough to Tempt Darcy? Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Paranormal Variation THE PREMISE: Although he finds himself beyond tempted by Elizabeth’s charm, wit, […]