The Highbury Murders – Victoria Grossack

The Highbury Murders – Victoria Grossack

Emma Knightley’s Deduction and Speculation Powers Are Put to the Test! Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Mom 🙂 TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Mystery/Sequel to Emma TIME FRAME: One year after the close of Emma. MAIN CHARACTERS: […]

Interview + Giveaway with Author Ann Mychal

Interview + Giveaway with Author Ann Mychal

Hello dear readers, today Austenesque Reviews is paid a visit from a lovely new author, Ann Mychal, who just published a novel based on Jane Austen’s unfinished fragment, The Watsons, titled Emma and Elizabeth.  Ann has been kind enough to answer some […]

Emma and Elizabeth – Ann Mychal

Emma and Elizabeth – Ann Mychal

A Compelling and Captivating Rendition of The Watsons Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Upon seeing the title of this book you might first assume that it is a fascinating and brilliant mash-up of Emma […]

Austenesque Agenda for July 2014

Austenesque Agenda for July 2014

Happy July to all my Janeite friends!  I hope summer has been treating you well!  It has been nice and hot (and humid!) here in NC this past month, which means no more blogging from the back porch. 🙁  (Not […]