I had such a blast watching this super-fun Austenesque movie yesterday with such lovely friends!! It really brings the experience to a whole new enjoyment level! Whether you were able to join us or not, please feel free to participate in […]
Clueless Group Watch + Live Chat!
Hi Friends! You are in the right place to chat about Clueless! 😀 The chatboard is below ↓ [quick-chat height=”800″ room=”default” userlist=”1″ userlist_position=”left” smilies=”1″ send_button=”1″ loggedin_visible=”1″ guests_visible=”1″ avatars=”0″ counter=”1″]
Clueless Celebration Fun!
Hello all you Bettys and Baldwins! It is the year of Clueless, my friends. Because of its 20th anniversary, there were lots of interesting posts, articles, and celebrations of the movie Clueless. I thought I’d share some of my favorites here […]
Clueless Celebration Weekend Details!
This Saturday we are planning to watch Clueless together! To celebrate the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s Emma and Clueless‘s 20th anniversary we are going have a totally rad time watching this clever and iconic modern adaptation! So, like, to […]