Clueless Celebration Weekend Details!

Clueless Weekend copy

This Saturday we are planning to watch Clueless together!

To celebrate the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s Emma and Clueless‘s 20th anniversary we are going have a totally rad time watching this clever and iconic modern adaptation!

So, like, to celebrate we have several posts spread out through the next couple of days.  You will find the schedule below.


  • Today’s post – where you can find all the details, schedule, giveaways, and some fun facts about Clueless!
  • Friday’s post – where we will share some interesting articles and quizzes that celebrate Clueless
  • Saturday’s post – where we will simultaneously watch Clueless and enjoy a lovely chat!
  • Sunday’s post – where we will have a wrap-up survey and discussion!



WHEN: Saturday September, 26th @ 4:00 p.m. EST

WHERE:  The chat will take place HERE on Austenesque Reviews blog. (look for a new post on Saturday)


  • Have your own copy of Clueless ready to start @ 4:00 p.m. EST (it is also on Netflix)
  • Sign in to the chatboard at the designated time
  • Chat up a storm as we watch Clueless together
  • If you can’t join in the chat, you could always watch the movie on your own and share your thoughts on all the other posts (you will also be able to read our chat transcript as it won’t be taken down)


  • Paul Rudd auditioned for the roles of Murray, Christian, and Elton. Rudd assumed that the character of Murray was a white teenager trying to act like a rapper. (I definitely agree that Paul Rudd is definitely more Mr. Knightley material!)


  • But could you imagine these actors as Josh instead?  All three auditioned.

Jeremy-renner Zach_Braff_2011_Shankbone

  • And there several actresses who were considered and auditioned for Cher…


  • Alicia Silverstone was in 3 Aerosmith music videos before Clueless and it was in one of those videos Amy Heckerling spotted her and thought she would be perfect as Cher.

aerosmith-2 alicia-silverstone

  • In this movie 53 different types of plaids/tartans are used! Plaid was a fashion essential in the 90’s!

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  • Both our Emma and Knightley characters have gone on to be superheroes later in their careers. (I think both are equally awesome!)

alicia-silverstone-and-batman-and-robin-gallery ant-man-suit-1


  • 1 paperback copy of As If! by Jen Chaney donated by Touchstone (ships to US and Canada only)
  • 1 A Novel Journal: Emma and Hot Pink Clueless inspired pen (open internationally)
  • 1 2 oz. Clueless Inspired Eco-Friendly Candle “Tai – lime, basil, and wild mint” donated by Crimson and Clover Candles (ships to US residents only)

As If!  51mFP5HQ9XL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_

inside the journal – lines are text from Emma!





  • Participating in one of the four Clueless Group Watch events earns you one entry in the giveaway
  • You can receive four entries total (if you participate in all four posts)
  • This giveaway is open internationally (As If! paperback is open to US and CAN)
  • This giveaway will close October 1st



  1. I hope you all have a fabulous time and I am gutted I cannot take part as I will be away for the weekend but I will be thinking of you all. Have a brilliant time everyone and thank you Meredith for arranging this.

  2. I hope I can join in, I really want to as I don’t think I ever saw Clueless – or if I did I would’ve had no idea that it had anything to do with Jane Austen! I remember Alicia Silverstone from True Crime, too; I liked that one.

    If anyone’s been to Target lately, it seems plaid is coming back with a vengeance! I remember these purple and black plaid pants & button down shirt I used to have when I was about 14. Ah, the 90s were so fun!

  3. Oh my everloving word! I remember this and I wore clothes like the first plaid sample. Fun to see the behind the scenes try out stuff.

  4. Alicia Silverstone is Cher…As If I could even imagine anyone else in the role. 🙂 I love the movie. This is going to be fun! I think that I have conflicting plans for a family outing during the viewing.

  5. I agree with Paige-I can’t imagine anyone else in the role of Cher. I am not available Sat for the watching but I will watch on my own so I can catch up with the conversations. I have seen this a few times and can never get tired of it!

    Thanks for the fun!

  6. I will be babysitting two grandchildren and am so sorry to miss this. I did re-watch it just after Meredith announced this event…got it on Netflix but some day I have to add this movie to my other Jane Austen related collection although Bridget Jones’ Diary will not make it. I just didn’t and continue to not like that movie. I’ll be thinking of all you – enjoy!

  7. You’ ve arranged such a splendid schedule, Meredith! But, I’m afraid I won’t be able ” to pay a visit” to the Clueless event because I’ll be away in the weekend celebrating some relatives ‘ birthdays (september is full of parties in my family included my own birthday) but I wish you a joyful experience and, as Michelle said, I’ll be thinking about you all!. I’ve enjoyed very much with the fun facts of your post: Ben Affleck? Wow!. And the tartans! : after 20 years they are again in fashion (I like tartans but in a soft style, the plaids in Clueless are too big LOL)

    1. September seems like a very celebratory month! 🙂 Hope you have fun with your family! I know…Paul Rudd seems the perfect Mr. Knightley type, he has a great balance of seriousness and humor. A wise choice over the other actors!

  8. I like this article 😀 it reminds me of the one about P&P.
    Here we can know who auditionned, what they did later on .

  9. Have fun, people. I will give this a miss cos I couldn’t stay up or wake up by 4 am. Yup, I’m 12 hours ahead of US east coast.

    Meredith, I wonder who the second actress in the picture who auditioned to play Cher. I don’t recognise her.

  10. What a great idea, Meredith! I am looking forward to this! Now I just need to commandeer one of the DVD players in the house so I can join in the fun! 😉

    Oh, how I loved this movie! I can’t even tell you how many times I watched this movie as a teen. I may have watched it enough to make up for Monica’s not seeing it. 😉

    I could not see anyone else as Josh. Paul Rudd was so dreamy in this role! *sigh*

    And what a great giveaway too! You always come up with such unique and fun giveaways! Thank you!!

    1. Hope you can snag a DVD player and join us my friend! Love chatting it up with you! 😉 I love this movie, but I’ve never owned it until a few months back when I bought it in preparation for our Group Watch! Very eager to watch it again!

      I’m excited about the giveaways very thankful to Touchstone and Crimson and Clover Candles for making it possible!

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."