Clueless Group Watch + Live Chat!

Clueless Movie Watch

Hi Friends!

You are in the right place to chat about Clueless! 😀

The chatboard is below ↓

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One comment

  1. I am so sorry I missed it. This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Why would that be so for a woman my age? This and “You’ve Got Mail” were my comfort movies when I was sickest with my cancer treatment. I would lay on my side knowing that I had just over an hour until the worst passed and I felt better. So, when I say I’m sorry I missed this event, please know that I truly am.

    Was the popcorn good? The soda? Did you laugh out loud or just chuckle at the ridiculousness of what those young people took for granted? Did you sigh when she realized who she really loved? Oh, my. And, the clothes. Would you wear those outfits?

    Meredith I appreciate the idea of this and congratulate you on six years. I LOVE this blog.

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."