Clueless Celebration Fun!

Clueless Weekend copy

Hello all you Bettys and Baldwins!

It is the year of Clueless, my friends.  Because of its 20th anniversary, there were lots of interesting posts, articles, and celebrations of the movie Clueless.  I thought I’d share some of my favorites here with you in celebration of our upcoming Group Watch (which will take place HERE tomorrow @ 4:00 p.m. EST)!















Please feel free to share what you found interesting/learned and any quiz results if you took them!

Our Group Watch will take place HERE tomorrow @ 4:00 p.m. EST!


  1. I enjoyed reading a couple of those links especially the first one. I’m a bit creeped out right now b/c I got ‘Cher’ on both quizzes and trust me, I am no Cher. LOL! Fun post, Meredith!

  2. I did both quizes and I got “Josh” as an anwser both times >< We are both pasionate ppl
    However, although I answer to the buzzfeed quiz, most of the options in the questions were too uch focused on parties , or the 'book' options were not my choices at all and same goes for the question "my kind of party"……The questions were not suited

  3. It will be my first time watching the movie as far as I can remember, I have been wanting for quite some to watch it. The group watch is a perfect occasion

  4. I just watched Clueless like two weeks ago, but I am definitely joining tonight for the group watch.
    I got Josh from the first quiz and Christian from the second one. I am down with Josh, but don’t think I am as elegant as Christian 😀

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."