Austenesque Novel Finds – January 2016

Austenesque Novel Finds – January 2016

Curious about all the Austenesque novels published this past month?  Well here they are! 🙂 *This list will be updated in the next couple of days as amazon sometimes takes a day or two to show newly added releases in search results… […]

Guest Post with Author Pamela Lynne!

Guest Post with Author Pamela Lynne!

Hi readers!  Today I am very happy to share with you a guest post from author Pamela Lynne.  Her visit today isn’t in conjunction with any of her books or about a new release, but rather to celebrate the launch a […]

Affections and Wishes – Anngela Schroeder

Affections and Wishes – Anngela Schroeder

History and Familiarity Verses The Unpredictable Unknown Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Austen-Inspired Original SETTING: Modern-day, small town USA MAIN CHARACTERS: Emma Sanders, Warner Hall (History teacher at Emma’s school), […]