Austenesque Novel Finds – January 2016


Curious about all the Austenesque novels published this past month?  Well here they are! 🙂

*This list will be updated in the next couple of days as amazon sometimes takes a day or two to show newly added releases in search results…

**This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations.

(Some of these books are for Mature Audiences only, make sure you read all book descriptions carefully before purchasing!)


Austenesque Novel Finds – January 2016

stars in morocco Accusing Elizabeth Austen in Austin Becoming Mr. Darcy2 Cousin Anne

A Little Whimsical in His Civilities by J. Marie Croft

Accusing Elizabeth by Jennifer Joy

Austen in Austin, Volume 1: Four Texas-Set Novellas Based on Jane Austen’s Novels by Susanne Dietze, Anita Mae Draper, Debra E. Marvin, and Gina Welborn

Becoming Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Prequel by Kate Bedlow

Cousin Anne by Diane H. Morris

Decisions and Consequences  Mansfield Restored  None But You Nonesensibility 1 Pride & Prrejudice...& Shakespeare

Decisions and Consequences: A Pride and Prejudice Novel Variation by Zoe Burton

Mansfield Restored by Ronald McGowan

None But You (Austen Inspirations Book 2) by Franky A. Brown

Nonsensibility by Valerie Estelle Frankel

Pride & Prejudice… & Shakespeare by M. Mitchell

You Give Love a Bad Name Welcome to Longborn unfront

Undeceived by Karen M. Cox

Welcome to Longborn by M.K. McGowan

You Give Love a Bad Name (Mirabelle Harbor #3) by Marilyn Brant


Works Published as Ebooks Only

A Sensual Retelling: Persuasion by Isabelle Woodward

A Sultry Spring:  A Pride and Prejudice Sensuous Seasons Series by Belle Jansen

Darcy’s Deliverance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (Denial and Deliverance Book 2) by Carolyn Whyte

Darcy and Elizabeth What If? Collection #3 by Jennifer Lang

Living Austen by Nancy Saylor

Mary Crawford: Revisiting at Mansfield Park by Julie Braun Kessler

Meryton Medley: Four Pride and Prejudice Novelettes by Cassandra B. Leigh

One More Chance by Ola Wegner

Second Opinions: A Lizzy and Dr. Darcy Story (Meryton Medical Romances Book 2) by Ruby Cruz

Spectres at Longbourn: Pride and Prejudice and Witches (Lizzy Bennet Ghost Hunter Book 2) by Jemma Thorne

Spells Spoken Lightly: Pride and Prejudice and Witches by April Floyd

The Darcys of Pemberley (Elizabeth Darcy of Pemberley Book 3) by Maggi J. Coxon

The Return of the Gallant Vicar: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Barbara Silkstone

What Would Lizzy Bennet Do? (The Jane Austen Factor, Book 1) by Katie Oliver



Out of these 24 books, I haven’t read any yet…but I have Undeceived and You Give Love a Bad Name on my TBR list!  Greatly looking forward to reading both of those!  I’m also intrigued by Austen in Austin (love the title!), A Little Whimsical in His Civilities, Accusing Elizabeth, and None But You.


Have you read any of these books?  Which ones do you want to read?

Click here to see the past month’s Austenesque Novel Finds!



  1. I have read four and am well into the fifth…it is just so difficult to keep up. Thank you for the list, some of it reminding me of other books I want to read. Austen in Austin is one of those for me also.

  2. Thanks for this Meredith. Accusing Elizabeth has fantastic reviewsvon Amazon so quite fancy reading this one

      1. I enjoyed Accusing Elizabeth very much as well… Twists and turns and plot points invited me onward… I enjoyed the sense of helping each other and family generated in this novel and little insights helped you think you had it figured out, then you were certain you did not, and it twisted back again… which I enjoy. I read for total pleasure and tension adjustment and some day (I always say) I would love to write a little myself… in meantime… I devour P and P variations that are good and watch for those which are great!

        1. Ooh! You are making me even more interested! I love twists and turns!! and be surprised! That’s wonderful that you want to write, Mary! You should definitely give it a go! 😉

  3. I’ve heard wonderful things about it too, so I can’t wait to read it. I loved Jennifer Joy’s other books. So many of the others sound so tempting! Wish I could read as fast as Elizabeth in ‘Haunting Mr Darcy’ 😀

    1. Thanks for checking out the list, Rita! I enjoyed seeing the cover for Accusing Elizabeth, sounds like an intriguing story! Looking forward to seeing which ones you will read next!

  4. Adore the cover on Cousin Anne–and I always love to see someone focusing on that supposedly unpromising character. And Nonsensibility looks like a hoot! Gotta love a mashup.

  5. A Sensual Retelling Persuasion sounds good. Because of the lack of Persuasion follow ons I’m inclined to snap up anyone that comes along. Mansfield Restored also sounds interesting but is a tad pricey for 150 pages. However, still going on the TBR pile.

  6. I have read ‘Darcy’s Denial’ and will be starting ‘Darcy’s Deliverance’ very shortly! Can’t wait for your review once you read them. There are a couple I have just added to my ‘wishlist’ (Jennifer Joy’s, Kate Bedlow’s to name a couple) so thank you for compiling this list so we don’t miss any!

  7. I have read none of these so far. Some I’d heard of, but others were new to me. Thanks for posting this Meredith! I have no idea how you found all these 🙂

    1. I’m glad you found the list helpful and that it showed you some new books! Amazon is my informant when it comes to making these lists. I would be lost without them! 😉

  8. Accusing Elizabeth. Accused of what?. I agree with you, it’s very intriguing!. And I love the cover as well as “Austen in Austin”: they look like paintings 🙂

      1. Did she or didn’t she? What will it impact? What won’t it impact? You’ll have to read and find out… What mischief and timing as things unfold! You need to read this one!

  9. I’ve read none of them, but I’m reading Undeceived at the moment. I see five that I want to read already. Glad for your lists.

  10. A Little Whimsical in His Civilities by J. Marie Croft – I just read this and absolutely LOVED it! I loved the rich humorous language, the angst Darcy is going through in many scenes we can related to… Delicious humor and fun… Well done!

      1. I can hear you! I’m impressed! I can’t wait to read more… What are your favorite books and writers?

        1. I haven’t read any of Meredith’s January finds yet (other than the one its editors and I proofread ad nauseam). 😉
          Regency-era JAFF is usually my preference, but you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be reading Undeceived by Karen M. Cox!

          1. Yes Undeceived is next in my Kindle!!! Keep writing wonderful well thought out novels… I promise I will keep reading them! I appreciate the depth and the intricate humor… I laughed out loud and woke up my husband reading your book! Talk about stress relief! You are appreciated 🙂

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