Cover Reveal Side by Side, Apart!!!

Cover Reveal Side by Side, Apart!!!

So as a cover-junkie I have to admit that these cover reveal posts are becoming one of my favorite new types of posts!  I love looking at covers and wondering more about the story that’s about to unfold.   I […]

The Black Moth – Georgette Heyer

The Black Moth – Georgette Heyer

Setting Her Precedent at Such An Early Age Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased This is the eighth book by Georgette Heyer I’ve had the pleasure of reading, but it is actually the first one she published – […]

Austenesque Agenda – April 2016

Austenesque Agenda – April 2016

Again, I must thank all you lovely friends and readers for your patience with me this last month.  I know I haven’t been around the blog as much as I would have liked to! And now I will tell you […]