Love Will Grow – P.O. Dixon

Love Will Grow – P.O. Dixon

What If Anne Was Ardently in Love with Darcy?    Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Variation TIME FRAME: Elizabeth’s visit to Hunsford Parsonage MAIN CHARACTERS: Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy, Anne […]

Ardent Admirer – Sylvia

Ardent Admirer – Sylvia

Hello and welcome Austenites to my guest post. My heartfelt thanks go to Team Austenesque for providing an avenue to share my story on how I discovered and fell in love with all things concerning Jane Austen. One of my […]

Ardent Admirer – Anna

Ardent Admirer – Anna

An Ardent Admirer Survey What is the first Austenesque novel you ever read? Either Mr. Darcy’s Diary by Amanda Grange or Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter, and I think it was way back in 2007.  I remember being surprised that there was […]

Summer Reading 2012

Summer Reading 2012

I just have 5 DAYS left and then I am on SUMMER VACATION!!!  I cannot wait! While I’m not completely work-free (I teach piano lessons year round!) I am greatly looking forward to spending time in the hammock or driving […]