Austenesque ARC Giveaway #5!

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #5!

Is it weird that one of my favorite things to do over time off from holiday breaks is to clean, organize, go through our belongings, and remove things from my house?!? What did I do over Christmas break? Clean and […]

Austenesque Reviews Quoted!

Austenesque Reviews Quoted!

When I started Austenesque Reviews more than four years ago, never did I imagine that quotes from my reviews would be used by authors and publishers!  I’m so thrilled and honored each time I spot an Austenesque Reviews quote on […]

Austenesque Author Websites

Want to learn more about Austenesque authors and their novels?  Here is a list of some Austenesque author websites: GROUP WEBSITES Meryton Press White Soup Press Wytherngate Press A Susan Adriani Pamela Aidan Joan Aiken Marsha Altman Karen Aminadra D.M. […]