Fitzwilliam Darcy, Traitor – Jennifer Joy

Danger and Devotion, Murder and Misjudgments, Truth and Treason

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Gift from Friend

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

THE PREMISE: After the Netherfield Ball, Mrs. Bennet cunningly arranges for Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy to transport her two eldest daughters to London in hopes that one or both of them will secure a husband. But the journey is full of unexpected peril and adversity as they are beset upon by unscrupulous highwaymen and become stranded at an abandoned cottage, with one of their party falling ill and another later being accused of murder and treason…


This tale is brimming with so much excitement and adventure! Mr. Darcy is misunderstood and falsely accused – but not just by Elizabeth Bennet! His crimes are much more serious and the public outcry is already producing irreparable harm to his reputation and his well-being. And whether due to treacherous weather or the need to escape and remain undetected from others Darcy and Elizabeth find themselves forced together in close quarters quite often. So while one half of this story is full of danger and risk, the other half is comprised of new awareness, frank revelations, and tender moments.

Even though I adored the thrill of this breakneck adventure, my favorite aspect of this tale was the gradually-paced development of Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s relationship. How Elizabeth first begins to doubt her initial impression of Mr. Darcy, how she begins to find him admirable and attractive, and how her respect and esteem for him blossoms into the passionate love for which she has always yearned. And I equally loved observing how Mr. Darcy continues to value all of Elizabeth’s excellent qualities and all the ways he tries to safeguard her and protect her. They were quite a pair – Elizabeth fearlessly trying to help Mr. Darcy regardless of the risk and Mr. Darcy succumbing to an irrevocable love yet striving to maintain his distance because of his uncertain future.

In addition to this satisfying romance, readers will witness an abundance of exciting action – with impossible obstacles, clever schemes, and lots of bravery. It is a whirlwind! I loved the exhilaration – the new twists at every corner and the mounting danger and threats. In addition, I also loved the quiet moments in between all the action and adventure – the sweet scenes where inner thoughts and meaningful revelations are shared. Jennifer Joy has proven once again that she excels at crafting together an engrossing tale that harmoniously blends together romance, drama, action, and suspense. My only quibble is that there were a few occasions where it felt like some details were missing – either in the scene description/action sequences or with a character’s actions or motives. One big area where more explanation felt needed was Wickham’s part in this imbroglio.

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Traitor is a sensational and stirring tale that is as sweet as it is suspenseful! An excellent choice for readers who want to see Darcy and Elizabeth fearlessly encounter calamities, danger, and unexpected love side by side.

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  1. Hi Meredith!
    I´ve never read any novel of Jennifer Joy and seeing you´ve enjoyed this one so very much I´ll put it on my wishlist! I love when D&E face danger together and combine their abilities to overcome it. I wonder how Darcy can be accused of murder but knowing Wickham is near I shouldn´t be surprised…
    Thank you very much for the review! 🙂

  2. I have read many of Jennifer’s books, including this one. I loved it as I’m a big fan of Elizabeth and Darcy fighting to safeguard the other.
    I’m glad you enjoyed it so much Meredith!

  3. We’re going to have a soggy cool weekend up here in the PNW and this book sounds like just the thing for a long weekend bundled up on the couch with my pups. Thank you for the review!

  4. This is a great review!
    I loved this book both for personal reasons (I promised it as a treat to myself after a very difficult deadline at a work project) but also because it started this Jennifer Joy series that turns more into Romance while keeping the Suspense and Mystery elements we know from her previous books.
    Especially this book has a premise that I find rare in JAFF and I’d like to see it explored more:
    Mr. Darcy loses his good name! He’s regarded as a traitor, so all that pride is crashed to pieces and he has to see himself for what he really is, not what his station and his family make him.
    Don’t get me wrong, I know we have seen many poor Darcys but that is a different thing (in some cases so different that it could be Sam Smith and not Fitzwilliam Darcy.) In this story, Joy pulls the rug under his feet in such a way that we are forced to wonder about his true nature. This idea itself is so powerful that the whodunit-and-how element falls back in priority.
    I’d like more of the romance and more of the soul-searching but it’s more than a 5 stars novel for me: after hundreds of variations my basic criterion is “Do I remember this?” and “Do I want to read it again?” and in both cases, the answer is “Yes!”
    (And all that despite despising the male model on the cover!!!)  

    If anyone knows of a variation with a similar plot device please let me know!!!

  5. I’m so glad you liked this one, Meredith. I loved it, and have reread it or listened to the audio book multiple times. I’ve read and enjoyed all of Jennifer Joy’s books, love her writing in general, love the fact that there’s a mystery going on in each story. This one is a fave.

  6. I had no idea you were reading Traitor! (Excuse me for a moment while I jump up and down squealing, “Meredith liked my book!!!”) Thank you for your lovely review. And to the dear readers who’ve commented above, Thank You! You’ll have another Darcy & Lizzy romance-adventure soon

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