An Unexpected Harvest – Cat Andrews

An Encompassing Story about Embracing a Deep and Irrevocable Love

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Modern Adaptation

SETTING: Modern-day, Stockbridge and Boston, Massachusetts

SYNOPSIS: Elizabeth Bennet – a smart, savvy, and affluent creative director for a Boston advertising agency – was brought up with good principles by her father, but was also taught to think meanly of her hometown and the people beyond her family circle. And when she travels back to the place that she used to call home, she has a haughty manner, a snobbish attitude, and insults Stockbridge’s most eligible bachelor, who she has mocking dubbed “Farmer Darcy.” But after spending more time in his company Elizabeth finds herself undeniably drawn to Will Darcy and hoping the feeling is mutual…


  • The Mountains are Calling: After being utterly enchanted by how Cat Andrews incorporated the charming coastal setting of Great Diamond Island in her Sanctuary series, I was elated to learn that she once again chose a setting full of natural wonder and beauty – the Berkshires. With Ms. Andrews’s descriptions of the quaint town of Stockbridge, the farming community, and all the country sites and arresting scenery her characters encounter, the reader is able to experience small-town life in New England with all their senses. I can’t decide which appeals to my sense of taste more Sky’s scones or Mrs. Darcy’s cinnamon rolls! 😋
  • The Character Dynamics: Cat Andrews demonstrates once again that she is quite masterful at playing with role reversals. Similar to Sanctuary this story is P&Pish – an original tale that borrows some characters and themes but that doesn’t closely follow the plot events of Jane Austen’s story. And in this story, readers see the situations swapped. Elizabeth is parentless, wealthy, and aloof and Darcy is the witty country boy needing to prepare for an uncertain future. In addition, there are several other swaps that are clever and surprising to discover. I really appreciated the thoughtfulness and purposefulness of these role reversals. They were well-planned and well-executed.
  • Elizabeth and Will: I adored both of these characters and the journeys they went on individually and together. I loved seeing them go from misunderstandings and offending/awkward exchanges to honest discussions and searing passion. And I especially enjoyed the maturity and growth in their relationship. Cat Andrews illustrates a healthy yet realistic relationship between two emotionally-available adults who are learning to adapt their styles of communicating and consider each other’s perspectives. In addition, she also incorporates the conflicts of long-distance relationships and what happens when both parties need to reconcile with the differences in their upbringings, careers, and lifestyles.
  • Family Affairs: Beyond Darcy and Elizabeth there are other relationships developing with and between the secondary characters of this story. Some of my favorites were the family relationships between their parents and siblings. I loved all the sibling interactions (those Darcy boys! 😍) and I especially admired how both Will and Elizabeth worked through their complicated relationships with their fathers. The changes, the healing, the opening up these characters did was moving to witness.
  • Pemberley Farms: I love this farm and everything about it! (Fun Fact: If you asked me what I was six what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer was a farmer!) I loved witnessing all of Will’s projects and the struggles of being a farmer in our modern-day world. It was so interesting to learn about each new development and what they entailed. And I especially adored seeing all the animals – Skip, Barnum, and most of all Fred. 🐐


  • I could jestingly say that Will Darcy was almost too perfect, but I sort’ve loved him that way.

NOTE: This story contains uses of profanity and several romantic interludes and intimate scenes. Recommended for mature audiences.


With An Unexpected Harvest Cat Andrews presents a soul-bearing and emotionally-stirring romance that is authentic, sensitive, and compelling. An excellent choice for readers who love encompassing and thoughtful contemporary romances! I’ve come to adore Ms. Andrews’s exceptionally-developed and introspective approach to portraying her characters, her creative departures from Jane Austen’s novels, and her exquisite use of setting. I sincerely hope she continues to write more!

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  1. I totally, totally agree with this absolutely fabulous review. I love this book as I also love the Sanctuary series and have already read it several times. I will definitely be reading them all many times more and can’t wait for her next one.

  2. I loved the personality reversals in this book it was so well done t couldn’t put it down as always such as Santuary Cat Andrews Has done it again APPLAUSE

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