Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Sallianne Hines!!!

Happy Friday, friends! I am very excited to welcome Sallianne Hines to Austenesque Reviews today! Sallianne has been a long-time reader and friend to this blog and I am so excited that she just recently released her first novel – Her Summer at Pemberley! I love stories about the other Bennet sisters, and I love seeing stories about Kitty, because her character is perhaps one of the least formed. Sallianne is sharing a little about her Kitty who has a passion for horses!! 📖🐴

I am delighted to share Kitty Bennet’s story, Her Summer at Pemberley, with the readers of “Austenesque Reviews.”

Coming to Austen rather late (in my 40s), I discovered her via the 1995 Colin/Jennifer television version of P&P. Unbelievably I had never been required to read Austen, even during college. I had heard of Mr. Darcy but assumed the stories were uptight “bonnet” tales. Imagine my surprise when I discovered how wrong I was! After viewing the series, I read all the novels and juvenilia, including the unfinished works and many letters. I longed for more.

I had no idea Fan Fiction existed until my daughter surprised me with Mr. Darcy’s Diary (Grange) for my birthday. Delivery services soon beat a well-worn path to my door bringing all manner of JAFF books, some amazing (my favorite is Aidan’s trilogy) and some dreadful.

Kitty always struck me as the sister most ‘stuck’ in the Bennet family. Jane and Lizzy had each other. Kitty’s only choice was Mary, or to tag along in Lydia’s shadow. I knew Kitty had a story of her own to tell and I resolved to write it. Kitty’s story is my second novel written, first published.

Like me, Kitty is a horsewoman. Women’s riding was very restricted during those years, as were women’s social roles. Kitty is determined to break out of those constraints and finds a mentor in Lady Drake. Horses play an important part in Kitty’s life-changing summer at Pemberley.

The excerpt below takes place at a ball, with all the romantic and intriguing undercurrents we enjoy discovering involving our beloved characters and their situations. Enjoy!

~ Excerpt from Her Summer at Pemberley ~

The next dance was announced and Owen Wyndham approached, eyeing her carefully.

“You look positively parched, Miss Bennet. May I bring you some refreshment before we dance?”

His awareness surprised her and she was happy for the chance to catch her breath.

“Thank you. You are most kind. My first partners have kept me very busy indeed.”

He nodded thoughtfully and offered his arm, which she took gratefully. After procuring lemonade and a biscuit, he led her near to the doors that opened onto the terrace and a big starry sky.

“The candlelight is nice enough,” he mused, “but for myself, Miss Bennet, I prefer the stars.” He looked up at the sky and then into her eyes.

Again a small thrill chased through her body but she could not fathom why.

“I have watched you on the floor tonight. I compliment you on your fine dancing. You are graceful. Athletic even. I imagine you sit a horse well.”

She stared at him in surprise. Did he know of her love for riding? Or was this a lucky guess? Curious, she was emboldened to speak.

“Thank you, Mr. Owen, but pray, how did you know I ride?”

His face flushed and he looked at her with a sheepish grin.

“Lady Drake informed me. She came to see our new foal and mentioned how pleased she was to have another equestrienne in the neighborhood. She spoke of an upcoming ladies’ ride, and I readily offered my services as a guide.”

Kitty was amused and flattered.

“You honor me, sir. Riding is my passion, more so than for many women; although Lady Drake may be one to share my level of enthusiasm. I am excited for the ladies’ ride. I like exploring nearly as much as riding.”

She looked out the door, momentarily self-conscious about sharing so much so quickly, but then recovered herself.

“I am pleased you will escort us. Mr. Darcy speaks highly of your expertise with horses. I value his judgment above all.”

Her partner flushed. The present dance was nearly finished.

“May I still have the honor of dancing with you, Miss Bennet, if you are now refreshed?”

“I should like that very much.”

Owen Wyndham proved a fine dancer in spite of his protests. Kitty was sure he must be a superior rider as well. He led the dance with power and grace, and kept his eyes on her but not in a way that made her uncomfortable. They did not have much conversation, but somehow that was not awkward. It felt right; almost as if the conversation took place on a wordless level, as it might with a horse. The partnership of the dance itself was not unlike riding horseback, and Kitty delighted in the sensations and was sorry when the set concluded.

During the next interval the four young ladies gathered together—with Benjamin, who would not leave Georgiana’s side. In order for the ladies to speak in confidence, Georgiana made him a request.

“Might you fetch me a cup of punch, sir? I find I am still thirsty.” He bowed and was off.

Then she turned to Kitty. “You opened the ball with such elegance; you were a fine match with my brother.”

“Thank you. It was a little frightening at first, but he is a strong partner. The whole world seemed to light up like magic. I am so grateful … such a memorable night … I cannot express …” she paused, breathless.

“I saw you dance with Mr. Benjamin at least twice, am I correct?” Julia asked.

Georgiana blushed. “Three times. Do you think anyone is counting? I hope to partner him at least once more, preferably for the final dance; that always seems the most romantic.”

Julia laughed. “I doubt anyone here is counting. This is not Almack’s, after all. We are a friendly neighborhood and, if one is to dance every dance, one must partner with some gentlemen more than twice. Besides, several of the older gentlemen who were dancing have now retired to the card room. No, I think you are safe, Georgiana; at least from counting. I must say though, your regard for each other is quite apparent to anyone looking for such a clue.”

“Even to those not looking!” chimed Matilda. “Do not ever choose to be an actress, Georgiana; your performance would be poor indeed.”

Their laugh was interrupted by a sultry voice.

“What delicious gossip amuses you, ladies?”

They turned to see Miss Lucy Jamison, radiant in an elegant gown the color of the morning sky.

“And does this evening’s ball please you, Miss Jamison?”

“Oh, most assuredly. Mr. Drake claimed the first two with me, of course. He cuts quite the dash. He and my brother are very good friends, you know. My brother Douglas, that is. They are both so worldly—always riding off to Town or to some watering hole or other. As elder sons, they have social reputations to keep and business connections to make.”

Lucy smoothed her skirt before continuing. “I did notice, Miss Darcy, that Mr. Benjamin favors your company. Of course, younger sons must look to their fortunes as well. I believe he is studying the law, am I correct?” She lifted an inquisitive brow.

Kitty watched in fascination as a neutral mask slipped over Georgiana’s features, similar to what Kitty had seen on Lizzy in certain social situations.

“I cannot tell you. He and I are not on intimate terms; we are merely neighbors of long standing. I imagine the law, or the church, or the Navy would be suitable options for him, as for any second son. Pray, what are the professional plans of Mr. Owen?”

Lucy tittered. “Poor Owen. I believe he would prefer to be a stable boy above anything. However, the church is the likely profession for him. He lacks the swagger of an officer, in my opinion. And what of your brother, Miss Stapleton? As eldest, he will of course inherit.”

Matilda scowled. “Our brother is dedicated to science, and schools himself in Edinburgh with our uncle, a well-known geologist. Of course Andrew will inherit. But he will accomplish much in his field as well.”

“Very true. The men have so many choices. Do you have a young man in the neighborhood that you prefer, Miss Matilda?”

Matilda’s scowl deepened.

“Oh, I fear I am too impertinent. I do beg your pardon.”

Christopher’s deep voice intruded on the awkward silence left in the wake of Lucy’s comment.

“Such a bevy of beauties. How shall I choose only one? The next dance begins soon. May I solicit your hand, Miss Darcy? And, if Miss Stapleton is not already engaged, might she save the next for me?”

Both ladies curtsied their consent.

Lucy huffed. Angry blotches burst out on her pale complexion. She glared at Christopher, turned up her nose and flounced off, leaving confused expressions on the faces of the other young ladies and a knowing smirk on Christopher’s.

“Some ladies enjoy a game and a challenge,” he quipped. He made a little bow in the direction of Lucy’s departure. “Checkmate, Miss Lucy.” Inexplicably, he failed to notice the wide-eyed shock expressed on the countenances of the ladies surrounding him; or perhaps he noticed but did not care.


Thank you so much for sharing, Sallianne! I love learning that you are a horse-lover as well! I always enjoy it when authors put a bit of themselves into their characters! Thank you for sharing this lovely excerpt from Her Summer at Pemberley…it sounds like there is a lively bunch of young friends for Kitty to mingle with…and maybe a troublemaker or two! I’m looking forward to reading more! 💗

Thanks, Meredith, for this opportunity to share Kitty’s story. Her Summer at Pemberley is available as an ebook and in paperback everywhere books are sold. There’s even a handy universal buying link at my website. Please visit to learn more about this book or about me, and to get information about upcoming books.

~ About Sallianne ~

Sallianne Hines is a great fan of all things Austen. Her Summer at Pemberley  is her debut novel. Two more books are in progress in this “Mothers, Sisters, Friends” group of Austen sequels. Another novel, Love & Stones, a contemporary women’s fiction with strong Austen flavor, features a seasoned heroine and will launch in June 2020. Sallianne is a lifelong horsewoman, mother of three, grandmother of eight, and shares her home with a boss cat and two dogs (who give way to said cat). They all live in a little house on the prairie. Really.


Today, Sallianne brings with her ONE copy of her new release Her Summer at Pemberley for me to give away to ONE lucky reader! (ebook for international readers, ebook or paperback for readers in the US, UK, or Australia)

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, a question, or some love for Sallianne!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide (ebook prize only).  Thank you, Sallianne!
  • This giveaway ends May 29th!
  • Please enter this contest with just one name and one entry, multiple entries will be disqualified.


  1. I enjoyed the excerpt! I look forward to reading this and seeing Kitty find her HEA. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  2. Congratulations Sallianne! Brava for taking your love of horses and Pride & Prejudice, especially Kitty, and writing a novel! Kitty has always had a special place in my heart…most ignored, as well as Mary, and least developed. I have your book on my wish list since Meredith brought it to our attention at least a month ago. The excerpt has certainly peaked my interest even further. I do look forward to reading it whether I win in your giveaway or not! Thank you!

    Again, Meredith, thank you for bringing a ‘new author’ to us!

  3. What an interesting excerpt! I look forward to reading this! Congrats on your first publication.

  4. Quite a fascinating excerpt! I usually stick to books which have Darcy and Elizabeth as the main characters, but as this is set at Pemberley I imagine they will be part of the story.
    I would like to find out who all the other characters in this excerpt are!
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Yes, Kitty is a most neglected sister and I agree that that group of ladies could be troublesome or at least a group in which you might want to be careful what you say or share. Thanks for sharing here. Best wishes on this your first release.

  6. I have just finished your book and was very impressed with the storyline, the explanations of the feelings of the people involved and the review of the countryside. Made me feel like I knew the people and lived in the surrounding area. I didn’t realize you were such an accomplished writer until now. Very proud of you.
    Barb Harding Hines

  7. I very much enjoyed this excerpt, Sallianne!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us and for your generous giveaway!

    And congratulations on the launch of your first novel!!!! Yay!!!! 😀

    Wishing you great success!!

    Susanne 🙂

  8. Thanks to Meredith for hosting [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. Thanks to Sallianne and her publisher for the generous giveaway. I think the horse is a most beautiful animal. My only experience was when a group of classmates got together and I was given the ‘obedience school dropout’ as a mount. Yep, it was not a good experience. I think they did it on purpose. You never give an inexperience rider the most obstinate stubborn animal alive. It nearly ruined me for horses forever.

    I love the cover on this book. The lace shows the delicate nature of Kitty and then the woman on the horse shows her strength. Great choice. Being a good horsewoman was a necessary accomplishment.

    This gaggle of friends was hilarious. Georgiana and Kitty have Caroline Bingley ever with them. That sounded just like something our Caro would say. What fun. Thanks for sharing this delightful excerpt. I want to know more about these ladies and gentleman. On my wish-list this goes. Stay safe and healthy, everyone.

  9. Ooooihhhh. Sounds wonderful. Games of intrigue…and horses! What’s better? LOL. Looking forward to reading it all. Best of luck!! ~ Amy Z

  10. Congratulations on your book. I enjoy reading when Kitty comes alive on her own – out of Lydia’s shadow. Thank you for sharing this excerpt and offering us a giveaway. I am anxious to see if Miss Jamison might be a relation of Caroline Bingley!

  11. Congratulations on your first book, and I look forward to reading about Kitty in her new way of life. I always felt bad that Kitty never had a voice in this P&P. I look forward to reading how she finds her new outlook on life.

  12. I”m always happy to see a story about Kitty. Love the excerpt and your web page shows you have a lot more planned. Thanks for sharing and best wishes with your first book.

  13. Really enjoyed this excerpt and looking forward go reading it! It’s so true that Kitty is somewhat neglected and I do like to think of her as becoming good friends with Georgiana when Elizabeth moved to Pemberley

  14. Congratulations on your first release of JAFF. Liked the excerpt, and look forward to reading your book. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

  15. Stories of the minor characters–except, IMO, Wickham- are a welcome diversion from my steady diet of Elizabeth and Darcy. Thank you.

  16. Congratulations on your first publication, Sallianne. As I love a good Kitty story, I’m really eager to read this. Thank you for the chance to win a copy. And I hope this is only the first of many more stories. Best of luck in all you do.

    p.s. Yay, horses!
    p.p.s Thank you as always Meredith

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